WashU $$ or Georgetown?

LLLL1111LLLL1111 Alum Member

Hi 7sagers,

With deposit deadlines looming, I could use your thoughts on law school choices. I am stuck between Georgetown and Washington University in St. Louis. I was offered almost half tuition $$ from WashU and nothing from Georgetown, which isn’t all that surprising given WashU’s tendency to lure student with $$ and Georgetown’s lack of generous scholarship offers. I want to do public interest immigration law in Chicago (or possibly D.C.) after graduation. I have already tried negotiating with Georgetown (though maybe I’m doing that wrong since it doesn’t seem to be working). Any thoughts or advice?


GT or WashU
  1. WashU or Georgetown?67 votes
    1. WashU
    2. Georgetown


  • Hopeful9812Hopeful9812 Member
    872 karma

    Congratulations!! If you already haven't, I would recommend talking to students who are already within the programs at each school. Sometimes the admissions office can help set this up if you don't know students who are in those programs. When applying to grad school, I always find hearing what other students have to say about the program and their experiences to be very helpful! If there is a very specific opportunity at Georgetown that is really interesting for you- I would also recommend seeing if such an opportunity is also present at WashU, and vice versa. Good luck & Congratulations!!

  • CantStopWontStopCantStopWontStop Alum Member
    1270 karma

    $100,000+ difference is a lot. I don't think that is worth the difference in prestige

  • GuillaumeGuillaume Alum Member
    652 karma

    If you're looking into public interest work, I would go with the option that minimizes the amount of debt you take on. From my understanding, prestige isn't as big of a factor for public interest compared to something like big law.

  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    3279 karma

    If you're 100% set on PI, Georgetown and plan on PSLF.

  • Sue Doe NimbSue Doe Nimb Alum Member
    183 karma

    The prestige difference between Georgetown and WUSTL is nominal. What matters most at the end of the day is employment. According to Law School Transparency, WUSTL has better placement outcomes (don't know how they determine this, as Georgetown does have close to 10% more graduates in big law. The scholarship is a big deal. Additionally, don't forget about the cost of living! Saint Louis is about as inexpensive a city as you can find. Ultimately, it is unknown how you will do in law school, as it is unclear what the job market will be like. Finally, from my limited interaction with the faculty at WashU thus far, they are very eager to help you succeed. This is conjecture, but I could see how it would be easy to become a number in Georgetown. All in all, WashU is the place to be! (Disclaimer: I am attending WashU next year, so I am a bit biased. However, the other school I would have most been inclined to attend would probably have been Georgetown, so I've already thought through your dilemma quite a bit!)

  • CantStopWontStopCantStopWontStop Alum Member
    1270 karma

    @LLLL1111 What did you decide?

  • LLLL1111LLLL1111 Alum Member
    53 karma

    Thank you all for the advice! I have not decided yet, but will let you all know when I do!

  • Nabintou-1Nabintou-1 Alum Member
    410 karma

    @10000019 said:
    If you're 100% set on PI, Georgetown and plan on PSLF.

    this is good point. GULC has one of, if not the best LRAP program of any T14. Here's a thorough guide that was really helpful to me: http://www.top-law-schools.com/tls-guide-to-lrap.html

    I also attended GULC's Admitted Students Open House and the Assistant Director of Fin. Aid (I believe) said (paraphrased, but here's the gist) "...if you're 100% committed to PI, you could come to GULC, apply & get accepted to the LRAP program, work in PI for 10 years and you would've essentially gotten your legal education here for free."

    Of course, 10 years is a long time and perhaps, it sounds easier than it may turn out to be. But, it is still something to think about :)

    Lastly, I negotiated my scholarship at GULC (w/$$$$ from Notre Dame). I can serve as a resource if you'd like. Feel free to PM me.

  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    3279 karma

    @"Sue Doe Nimb" said:
    The prestige difference between Georgetown and WUSTL is nominal.

    I disagree. I think there's a pretty big gap. You can't base the reputation of a school just off their employment numbers. Big law in DC is more much competitive than in Missouri.

  • LLLL1111LLLL1111 Alum Member
    53 karma

    @Nabintou Thanks! I sent you a private message. :)

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    If your goal isn't biglaw or federal government in DC, this seems like a no brainer to me - WashU is the way to go! The significantly less debt will be helpful, plus it's close-ish to Chicago and places a lot of grads there. Unless you have some other compelling reason for GULC beyond the allure of going to a T14, I don't think this is even close.

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    edited May 2019 8392 karma

    I think this comparison sums it up:


    WashU really isn't much behind GULC except for biglaw placement. In pretty much every other metric, they are very similar. Plus, WashU is closer to and places more grads in Chicago. The fact that (factoring in cost of living and scholarship) you would have close to $100k less in debt makes this not even close, IMO.

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