Help us help you! (by diagnosing an issue - videos not loading)

Hello 7Sagers!

Recently, we have noticed that quite a few of you have been having trouble with our videos, especially with the videos not loading and the "four dots" constantly giving a buffering signal, but never actually loading.

We have been able to reproduce the issue ourselves privately, but so far that hasn't been enough data for us to pinpoint exactly what's going on. We're calling on everyone who has had the problem to please let us know, especially with the following details:

  1. what device/app you were using, and what OS

  2. what country you are currently in

  3. when does it occur? anything "noteworthy" happening?

We also welcome any screenshots or screencasts.

Either post here or email

Thanks everyone!


  • Tzvi___HTzvi___H Alum Member
    209 karma

    Macbook air 11 early 2015
    macOS mojave 10.14.5
    Firefox Quantum 68.0.1
    South Korea

    Has been happening daily for me since I started using 7sage about a month ago.
    My estimate is that it happens about once every 20 videos.

    About half the time, refreshing a bunch of times will help.
    The other half, I need to clear cookies.

    I will pay more attention when it happens and will post if I notice anything else.

  • Tzvi___HTzvi___H Alum Member
    edited August 2019 209 karma

    Another issue which happens often (once a day) is that when I pause a video and then press play, the sound will disappear. This usually happens if I paused and played many times for that video. I usually will have to refresh the page.

  • AudaciousRedAudaciousRed Alum Member
    edited August 2019 2689 karma

    I notice I have this issue particularly when my internet is slow, but the four dots thing happens pretty often to me and I have to refresh a couple times.

    Acer VX5-591G (2017)
    Windows 10 Home
    Google Chrome Version 76.0.3809.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)

  • I Dunt Want ItI Dunt Want It Alum Member
    edited August 2019 111 karma

    Noticed the issue occurring more frequently as of recent. I only use the 7Sage app for videos, on apple iOS (most recent os, iPad Pro, and USA.

  • Tzvi___HTzvi___H Alum Member
    209 karma

    @"Elaine --Student Service--"
    any idea if choosing a specific video player in the settings would help?

  • youbbyunyoubbyun Alum Member
    1755 karma

    On an unrelated topic, sometimes when watching JY’s video explanations, the video freezes (so the dot that represents JY’s pen in his lessons and explanations is fixed/doesn’t move), but his sound continues. So what I do to fix it is to reset part of the video by going back 20 seconds to try to get it to unfreeze, which is usually successful.

  • 276 karma

    @16guitar Good eye! That's actually a new fix that we've pushed out recently that we're still testing more widely now - the "simple" player seems to be fixing issues, but also it doesn't have the time cues and other advanced features. Basically, we're trying to find a way to juggle maximum compatibility between all kinds of devices, browsers, etc. while preserving all the advanced features.

    Give it a try, let me know if it fixes your issues!

  • Lana KaneLana Kane Alum Member
    176 karma

    Having this problem today.

    ASUS, Windows 10
    in US
    nothing interesting happening. Its only do it to every other video though. Usually refreshing will fix it but not today.


  • friendlyroomyfriendlyroomy Alum Member
    90 karma

    I do experience the resizing issue when I run the digital test on my iPad. So, I was not able to read the whole question from the RC.

  • Alan Cheuk-2Alan Cheuk-2 Administrator
    3128 karma

    @"Lana Kane" Thanks for letting us know! Is this with the default "Advanced" player? If so, could you please try with the "Simple" player and let us know if it helps?

  • ajroks08ajroks08 Alum Member
    51 karma

    I dont know if I should report this here, but on restarting a fresh copy of a problem set causes the program to glitch, if I click anything on the top toolbar (Sound, Time, Etc). The window doesn't close/ will keep reopening when I click anywhere. Any help would be appreciated!

  • Lana KaneLana Kane Alum Member
    edited August 2019 176 karma

    @"Alan Cheuk"

    Edit: figured out how to switch to simple. It was on part of the CC where it was defaulting to the regular player. (I saw on some of the videos I'm on now there's a button to switch back to regular) Its working fine now though.

  • 276 karma


    Have you tried force refresh (at the bottom of the screen)? If you have and the problem still persists, let us know your device, browser/app, anything else noteworthy. If you have any screenshots/screencasts, that would be super helpful! If you feel weird posting that, email us

  • Lawster9Lawster9 Alum Member
    393 karma

    My two cents: I've had this issue. Disabling Ublock (adblocker extension) from running on resolved the issue for me.

  • 276 karma


    An update: we tried to reproduce the problem using both Windows 10 Chrome browser and the app on iPhone 8, but were unable to. Do you mind sharing some more details about what happened on your side so we can more closely match what is causing the issue?

  • ajroks08ajroks08 Alum Member
    51 karma

    @"Elaine --Student Service--" said:

    An update: we tried to reproduce the problem using both Windows 10 Chrome browser and the app on iPhone 8, but were unable to. Do you mind sharing some more details about what happened on your side so we can more closely match what is causing the issue?

    Sure! I was using Safari on the latest Mac OS (Mojave). Let me speak more on what was happeneing, essentially if I did not wipe the data from the previous problem set, the toolbar becomes "sticky" (unable to fully close if clicked on during the test) and if it does close it just opens back up when clicking anywhere on the screen.

  • Tzvi___HTzvi___H Alum Member
    edited September 2019 209 karma
    • never mind, I restarted my computer, it's now working

    Hi, I'm currently having trouble getting any videos to play.

    I tried firefox and chrome, simple and advanced mode.

    When I click on play, the play icon switches to a pause icon but the video doesn't start playing.

  • 276 karma


    I'm glad it's working now! Another thing that we've been seeing that @Lawster9 mentioned is that adblockers/plugins also sometimes interfere with our video player, so if you do use those plugins/extensions, try disabling them for 7sage.

  • Tzvi___HTzvi___H Alum Member
    209 karma

    oh nice! I will try that out

  • 276 karma


    Thanks for the extra info! We put out a change yesterday that changes the way Fresh Copies are done. Before, it would replace the current problem set with the new Fresh Copy. Now, you will have to tap a link to change to the Fresh Copy. We're hoping this will solve your issue - note that you will have to force refresh to "activate" the change before trying again.

    Let me us know if it still doesn't work!

  • winniezamwinniezam Member
    6 karma

    Videos are not loading. This happened with every single video. I already restarted my laptop 4 times.
    I am using a Lenovo Yoga 720 laptop, internet explorer.
    Sometimes I have to X out the page and sign in again, click continue to continue with my lesson, and it skips the lesson I was not able to do and the next video would load after refreshing 7-8 times.

  • 410 karma

    Desktop, Google Chrome


    Seems to happen when I click for explanations to questions in my Preptest. It also happens sometimes when trying to quick-show the individual question stimulus/stem/ACs. Happened a lot last week, didn't happen much this week.

  • Theo - Student ServiceTheo - Student Service Member Moderator Student Services
    edited April 2020 882 karma

    @"winniezam" @"jeff.wongkachi"

    Thank you for those information.

    Please allow me to pass it on to the team for us to investigate. I'll get back to you as soon as we have an update.

    (Update: resolved)

  • John Tuley-1John Tuley-1 Alum Member
    3 karma

    I came here looking for this issue as I've been experiencing the same thing. I have a Macbook Air 2015, most recent Mac OS. I am in the United States and I have been using Google Chrome.

  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    5740 karma

    @"John Tuley-1" said:
    I came here looking for this issue as I've been experiencing the same thing. I have a Macbook Air 2015, most recent Mac OS. I am in the United States and I have been using Google Chrome.

    Hi there,

    Sorry for the trouble.

    We noticed that some students have reported that using an adblocker interfered with videos on our site and that disabling the adblocker fixed the problem for them.

    We've also added a "simple" video player along with our advanced video player. The simple one lacks some of the advanced features like time cues, but we've purposely created it to "play nice" with the largest pool of devices and browsers. If you go to "Settings" ( and then choose "Simple" under Video Player, it should fix the loading issues. See the screenshot below:


    Let me know if you're still having trouble.

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