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Madssssss L.Madssssss L. Alum Member
in Logic Games 124 karma

Hi all!
So I just finished PT 79 & 80, which each had the weird misc games. In one of the videos, JY mentions that these weird ones are now pretty typical.
What test # are we on now? 90-something? And are these misc games still common to see in each test? (I don’t have the Ultimate package, so will just know the 10 Actuals up to 81 situation)
Many thanks.


  • Lucas CarterLucas Carter Alum Member
    2804 karma

    Hey, we are now on PT 87. This was the test given a few days ago and will be available to see around the end of this month. For a while in the later 70s and early 80s it did seem like a misc. game was inevitable. However, LSAC broke this "pattern" before it really became a pattern and threw in some tests without a misc game. They still do turn up, but not in a predictable manner. So that means we must prepare for and expect the worst.

    My best piece of advice is to practice tests in the 1-30 range where misc. games are common. You will soon see that a misc. game is not inherently difficult, just new. The biggest obstacle to overcome is getting over their novelty and not freaking out. The strategy that I found worked best for me is to skip them as soon as i detect weirdness in the stimulus. This allows me to do the other games first and then come back and revisit the game with less pressure.

  • Madssssss L.Madssssss L. Alum Member
    124 karma

    Awesome, thanks so much! I've done most all of the 1-30 range, and not too too scared, but definitely curious about trends-- especially as I'm registered for July so there's already a large element of uncertainty.
    Thanks again, appreciate your reply.

  • SuperMario929SuperMario929 Alum Member
    464 karma

    I second Lucas's comment about the importance of not worrying. I took the November 2016 (I think?) LSAT and it had the super strange real estate/skyscrapers game as its last one, which freaked me out at first. Figured out after about 5 minutes that it was just a super basic math problem, but I lost a lot of time worrying about it. Just take a deep breath and spend 20 seconds thinking about the best way to proceed and you will likely find it!

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