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How old are you going to be when you start law school?



  • jmoreno21jmoreno21 Alum Member
    12 karma

    I will be 32. Planning on taking the LSAT again this year but not sure when. I was happy with my score from this past January but I feel I can do better. So that’s why I decided to take it again. I had to put alot of things on hold for the past couple of years due to my parents getting sick and having to take over some of burden of taking care of them. Luckily they are both doing better health wise so I was able to take my exam this past January. But I’m not going to rush into applying to schools. I really want to take my time with this and really soak it in while doing the whole application process. Those years of just working after getting my bachelors degree really helped me mature and grow as a person. I’m just thankful to god that things are finally looking up for me and that I can continue my education without any worries or setbacks. And I totally know what it feels like to fall behind. Trust me. Lol

  • theLSATdreamertheLSATdreamer Alum Member
    1287 karma

    @arenas122 said:
    If I start Fall 2020, I will be 28 at that time. I just turned 27 in January. I totally feel you on the feeling behind thing lol. But I feel like I'm entering law at the perfect age because I'm sure of it now. I don't care for partying, going out on weekends, etc like I would've maybe in my early 20s. I'm pretty dedicated to this now and don't believe I would've been back then. So it's a good thing!

    thats a great mind set, congratulations.

  • theLSATdreamertheLSATdreamer Alum Member
    1287 karma

    @StevenTroy said:
    I will be 63. Murray Shusterman practiced law until he was 104. That’s my goal. Right now I practice dentistry 40 hours/week. If the LSAT goes well this year I hope to start law school next year. I’m already taking Torts in a paralegal program. If I bomb the LSAT I will work as a paralegal; maybe for one of you!!

    AND YOU ARE MY HERO, thats an amazing goal, and you wont bomb the lsat, you're life knowledge and dedication will get you through it, you can sue people and critique their teeth haha

  • StevenTroyStevenTroy Alum Member
    125 karma

    @theLSATdreamer said:

    AND YOU ARE MY HERO, thats an amazing goal, and you wont bomb the lsat, you're life knowledge and dedication will get you through it, you can sue people and critique their teeth haha

    Super big thanks for the inspiration!!

  • Mother-In-LawMother-In-Law Alum Member
    edited April 2019 31 karma

    Starting in 2020 and will be 38 turning 39 shortly after. I had a kid early, went to college (undergrad with her in tow) and tried pursuing law school then. Unfortunately, couldn't find childcare that would align with what would've been my course load and ultimately "settled" for just a Master's degree which I completed in a year. Decided to work and focus on her education after that and in 2017, she got a full academic scholarship to college and so, like any other sane person, I saw that as my cue to pick up my law school mantle and try again, LOL! Like a few others stated, there are so many paths to choose in life that, ultimately, leads us all to the same point...I think it really adds to your holistic learning experience when peers have such diverse stories. Good luck to each of you!

  • thecmancanthecmancan Alum Member
    161 karma

    Seeing lots of older folks like myself, who'll be 36 or 37 when I set foot in law school.

    My work currently allow me to retire early. I'm fortunate enough to make a decent salary and raise a family on that so far. I'm not going into law school to defend patents for Apple. I'm here to help immigrants, and less priviledged folks in my community become empowered to make sound legal choices.

    Too often, we make uninformed legal decisions that cost us a lot more than actually hiring an advocate who has a broader view of the situation. Also, minorities often are civicly disengaged due to their sense of powerlessness even if they hold strong and valuable, perscriptive ideas. I hear minorities feel that their government fail to represent their needs but they don't vote or they are not competent in even basic legal situations.

    I hope to push minorities to become legally-savvy so that they can seek a pathways towards better representation by our government and truly experience a government for the people, by the people.

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    1810 karma

    I'll be 42. I've always known I'll be a lawyer, but I didn't realize it will be a whole second career. I have a degree in English and philosophy and a master's in journalism. I've been a tabloid newspaper editor for the past 15 years, but I'm eager to break into media law and crazy passionate about it. Cheers to those of us brave souls who are diving in later in life :)

  • 1Science1Art1Science1Art Alum Member
    269 karma

    Since I see so many older people answering, I feel confident to chime in as well. I start in the fall and will be 44. Yikes!
    I heard a few previous people respond to this question by mentioning not wanting to look back with any regrets, and that's a big motivating factor for me as well. I also really want to see what I am capable of and test my limits. I have just been accepted to my dream school and am looking forward to getting back into class. I'm excited to begin.

  • LindseyDCLindseyDC Core Member
    190 karma


    I've been thinking about since I was 23 but was too afraid to cough up the $$ or get loans.

    Washington DC (my area) has LOTS of working adults doing law for a second career.

    I'm a little nervous about starting at my age (and with a toddler!!), but not enough to not do it.

  • Michael.CincoMichael.Cinco Member Sage
    2116 karma

    I got into law school ten years ago (yes wrote the LSAT back then too) but I decided I wasn't ready. I'll be jumping into it in the fall as a 34 year old.

    I think I'm more mature and better suited for it now, plus my wisdom and age will make me appreciate my time there more. Ready to tackle this new challenge with my Gen Z classmates :)

  • LouislepauvreLouislepauvre Alum Member
    750 karma

    39---38 if I end up at Cardozo's May program.

  • MichaelTXMichaelTX Alum Member
    103 karma

    @StevenTroy said:
    I will be 63. Murray Shusterman practiced law until he was 104. That’s my goal. Right now I practice dentistry 40 hours/week. If the LSAT goes well this year I hope to start law school next year. I’m already taking Torts in a paralegal program. If I bomb the LSAT I will work as a paralegal; maybe for one of you!!

    Well, I thought I might be the oldest on here but Steven beat me. I will be 55 if I get in for the 2020 cycle. After a long, successful career (that I will continue) in investment/wealth management I decided to finally scratch that law school itch and attend part time. I plan to add estate planning and minor business association/transaction work as an adjunct to my current practice as those dovetail nicely with the needs of my clients.

    I have always wanted to go to law school but 4 kids, a wife who was pursuing two post grad degrees and a very demanding job made for great excuses not to go. Fast forward to the present, my oldest two sons are finished with college (actually, #2 graduates in May but has already started his full time job) and the younger two are finishing their freshmen year in college (yes, they are twins). My wife and I were having a "what do we do now with all of this time and a quiet, empty house" conversation, as most new empty-nesters have, and she brought up the idea of me going to law school. Instead of a rational response for a man my age such as "No, that's crazy" my immediate reply was "I would love to!"

    I relish a challenge, I love learning and I do not want to regret at least not trying. Even if I don't end up attending I have thoroughly enjoyed studying for the LSAT. The material has engaged my mind in a very different way than spreadsheets, statistics and trading screens. I look forward to logging into 7Sage every day (or 5/6 days a week). The most daunting aspect regarding the path to becoming a lawyer is the prospect of taking the bar when I am 59 or 60.

  • lilmeat246lilmeat246 Member
    8 karma

    If I enroll for Fall 2020 I will be 26 years old. I worked all through college and have a decent job at a trucking company as a supervisor now so it'll be hard to give up the money but worth it in the long run.

  • NJBorg894NJBorg894 Free Trial Member
    11 karma

    I will be 26 Fall 2020

  • Baba_X2dZBaba_X2dZ Member
    5 karma

    @StevenTroy said:
    I will be 63. Murray Shusterman practiced law until he was 104. That’s my goal. Right now I practice dentistry 40 hours/week. If the LSAT goes well this year I hope to start law school next year. I’m already taking Torts in a paralegal program. If I bomb the LSAT I will work as a paralegal; maybe for one of you!!

    If you bomb the LSAT please take it again so you'll get a nice paralegal to work for you when you make a great lawyer.

  • 101 karma

    I'll be 28 with a wife, 2 year old, and another due on my winter break.

    Goodbye sleep

  • stephanie.colangelostephanie.colangelo Free Trial Member
    7 karma

    If I am fortunate enough to be accepted for Fall 20/20 and all goes well with the LSAT this June; I will be 43! I have a wealth of work / life experience behind me so I am sure this will help me prepare to be a law student. Very excited about a new journey in my life!

  • Gee-dawgGee-dawg Member
    319 karma


  • stjohncestjohnce Free Trial Member
    15 karma

    Assuming I am accepted next fall, I will be 45 when I start. I had concerns about my age, but I have decided I don't really care anymore. This is what I want, what works for me and for my family, and so if I am older than the professor, so be it. You are never too old to live without regret!

  • Best.Yet.2.ComeBest.Yet.2.Come Core Member
    239 karma

    I will be 47 and it is great to see I am not alone.

  • khiejohnsonkhiejohnson Core Member
    4 karma

    Assuming I start Fall 2020, I will be 24. Is anyone looking to attend law school in Texas?

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    Has anyone found a list of law schools by the number of nontraditional students?

  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    I’ll be 25 when I start next fall! Thought I’d be starting this year but things don’t always work out the way we expect them to.

  • Jonah Chadwick GriegoJonah Chadwick Griego Alum Member
    652 karma

    @MichaelTX said:

    Well, I thought I might be the oldest on here but Steven beat me. I will be 55 if I get in for the 2020 cycle. After a long, successful career (that I will continue) in investment/wealth management I decided to finally scratch that law school itch and attend part time. I plan to add estate planning and minor business association/transaction work as an adjunct to my current practice as those dovetail nicely with the needs of my clients.

    I have always wanted to go to law school but 4 kids, a wife who was pursuing two post grad degrees and a very demanding job made for great excuses not to go. Fast forward to the present, my oldest two sons are finished with college (actually, #2 graduates in May but has already started his full time job) and the younger two are finishing their freshmen year in college (yes, they are twins). My wife and I were having a "what do we do now with all of this time and a quiet, empty house" conversation, as most new empty-nesters have, and she brought up the idea of me going to law school. Instead of a rational response for a man my age such as "No, that's crazy" my immediate reply was "I would love to!"

    I relish a challenge, I love learning and I do not want to regret at least not trying. Even if I don't end up attending I have thoroughly enjoyed studying for the LSAT. The material has engaged my mind in a very different way than spreadsheets, statistics and trading screens. I look forward to logging into 7Sage every day (or 5/6 days a week). The most daunting aspect regarding the path to becoming a lawyer is the prospect of taking the bar when I am 59 or 60.

    You should write a book!

  • Best.Yet.2.ComeBest.Yet.2.Come Core Member
    239 karma

    If I bomb this process, I'll be your paralegal. When I was a paralegal, the attorney said I was like Radar from MASH- I was always one step ahead of him.

  • MichaelTXMichaelTX Alum Member
    103 karma

    @"Jonah Chadwick Griego" said:

    You should write a book!

    You have no idea how funny that suggestion is to my wife and me. She is the real writer in our household and she does have plans to write a novel some day. In fact she said if I do start law school it will be a perfect time for her to start her book.

  • MichaelTXMichaelTX Alum Member
    103 karma

    @"shannon.troncoso" said:
    If I bomb this process, I'll be your paralegal. When I was a paralegal, the attorney said I was like Radar from MASH- I was always one step ahead of him.

    Shannon, you are assuming that most of these youngsters know who Radar is and what "MASH" is!

  • kendellbrudeykendellbrudey Free Trial Member
    2 karma

    I’ll be 30 when once I get into the 2020 fall semester start. I never in a 29 years thought I would consider going to law school, but here I am. My work experience and attorney friends sort of made me realize that I could be successful at this due to me persona, professional experience and passion for a good challenge. I really look forward to securing some good scores on the LSAT and getting accepted into a part-time program in my area that could allow me to continue my regular job.

  • tams2018tams2018 Member
    732 karma

    I will be 36 if I get a great score this year.

  • MichaelTXMichaelTX Alum Member
    edited June 2019 103 karma

    @tams2018 said:
    I will be 36 if I get a great score this year.

    I wish a great score was a sufficient condition to me being 36, again!

  • tams2018tams2018 Member
    732 karma

    @MichaelTX said:

    I wish a great score was a sufficient condition to me being 36, again!

    Ha ha. Totally didn't realize I made a logical statement.

  • alyssamcc0593alyssamcc0593 Alum Member
    edited June 2019 290 karma

    I will be 26. Starting this fall. Wanted to go last year but retook the test and got a better score. Worked for 3 years full time. It makes me happy to see a lot of different age ranges going to law school :)

  • kirstan.brownkirstan.brown Free Trial Member
    2 karma

    38 and no regrets :)

  • edited June 2019 42 karma


    @khiejohnson said:
    Assuming I start Fall 2020, I will be 24. Is anyone looking to attend law school in Texas?

    I live in Texas and am definitely aiming to stay here for school, either UT or SMU.

  • FilibusterFilibuster Alum Member
    100 karma

    I will be 30 if...when I matriculate next fall. A quote I'm fond of: "Don't compare your chapter 1 to someone else's chapter 20".

  • SeetheskySeethesky Member
    13 karma

    I'll be 23 when I enter law school (22 now), though was trying to enter back when I would have been 20. Ended up getting a couple good years of extra work experience, which has definitely helped with the LSAT.

  • UnicornFartsUnicornFarts Alum Member
    222 karma

    I'll be 25, and looking back, I have to say that taking a few years off was the wisest choice for me. Could not handle kJD

  • SteFunny-1-1-1SteFunny-1-1-1 Core Member
    224 karma

    If I start in 2020 as planned I will be 32. I was always hard on myself for starting so late but I learned to value the life experience I have had thus far and it is never too late!

    45 karma

    29! A lot more mature hehe!

  • Habeas PorpoiseHabeas Porpoise Alum Member Sage
    edited June 2019 1866 karma

    I'll be 24 turning 25 when I start next year! Like others here, I'm glad I've gotten a couple of years in the "real world."
    I think this test aged me a bit though 😂

  • AudaciousRedAudaciousRed Alum Member
    2689 karma

    Not sure. Work is beginning to sideline me a bit, and of course.. that blasted test. I just graduated this May, so... 38? 39?

  • Best.Yet.2.ComeBest.Yet.2.Come Core Member
    edited June 2019 239 karma

    @AudaciousRed, I am 46 now and if I don't get a handle on the test I may be 50 before I start. Glad to know I am not alone trying to slay the LSAT.

  • agumucio3agumucio3 Member
    2 karma

    I'll be 30, looking to start Fall 2021 if all goes well. I work in the legal recruiting industry and lately I see students entering law school at an older age now a days. But the feeling of being older than everyone once I do start I know will hit in.

  • OnamshinOnamshin Alum Member
    edited June 2019 77 karma

    I just turned 50. I am a Registered Stock Broker with FINRA choosing to turn JD of Securities and Wealth Investments. I am excited and this is the perfect time for me. I have all my investment and supervisory principal licenses plus years of experience in the market, I am focused and ready. Never too late.

  • Guy MontagGuy Montag Alum Member
    13 karma

    I am blown away by these responses. I was preparing for law school senior year of college and decided to put it on hold for health related reasons. I've been working in finance since, with law school always looming in the background. "Looming" because the desire to go never went away but I've been telling myself that I missed my shot. That mentality started at 23. Yes I literally thought that 23 was too old to give it another shot. A great salary also fueled the self doubt and denial ("Do I really need law school, I'm making as much as lawyers xyz and I'm doing so great etc etc ")

    But here I am back at 26 because I hate what I'm doing -- every day is a reminder of what I really want to do, have been wanting to for a while now, and I've come to a breaking point. Still, I've been really insecure about my age even though I decided to go for it. That kind of changed today after reading all of these posts, my mentality shifted from "Yeah I'm too old for law school but f*** it" to "I'm not too old, and I'm going for it, I have no excuses left"

    Anyway, thank you to everyone for your posts, I think I'm done beating myself up for being "too old" and I feel absurd for having done so in the first place. Cheers.

  • AudaciousRedAudaciousRed Alum Member
    edited June 2019 2689 karma

    @"shannon.troncoso" said:
    @AudaciousRed, I am 46 now and if I don't get a handle on the test I may be 50 before I start. Glad to know I am not alone trying to slay the LSAT.

    Yeah. Scholarship or bust club.
    I need the money. The amount needed just to live near the school will be killer. The nearest law school to me is a 4 hour drive from home. I've got the grades to do it. Just need the test scores.

  • StevenTroyStevenTroy Alum Member
    125 karma

    I just got accepted into the University of South Carolina School of Law Class of 2023!! You would be hard-pressed to find a more excited 62 y.o. right now! Press on everyone!!

  • Habeas PorpoiseHabeas Porpoise Alum Member Sage
    1866 karma

    @StevenTroy said:
    I just got accepted into the University of South Carolina School of Law Class of 2023!! You would be hard-pressed to find a more excited 62 y.o. right now! Press on everyone!!

    Congrats, that's awesome!! 🎉

  • rivierabluerivierablue Alum Member
    80 karma

    Assuming Fall 2021, 23.

  • LSATisthehardestthingLSATisthehardestthing Free Trial Member
    98 karma

    I am currently 26 and will be starting law school next year which means I will be 27. I see that so many people are around my age so I'm really glad...I thought I would be surrounded by people in their early 20s. I thought I was really late because I took 3 years off during college to do 1 year of work experience and 2 years of military service. I am also taking 2 years off after college to work at as a paralegal at a BigLaw and there were some lawyers who were saying to me how that I should hurry up with my life because they became junior partners in their early 30s or something. Good to see I won't be an outside in law school :)

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