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Drawing a Blank

HopefulLAwHopefulLAw Free Trial Member
in General 17 karma


I am due to take the July LSAT and I'm beginning to get so discouraged. Unable to afford the traditional study websites, I've chosen to self-study (like I'm sure many of you have) using 7Sage, Kahn, and books. The problem is, I'm terrible at this. I've never been a good test taker but the LSAT is in its own league of how terrible I am. My diagnostic was 140, my next test tonight was 139. I was hoping to at least get 168 when it's time to take the actual test but Idk how if my score is going down even though I study everyday. Idk what to do to get my score up besides keep studying but I feel like I'm doing it wrong. Any advice?


  • drbrown2drbrown2 Alum Member
    2227 karma

    @jlmorri2 said:

    I am due to take the July LSAT and I'm beginning to get so discouraged. Unable to afford the traditional study websites, I've chosen to self-study (like I'm sure many of you have) using 7Sage, Kahn, and books. The problem is, I'm terrible at this. I've never been a good test taker but the LSAT is in its own league of how terrible I am. My diagnostic was 140, my next test tonight was 139. I was hoping to at least get 168 when it's time to take the actual test but Idk how if my score is going down even though I study everyday. Idk what to do to get my score up besides keep studying but I feel like I'm doing it wrong. Any advice?

    I would begin by looking into the 7sage podcasts. The early episodes are interviews with former 7sagers who scored 170+. Many of them began with average diagnostics, but explain their study methods that allowed them to improve 20+ points in some cases. Think about the methods they discuss and how you can change your approach to the test. Simply taking PTs and scoring them is not a good approach. Finally, consider postponing. You should not take the test until you are somewhat close to your desired score. 140-168 is possible for some, but that large of a jump would be pretty extraordinary and would certainly require more than 2 months of studying. If you are able to invest in a 7sage starter course, I cannot begin to tell you how much value the core curriculum is for the money. I use the word invest because you are investing your time and money into this test. Invest wisely and you may be able to reach your goals and secure amazing scholarship opportunities. Best of luck!

  • Best.Yet.2.ComeBest.Yet.2.Come Core Member
    239 karma

    I am in a similar position. The reason I am pushing forward is that when taking the July test you can schedule another date for free if you don't get the score you want. Why pay the fee to change dates and the additional testing fee if you don't have to.

  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    7 Sage is the way to go! That being said, I wouldn't even think about taking the test until you've been scoring close to your target score consistently. Most people typically underperform on test day so by taking it in July you're only going to stress yourself out. It took me over a year of studying before I was scoring in the 168 range and I started at 147. If you're willing to put in the work it's very possible but it will take time.

  • fycw2068fycw2068 Alum Member
    404 karma

    If you ever find yourself able to afford the 7Sage Starter course, I HIIIIIIGHLY recommend it. I am self-studying as well, but after a few months of studying, I purchased the Starter to supplement my books. I believe it's $179 which is less than the cost of an exam (unless you are getting your exam fee waived). I feel like the $179 is gonna save me from taking the test at least one additional time, and so I felt like it was worth it in that regard.

    With that said, if purchasing the Starter course is not an option, find a study buddy! There are so many people on here who are willing to be a part of study groups. Having someone to talk through problems with in real time is highly effective.

    Also, take the July test for the experience, especially because all July test takers will be given the opportunity to cancel their scores if they want and reschedule for a future test date which is HUGE. Going into a future test already familiar with test day conditions will definitely help minimize some test day anxiety.

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