Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). What do you think my actual diagnostic score was? - 7Sage Forum

What do you think my actual diagnostic score was?

Lawster9Lawster9 Alum Member
edited May 2019 in General 393 karma

Hey all, hope everyone’s doing great. Would appreciate some input here. Back in February 2018 I took my first diagnostic at this LSAT course I was taking, and I scored a 140. The instructor told us not to guess on this first PT so we could get a solid idea of our weaknesses or something like that. Anyways, fast forward to today and I’m scoring 157 consistently. I’ve become curious about what my diagnostic score would have been had I guessed. I guess I want to know this in order to accurately assess how much I’ve improved thus far. (Feeling really discouraged about still not being to break the 160’s after studying for this test for legit forever lol)

Would appreciate if anyone could give an educated guess about what I would have likely scored had I guessed!

I know this is a weird question lol, and probably a dumb thing to ask, but I’d appreciate any input. Thanks!


  • Qualia88Qualia88 Alum Member
    175 karma

    I feel like it's super hard to answer something like this without knowing how many you left blank. Assuming you still have the test I'd just count up how many you didn't answer. If you want to be super conservative you could just say you got 20% of those questions right (random guess). Otherwise, go based on previous practice tests as to what percent of guesses you usually get correctly.

  • Lawster9Lawster9 Alum Member
    393 karma

    @Qualia88 Thank you! I totally forgot that I still had the test lol. I also just checked and turned out I actually got a 143. I think what I’ll do is mark D for the questions I didn’t get to because that’s what I do nowadays on tests.

  • Lawster9Lawster9 Alum Member
    393 karma

    Update: I just graded it again with guessing, and I scored a 150. So I made 7 point increase, I guess that's something :) I only solved 1 question on LG :)

  • Qualia88Qualia88 Alum Member
    175 karma

    Great. Congrats on the improvement!

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