PT7.S1.Q14 - Marine biologists had hypothesized

soha_ahmed25soha_ahmed25 Free Trial Member
edited September 2019 in Logical Reasoning 32 karma

yhe right answer is E and i picked B. I dont get at all why E is right because isnt that going against our whole conclusion which is that what the Marine Biologists are saying (lobsters eat one another is in response to hunger when they are together) is Wrong?
E is then saying that any food that they got wasnt enough to kill their hunger ( and therefore the ate eachother)
What am i missing?????

Admin note: edited title; please use the format of "PT#.S#.Q# - [first set of words]"


  • CharlieHuCharlieHu Alum Member
    129 karma

    The argument is saying: look, there are eight lobsters together in one trap but they did not eat each other for two months, so you, biologist, are wrong.

    But wait, what if there is a dead whale in the trap that provides way too much food for eight lobsters for two month? Then they would not have to eat each other because they would be having whale fiesta every day. In other words, the biologist might not be wrong, it's just that they have enough food.

    That's why the argument is based on the "assumption" that there wasn't enough food, that's why they are hungry the whole time. And yet they still didn't eat other, so the biologist must be wrong.

    When you approach assumption questions, negate the answer choice and see if the entire argument falls apart.

  • soha_ahmed25soha_ahmed25 Free Trial Member
    32 karma

    Thank you @CharlieHu

  • soha_ahmed25soha_ahmed25 Free Trial Member
    32 karma

    @CharlieHu Im having trouble negating because i can negate two ans and then that confuses me to pick which one would have more impact. Any idea how to go about that?

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