PT87.S3.Q20 - Business owner: Although allowing coal mining

LizibethBennetLizibethBennet Alum Member
edited July 2019 in Logical Reasoning 44 karma

Does anyone understand why the answer to question 20 is A. I do not see how the statement that "many local businesses depend on the regions natural beauty" is direct evidence for another statement aka is direct evidence for the statement that "the heavy industrial activity of coal mining would force most of them to close".

Admin note: edited title


  • Michael.CincoMichael.Cinco Member Sage
    2116 karma

    We can go over this in our BR session Liz but think about the relationship between those statements and the conclusion. Do they support the conclusion independently or does one have to rely on another to support the conclusion?

    If it's the latter chances are you are dealing with a sub conclusion.

  • LizibethBennetLizibethBennet Alum Member
    44 karma

    Thank you so much! I would love to go over this farther butI am getting a better sense of the answer now.

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