Looking for encouragement/opinion

Harvard2020Harvard2020 Member
in General 109 karma

So I sat for the March LSAT after studying from November 2018 to the test date and my PT average was sitting around 171. However, I scored a 166 on the real thing. Now, my first section on the march test was logic games. I have type 1 diabetes and let's just say things during the first section did not go as planned. My insulin pump broke and my blood sugar was a disaster. Thus, I ended up having to guess on 5 questions in LG (average is -.06).

With all that being said, I am thinking that given what happend on test day, I actually did pretty well. At this point, I am getting mentally ready for my retake this week, and feel pretty good. But, I still have nagging doubts that this exam won't go much better. Any words of encouragement would be appreciated! I hope everyone does well.


  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    I scored about 4 points below my average back in November. This past week I revisited the exam and let’s just say I feel like a totally different test taker. Me on my worst today is still far better than me on my worst day in November. I’m sure the same goes for you. Stop thinking about the score and think about how comfortable you’ve become with the test. If your average is in the 170s you’ve got absolutely nothing to worry about. Don’t overthink it!

  • drbrown2drbrown2 Alum Member
    2227 karma

    If you scored at the low end of your range after a disastrous 1st section (worst section to have a disaster on, especially medical), then you should feel good about your chances of improving on the next test. Focus on your health. Eat well, sleep well, and try again. You could easily score at the top of your range next time.

  • Nunuboy1994Nunuboy1994 Free Trial Member
    346 karma

    I totally understand your competitive drive to want to score even higher! This is not a bad thing, but at the same time we inevitably want to attend law school right? If you do not score higher, a 166 is still a score to be very proud of yourself for. I went to George Washington University for undergrad and actually most students I met who took the LSAT failed to surpass 160. You have to remember that there other aspects of your candidacy or really personality in general that matter just as much or perhaps more. Did Barrack Obama score a 180 on the LSAT? No. Obama scored around a 167. However, Obama had a profound ability to influence people which was perhaps the causative factor in his successful election.

  • drbrown2drbrown2 Alum Member
    2227 karma

    @Nunuboy1994 said:
    You have to remember that there other aspects of your candidacy or really personality in general that matter just as much or perhaps more. Did Barrack Obama score a 180 on the LSAT? No. Obama scored around a 167. However, Obama had a profound ability to influence people which was perhaps the causative factor in his successful election.

    That is amazing if true, and illustrates another important point. You may be a “natural” at law like Obama was despite your LSAT score (which is very high anyway so don’t go splitting hairs between 95th percentile and 99th percentile). At that level you are clearly going to be able to comprehend the complicated and sometimes archaic legal language taught in law school. Michelle Obama said Barack was a natural and it came easy to him, yet he did not have the LSAT score of the typical Harvard Law student. I’m sure you will improve your score on your next take, but be proud of your accomplishment and be excited to kick butt in law school. The LSAT is not a true predictor of any individual’s true ability to practice law due to the time constraints, and that especially holds true at the mid 160+ range.

  • Harvard2020Harvard2020 Member
    109 karma

    Hi everyone, thanks for the comments. In terms of taking the test, this sitting was far more “normal” for me than the last one. In terms of test difficulty, I have no idea how to feel. I think I went -0 in LG; probably -3/-5 in RC; probably -2 LR 1, and who knows on the last LR. Did any of you think the second one was a lot tougher?

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