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Digital LSAT Tester Live (Opt-in Beta)



  • studentservicestudentservice Alum Member Administrator Moderator Student Services
    1421 karma

    @ld123456 Thanks for the awesome description!

    Looks like this right?

    We'll look into it!

  • 615 karma

    If unlimited time or single section is to happen later... is it possible to change the amount of time? I can just do a section from PT for single section drill, but want to do some unlimited time... if I had option to extend time to 2 hrs or so per section, it would be similar to having untimed option.

  • jasmine.lsatterjasmine.lsatter Alum Member
    72 karma

    I have to say that I love the built in timer! It helped so much with keeping me on track. And I love that you get only one question at a time. It can sometimes be overwhelming to see all of them staring at you together. Is there a way you can make it easier to review all questions? I like to go through all of them, and right now I am clicking on the explanation for each one. Is there a way you can just click next and have it automatically bring you to the explanation for the next question on the test rather than open up a new window for each answer?

  • Alan Cheuk-2Alan Cheuk-2 Administrator
    3128 karma

    @Lemongrab We will have an option to do problem sets in the future, but for now you can extend the amount of time you have with the timing options (third icon from the left, it looks like a clock) for up to 70m/section. You can also finish all the sections of the PT and then use BR for unlimited time.

    @"jasmine.lsatter" To go to the next explanation within a section you can click the "Next →" link on the right side underneath the explanation video, or tap the right arrow key on your keyboard as a shortcut. To go to another explanation in the same PT, you can click on the corresponding link underneath the "Notes" section.

  • fycw2068fycw2068 Alum Member
    404 karma

    @"Alan Cheuk" said:
    @Lemongrab We will have an option to do problem sets in the future, but for now you can extend the amount of time you have with the timing options (third icon from the left, it looks like a clock) for up to 70m/section. You can also finish all the sections of the PT and then use BR for unlimited time.

    Along similar lines... can we check the answers of a section of a PT without completing the entire PT? It seems like the only way to check a section is to complete the entire PT.

    Unrelated, will the tester become more compatible with tablets (like iPads)?

  • edited May 2019 615 karma

    Trying to delete digital PT data causes 7sage app to crash on iPad Pro 2nd 10.5 iOS 12.2

    • I know it’s not directly related to the digital lsat development, but are you guys planning on making the 7sage app support split screen? Really hope it'd would be possible...
  • jasmine.lsatterjasmine.lsatter Alum Member
    edited May 2019 72 karma

    @"Alan Cheuk" Thank you! This is exactly what I need (and of course embarrassingly simple).

  • Alan Cheuk-2Alan Cheuk-2 Administrator
    edited May 2019 3128 karma

    @yafrcho In the future you will be able to use the digital tester to take individual or combinations of sections/games/passages/questions. This won't be available for a while though, sorry! In the meantime, you are right that the best way to see info on a specific section is to grade the whole PT. For the tablet support, what issues are you seeing right now? We fixed many of the issues in the past few weeks. If you are using the iOS app, have you updated to the latest version? The newest version became available for download yesterday.

    @Lemongrab Have you updated to the latest version? This crash on delete problem should be fixed in the newest, which version became available for download yesterday. We hadn't thought about split screen support before. We are looking into how hard it would be to do now.

    @"jasmine.lsatter" Fantastic, glad it helps!

  • Alan Cheuk-2Alan Cheuk-2 Administrator
    edited May 2019 3128 karma

    Major Changes to Tester
    We just rolled out a big round of changes to the tester. We recommend using force refresh to make sure you pick up these changes (link at bottom of page). If anything is broken, please let us know!

    Question Timing
    Question timing is now displayed in the fourth column of the question table. The first number is the number of minutes (rounded to nearest 1/10th of a minute). Next to that is a horizontal bar(s). The bars represent how long you took on a question. If you leave a question then come back for another round, there will be a bar for each round with gaps in between. The bar is gray where you didn't have an response selected, red where you have an incorrect response selected, and green where you have the correct response selected. The answer choices are displayed in small text below.

    Question timing really only works for PTs you take now, not old ones you took before. If you took a PT on the digital tester before now, you should still get some basic timing display (total time and rounds), but no information on correct/incorrect response

    Initial Game/Passage Timing
    Note that when you are taking a passage or game, there is a button that says something like "Stop game time tracking" or "Continue game time tracking". This lets you tell the tester when you are doing the initial read/setup of a game/passage. This prevents the first question of a game/passage from having an inflated total time. You can "Continue" the time tracking later if you accidentally stop it or need to for some other reason.

    This is a non-standard feature - it won't be there on test day. It's in the tester because it helps you accurately track your timing while you're training for test day.

    Right now initial game/passage timing isn't shown on Analytics, but it is recorded and we will expose that information in Analytics in the future.

    Until now, the QuickView button was the far right column of the question table. We changed it so that now the question name (2nd column from left) acts as the QuickView button. This was done to make the table more compact. The table was getting pretty wide with the addition of the Timing column today, and the Model column in January.

  • Alan Cheuk-2Alan Cheuk-2 Administrator
    3128 karma

    We rolled out another set of changes (you may need to force refresh to see them). The biggest changes are:

    Collapse Responses
    The collapse response option now appears when there is not enough space for all the responses on the screen. Please note that unlike eliminations, collapsing is not saved. So if you close the tester and then continue the same test, collapsed responses will not be preserved.

    Scrollbars appear when there is not enough space for the content, like it does on the LSAC tester. Question stem no longer scrolls with question responses. Question responses are now scrolled independently of the stem.

  • PreWorkoutPreWorkout Alum Member
    198 karma

    Is there any way that we would be able to use this Digital platform to drill Logical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension?

  • Alan Cheuk-2Alan Cheuk-2 Administrator
    3128 karma

    @"Middle Child referential phrase" Not now, but this is planned for the future. This will take us some time, so it won't be coming in the near future, sorry!

  • Alan Cheuk-2Alan Cheuk-2 Administrator
    edited May 2019 3128 karma

    Public Beta
    We just moved the digital tester from opt-in beta to public beta! So you no longer need to opt-in through the accounts screen. Everyone can use the digital tester for any PTs they have access to on their account.

    When you're ready to take a PrepTest, click on "Blind Review, Score and Review" for the PrepTest you want to take:

    Note that you'll only have access to the PrepTests included in your course. Free users have access to the June 2007 PrepTest only.

    Alternatively, you can also go to Analytics. Then, select the PrepTest you'd like to take and you will see an option to take the PrepTest digitally, like this:

  • NicolekhNicolekh Alum Member
    335 karma

    Hi @"Alan Cheuk" -
    I wanted to bring up a couple issues, specifically within LR. When I would go to next question oftentimes the formatting would be messed up and the upper bar would be halfway down on the screen so the question would be cut off or I wouldn't see it in its entirety, and also when going from one question to the next the question wouldn't load which resulted in losing a lot of time. Also, apologies if anyone has already mentioned this. I was using an iPad. Thanks for all you do!

  • Alan Cheuk-2Alan Cheuk-2 Administrator
    edited May 2019 3128 karma

    @Nicolekh Thank you for alerting us about this! Has this only been happening in the last couple of days, or has this been a problem for you for longer? We were able to reproduce this issue and are investigating.

    In the meantime, while we're working on this, resizing the window (or rotating the device) when the display goes wonky could help. On our side it fixed the display for some reason.

  • NicolekhNicolekh Alum Member
    335 karma

    @"Alan Cheuk" said:
    @Nicolekh Thank you for alerting us about this! Has this only been happening in the last couple of days, or has this been a problem for you for longer? We were able to reproduce this issue and are investigating.

    In the meantime, while we're working on this, resizing the window (or rotating the device) when the display goes wonky could help. On our side it fixed the display for some reason.

    @"Alan Cheuk" I just starting taking PTs digitally, so I don't know if it has been happening longer.
    Sorry I can't help more! Thank you for looking into it!

  • PreWorkoutPreWorkout Alum Member
    198 karma

    for optimal use are we supposed to use the digital format on the 7sage app? an issue that I'm having is that in the reading comp section, the passage moves from side to side and makes it difficult to highlight/underline.

  • maya.josefamaya.josefa Alum Member
    10 karma

    I'm having trouble using my Microsoft Surface for the digital beta -- I click the "Enter Answer Digital Beta" button but nothing opens or pops up. It's a first generation surface so that may be the problem but I'd love some assistance so I can practice the digital beta on my tablet. #help

  • beezmoofbeezmoof Alum Member
    555 karma

    @"Alan Cheuk" thanks for the update!! I was just about to message you asking for an explanation.

  • StayPositiveStayPositive Alum Member
    32 karma

    I am loving the digital app on 7Sage. I particularly enjoy the timing analytics. Great job. I am looking forward to when I'll be able to drill sections and Q types. I find going digital has made it easier to study and see my mistakes. Thanks again!!

  • parkeunyparkeuny Alum Member
    162 karma

    @studentservice the app crashed in the middle of my PT, and when I re-launched the app, it said I had the right amount of time remaining for the section. However, when I clicked "Start" the minutes in between the app crashing and when I resumed my section had gone by, and I wanted to extend the time I had to solve the section by just 5 minutes (how much I lost) but there's no way to do that.

  • AndybrewAndybrew Member
    41 karma

    Does anyone know if all the tests are available in the online format? I can only see a few with the online format

  • 70 karma

    hey, JY, I have been trying to create problem sets for PT44 logical reasoning questions, however, in the problem set page, When I clicked the logical reasoning category, the search(or filter) long rectangular box is missing, and after I clicked that, I cannot change the PT ranges, got frustrated.

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