Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Bombed July - retake in Sept or Oct? - 7Sage Forum

Bombed July - retake in Sept or Oct?

rebelwithoutaclauserebelwithoutaclause Alum Member
in General 36 karma

Hi everyone,

I think the title more or less captures the spirit of my dilemma. I went into July feeling not incredibly confident but definitely more so than I should have been. I was naively worrying about getting a 169 (since I was PTing in 170s fairly consistently), but promptly went in and had a panic attack during the first LG section and completed only two games. Would love to get some 7sager feedback on whether I should sign up to retake in September, October, or both.

For more context, I know I have some significant work ahead of me in terms of gaining confidence in logic games, to the point that I don't get shaken up by test day jitters. It seems equally possible to me that I will be more than ready for September, or not prepared until October. I'm currently leaning towards September because I'd obviously like to have my score as soon as possible to apply this cycle. I also feel that it might alleviate some of my test anxiety, since in the back of my head I'd know I still had October as an option. (A huge cause of my meltdown this time was my desperation to be perfect on my first shot.) That said, I obviously don't want to take the test again until I'm absolutely battle-ready.

Thanks in advance!


  • CoffeeEnthusiastCoffeeEnthusiast Alum Member
    211 karma

    Considering you're already PTing in the 170s I'm guessing you should be fine with the two months you have for September. I don't know how many times you've taken the LSAT so far and if the 5 times in 5 years thing would apply to you soon, but if it doesn't, you could do Sept - Oct - Nov/Jan and have the September and October scores pretty early to apply with. July was my first LSAT and I was freeaaaking out both before and during the test but knowning I had three more chances for this cycle definitely helped.

  • rebelwithoutaclauserebelwithoutaclause Alum Member
    36 karma

    July was my first, as well! I really should have practiced more with digital because I was shitting bricks before and during, haha. Reassuring to hear I wasn't alone.

    @CoffeeEnthusiast - are you done or planning on retaking? I'm curious how to plan applications and make use of the next few months when everything feels so uncertain/dependent on my score.

  • CoffeeEnthusiastCoffeeEnthusiast Alum Member
    211 karma

    @rebelwithoutaclause said:
    July was my first, as well! I really should have practiced more with digital because I was shitting bricks before and during, haha. Reassuring to hear I wasn't alone.

    @CoffeeEnthusiast - are you done or planning on retaking? I'm curious how to plan applications and make use of the next few months when everything feels so uncertain/dependent on my score.

    I had enrolled for September and was planning on taking October too before I registered for July last minute when I heard it was a freebie. Definitely will take it one more time and possibly two.

    I'm not sure where you live and if you're only applying to US schools, but I'm in Canada and am only applying to Canadian schools. Here most schools have a November 1st deadline and the last LSAT that counts is January. So in my case July and September are my only choices if I want to see my score before I apply. My plan will probably be to see how I do in September and apply to schools in that range/a little above. Then I'll take the October and possibly January LSAT to have a better chance for those reaches.

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