Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Differentiating two types of questions for AR - 7Sage Forum

Differentiating two types of questions for AR

hihihi9993hihihi9993 Member
in Logic Games 342 karma

I am having difficult time differentiating the following two types of question:
(1) Which one of the following could be a complete listing of the planes located in the four areas at noon, with each plane listed in every area in which it is located?
(2) Which one of the following is a compelte and accurate list of those planes any one o fwhich could be within area T at noon?

(1) asks to find a hypothetical world, where as (2) asks to find all the variables that can be at the area T at noon.
After reading several times, I finally get what each statement is asking for, but is there any easier way of detecting such types?

Thank you in advance!


  • hihihi9993hihihi9993 Member
    342 karma

    I know the answer to this question was very obvious, but for those of you who was struggling with me, I will write down what I have figured out. The bolded parts are the main difference.

    (1) Which one of the following could be a complete listing of the planes located in the four areas at noon, with each plane listed in every area in which it is located?
    (2) Which one of the following is a compelte and accurate list of those planes any one of which could be within area T at noon?

    Question answered! :)

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