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My take on admission consulting

Going175Going175 Alum Member

Short summary: DO IT. It's money well-spent.

A quick shoutout to 7Sage's courses and admission consulting service. Saved my sanity after my first LSAT being way below my expected score. I came from a non-traditional background for law school, and 7Sage was able to guide me through school selection and essay drafting. Most importantly, follow ups from schools (additional essays, interviews) that made all the difference to my application. My advisor, Sarika, was patient and proactive. She fully allowed me to dig my own story while guiding me in the right direction - which was significantly easier and more efficient than wandering on my own!

My take on admission consulting is that, for a fraction of the tuition you are about to pay, you get the peace of mind that you will be able to show your best side to admission officers, which may end up in huge saving if you a) got into a better school or b) got a scholarship.

And if it helps clarifying my stand, I DID get into my dream school. And I compared 7sage vs. other Admission consulting firms.
7 Sage is probably the most reasonably priced service, but you do get (a lot) one-on-one working time, and you can feel that attention (Procrastinator alert!). And I would be happy to answer any questions if you want my grain of salt on 7Sage's service.

Hope this helps!


  • David BusisDavid Busis Member Moderator
    7477 karma

    :smile: :smile: :blush:

  • JaytrongJaytrong Alum Member
    54 karma

    @Going175 what was your dream school?

  • Going175Going175 Alum Member
    26 karma

    Hi guys,

    A quick follow up on the questions I've been getting through messages (and thanks for messages!)

    • Timing: I started after getting my first LSAT score. But I'd say you can start earlier because my advisor had a 170+ LSAT score and could provide meaningful insight into studying LSAT if needed.

    • Consistency: I worked with one advisor throughout the process. Super helpful since she knows my story and my procrastination.

    • Expertise: Although my advisor was my primary (and only?) contact, she did send my applications to David to review, then they had a team of proofreaders to make sure your application is pristine - saves your friendship too because you won't be begging them to proofread your Draft_v28.

    -Availability: My advisory was available through call, text and email. Very responsive. Very structured approach.

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