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Canadian GPA conversion to US HELP

lsat2019lsat2019 Member
in General 70 karma

Does anybody know the formula US schools use to convert Canadian GPAs?
I have a 3.7 (A-) in Canada but not sure what it will be when I apply to a US law school.


  • AudaciousRedAudaciousRed Alum Member
    edited June 2019 2689 karma

    If it's a school that goes on a 4.0 system (4.3 if they grant A+'s), then it should translate pretty much the same. A 3.7 is an A- to them, too.

    Remember, your GPA will factor in ALL your credits, even when you took a class twice to get a better grade (they'll count both of them).
    So, my degree GPA at University here in the states was 4.2X upon graduation (I had a lot of classes where you could earn A+'s if you really worked hard). But since lsac goes through everything I've ever done, they counted everything in my lower community college gpa, and so I wound up with just a hair over 4. I'm not complaining, but it's a good quarter of a point or so difference there after all is weighted. That is not an uncommon result for many people. I'm just really glad I never failed anything!

  • lsat2019lsat2019 Member
    edited June 2019 70 karma

    Okay yeah I’m pretty sure they use a 4.0 system. Wow good for you that’s an amazing GPA. In Canada they look at last two years for law schools so my gpa would have been higher than a 3.7 but oh well! Thanks for the comment!

  • AudaciousRedAudaciousRed Alum Member
    2689 karma

    @lsat2019 said:
    In Canada they look at last two years for law schools so my gpa would have been higher than a 3.7 but oh well! Thanks for the comment!

    Yeah, LSAC is mean that way. I've only rarely seen someone not get thumped in their GPA. 3.7 should still get you quite far!

  • lsat2019lsat2019 Member
    70 karma

    Yeah my plan was never a T14 because I want a full ride so yeah should be good with a 3.7

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