PT10.S4.Q19 - Many people change their wills

shdov426shdov426 Alum Member
edited May 2019 in Logical Reasoning 58 karma

I know this question is pretty old but I am trying to improve on Flaw questions. Could anyone explain why ACA is the correct answer? It seems that the argument is addressing both the dating of wills and the superseding of previous wills thus addressing the entire problem previously discussed. Is the problem, however, that the argument treats this smaller solution to a minor problem of a much bigger problem, as a solution to that much bigger problem? I choose ACB so this question definitely tripped me up. Thanks!


  • BlindReviewerBlindReviewer Alum Member
    855 karma

    The issue here is that we won't know which wills are more recent and which one is the most recent. The proposal is that we write on each will which one it supersedes. So this solves the first problem (identifying between two wills which one is more recent) but it doesn't tell us which one is the MOST recent. If the most recent one is lost then we won't know if the most recent one we have is actually the most recent overall.

    B is talking about preventing a situation and containing the bad effects of a situation, which just isn't what's happening here.

  • shdov426shdov426 Alum Member
    58 karma

    Thank you!

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