Valid and Invalid argument forms - supplemental?

Does anyone have recommendations for supplemental materials in reviewing valid and invalid argument forms?
I started the sufficient lesson today however I realized I need to go back and review the prior lessons. I did not locate a 7sage webinar on validity, any suggestions in addition to reviewing the valid and invalid lessons?


  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    edited June 2019 8722 karma

    Drawing out flashcards really helped me. Another thing you might want to consider is finding problems on the LSAT that contain the argument type. That way you have a real test example of the utility of learning the argument form. The lessons and all the quizzes are also very helpful.
    edit spelling

  • Mariposadebarrio17Mariposadebarrio17 Alum Member
    39 karma

    @BinghamtonDave thank you for the recommendations. I created e-flashcards on Quizlet but I think linking the argument form to real questions will be very helpful, to learn and reinforce.
    thanks for the tip!

  • AudaciousRedAudaciousRed Alum Member
    2689 karma

    I came across a neat free site tonight called Magoosh. Their transitional words deck might be helpful.

  • Beast ModeBeast Mode Live Member
    856 karma

    I agree with the comments above. I think flashcards and real examples from the LSAT will help a lot. I also found that for each form if you try to come up with your own examples it makes it easier to see the patterns of reasoning.

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