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Transfer Student worried about GPA

deebaizaddeebaizad Free Trial Member

Hi everyone — I started my undergrad at Florida International University in Miami,Florida. unfortunately due to tuition and family circumstances I had to return to northern Virginia. My gpa leaving FIU was a 2.5, then I took courses at a community college and transferred to George Mason University where I graduated with a 3.39. I am very nervous as to what my GPA will end up in LSAC as I just requested my transcripts. Has anyone been in a similar situation and can offer insight? Thank you in advance.


  • ChelseyEChelseyE Member
    49 karma

    I was nervous as well because I had one really bad semester at my community college. I wasn't sure how this would affect my LSAC GPA since they grade so harshly. Fortunately, my cumulative GPA wasn't as affected as I had thought it would be. Also, if you google around, you can find a site that lets you plug in your transcripts (if you have access to these) and it will generate a sample of what your LSAC GPA will look like. It might help relieve any anxiety you have about waiting for all your transcripts to upload to your CAS account. Hope this helps.

  • jsaleh2020jsaleh2020 Member
    24 karma

    A similar thing happened to me. I started out at a community college and transferred to a four year. Before transferring, I had to do an academic renewal. Unfortunately LSAC does not honor those so all my Fs were going to be weighted (punitive). I spoke with the schools I applied to and they all suggested I write an addendum explaining my situation. It helps that there was an uptrend in my GPA. Don't be discouraged with the cumulative (of all your transcripts) gpa LSAC states, mine showed a 2.9, but my gpa at my four year was a 3.4. Hope this helps

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