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Quick question on LG CC timing

wngdwaf_1wngdwaf_1 Alum Member
edited June 2019 in General 89 karma

If I don't finish the LG questions in CC within the ideal time frame - should I redo it until I do and get all correct and feel like I own it, or should I move on and do this process later on in the drills?

Just feel like I would be spending a lot of time on CC if I wait till I own every question, and these questions are going to appear again in PTs and drills anyway.


  • xenonhexafluoroxenonhexafluoro Alum Member
    428 karma

    Putting more time into CC is usually worth it. That said, what I did is create an excel spreadsheet of games I encountered with the goal time and my attempts (including time and accuracy). I gave a couple of games a shot every day and logged my score til I felt comfortable with the game (finishing within the time frame + scoring 100% + using efficient problem solving techniques).

  • gabes900-1gabes900-1 Member
    855 karma

    Hi @wngdwaf_1 , like with what @xenonhexafluoro said, I would take time in the CC and drill those games right then and there before moving on. I also created a foolproof-style Excel spreadsheet for all the logic games in the CC as well as all the logic games in the Problem Sets. I would do them in order. Once I got the game down 100%, I would move on to the next game and then repeat this process day-to-day when doing LG CC. I would then do next-day attempts to every game I had done the day before, then proceed with newer CC LGs. I would repeat this process until I finished the LG section of the CC.

    Quite frankly, what is funny is that I am doing this process over again this week as I am fool proofing all LGs write now. Going back through all the games in the CC slowly, using this method, has allowed me to spot small weak points and errors in my LG process. So I highly recommend taking a bunch of time in the CC for LG and all the sections. The CC is truly a great guide for someone to get some extra practice and understanding of logic and the LSAT.

    I hope this helps.

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