@nopes___ said:
Hardest LG section I’ve ever done and I must have done at least 50 LG sections total in my studying. I usually score -1/-3. This time, I think I bombed two of the games, and the other two I’m sure I didn’t get all right. I don’t even know what to do, most likely going to cancel.
Same! I would consecutively get 1 wrong on each practice and I left 3 blank because I ran out of time. I had two LG sections and I finished the other one with a min left. I assumed the hard one was the experimental but after reading these comments im shook.
Wow that LG was brutal. Usually get -0/-2 on games. I probably missed 12. LR was oddly easy, RC was normal. Hopefully the curve reflects that games section.
For the infamously hard LG section, does anyone remember how many questions there were for each game? I’m thinking 12-13 for games 1 & 2 and 10-11 questions combined for games 3 & 4?
My order went... LR (25), LG (wtf), LR (26), LR (26), RC.....
I can't remember which questions I had in LR, but is anyone who had the same order able to tell me the experimental? I'm hoping the 4th section was experimental, LR (26). Also, Logic games were pathetic. I actually think I did decent in the section except for the flowers game... I am very unsure on how it went. I am sad because I can get perfect in the game section almost every time. I thought the language they used to explain the flower game with the rules were so odd. It seemed like LSAC made a twist to every single game in the section. I actually thought the last game in the section was easier than games 2 and 3. Hoping for a decent curve, but looking at the history of curves on the September test, it does not look like the curves have been generous.
@maxbbarb7 I had the exact same order as you. I also thought the 3rd LR section was the toughest. Unfortunately I don’t really remember the questions too good. The games had me dazzled
I had 3 LR sections. I hope the first one counted! And holy crap the games!
Thank you guys, I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought that was nuts. I was like.. wow I’m screwed. They were so time consuming and it screwed me up.
Also it was freezing as all hell in my testing room lol damnit!
@nopes___ said:
Hardest LG section I’ve ever done and I must have done at least 50 LG sections total in my studying. I usually score -1/-3. This time, I think I bombed two of the games, and the other two I’m sure I didn’t get all right. I don’t even know what to do, most likely going to cancel.
Same! I would consecutively get 1 wrong on each practice and I left 3 blank because I ran out of time. I had two LG sections and I finished the other one with a min left. I assumed the hard one was the experimental but after reading these comments im shook.
The same thing happened to me! I had the real section first & it felt like trudging through mud to figure out even 15 of the questions. Then the second LG section I had felt just like all the ones I’ve done before, and I finished with time to spare.
I would’ve bet money that my first LG was experimental. I’m shocked
What were they thinking about administering a test with crazy hard LG while they are still figuring out the tablet situation? Wtf was with those games?
@CharlieHu said:
If you view the circle question just as a single line sequencing game and remember the first and last are adjacent to each other, then it’s just a regular sequencing game. The flower one can be accomplished with a table.
Yep. That LG was the hardest one I’ve ever seen. The rest was pretty normal. I normally miss 0-3 on LG and I only got through 18 questions today. Miffed.
I was seated near a chandelier and the overhead lights produced large, distracting circles of light on my screen. Although I adjusted the screen height several times, the circles of light would not disappear. Any advice on how to avoid this for future exams?
@zcohen0813 said:
Anyone else think the Logic Games section was the hardest one they've ever seen? I consistently get -3/-4 on LG and I only answered 11 questions on this one and guessed on the rest.
Thank God, I'm not alone. LG is usually my best section, but today, man, the flower question was brutal.
welp! as others have noted, the LG was ridiculously hard. And unfortunately for me, it came as my second section. It practically demoralized me for RC, which also unfortunately for me, came as my last section. I felt the RC readings themselves were not hard, but because LG screwed me it was tough to concentrate. The LR was not bad.
I'd be surprised if 7sage, or anyone else, rates any of the games as 1-star. They went old-school for these games. LG is consistently my strongest section, but not today.
@CharlieHu said:
If you view the circle question just as a single line sequencing game and remember the first and last are adjacent to each other, then it’s just a regular sequencing game. The flower one can be accomplished with a table.
@nopes___ said:
Hardest LG section I’ve ever done and I must have done at least 50 LG sections total in my studying. I usually score -1/-3. This time, I think I bombed two of the games, and the other two I’m sure I didn’t get all right. I don’t even know what to do, most likely going to cancel.
Same! I would consecutively get 1 wrong on each practice and I left 3 blank because I ran out of time. I had two LG sections and I finished the other one with a min left. I assumed the hard one was the experimental but after reading these comments im shook.
The same thing happened to me! I had the real section first & it felt like trudging through mud to figure out even 15 of the questions. Then the second LG section I had felt just like all the ones I’ve done before, and I finished with time to spare.
I would’ve bet money that my first LG was experimental. I’m shocked
Unfortunately the hard one was real. It was the only LG section I had. The one with the flowers game and the puppies and kittens game.
Ive taken dozens of practice tests in realistic conditions and get typically 1-3 LG questions wrong, sometimes having to guess on maybe 1 or 2. I guessed on about 8 because I ran out of time.
I wishI I had started the last game first, as it was the only easy game - yet by the time I got to it I only had like 3 minutes. Should I cancel my score? My goal was a 170 (I was scoring 170-173 on PTs) but I'm lucky if I got a 164 I think.
@99thPercentileOrDieTryin said:
Yep. That LG was the hardest one I’ve ever seen. The rest was pretty normal. I normally miss 0-3 on LG and I only got through 18 questions today. Miffed.
Was this because of the flower game? Do you remember how many questions it had by any chance?
I had two LR sections. Felt extremely confident with both. -2 MAX. Then I had LG (usually -1/-0) and I guessed on about 4 questions and did not even ATTEMPT the flower game. Straight Cs all the way down for that one lol. After break, I came back to another LR section and let out a pretty audible ”fuuuck” exhale. Kittens and puppies was indeed real. And my score will surely suffer for it.
At first, I thought my strong start in LR caused me to overconfidently rush through the games, leading to my struggle. But it’s comforting to see that LG was a struggle for a lot of folks here. RC felt typical, perhaps easier than usual.
Praying to the LSAT gods and all higher powers for a forgiving curve. And hoping that my performance in LR & RC can carry me to at least 165. At this point, I have little hope. Is it too late to register for October?
@GoldDiamond said:
Does anyone who had the LR LG LR LR RC test remember which LR section the question about dogs and fairness was in?
There were apparently at least two different LR experimental sections. For example, I had three LRs but didn’t have the dog treat/fairness question. (I would’ve recognized it because it’s from a recent exam).
Did ANYONE reading this feel like the logic games section from today's test was normal? Obviously the people posting in this thread are more inclined to write about how hard it was, so I'm trying to get a better idea where other test takers are at.
For my part, I've done all 87 preptests and I've maybe done one AR section that was anywhere near as hard as the one today.
I honestly wanted to walk out after doing the LG section. I lost all drive or motivation to do the rest of the test because I completely bombed LG. It seemed unusually difficult for the first two games and definitely experimental. Normally I can get three games in, but I barely did the first and by the second game I almost broke down in tears.
A fire alarm went off during Section 3 of our test. We were told to exit the building and went back in about 15 minutes and resumed where we left off. Does anyone know if they offer a retake? Or will they allow us to cancel the score after seeing it?
@tomleary1 are you saying they were no more harder than other tests?
I’ve also done all 90+ games section and there have definitely been harder sections (PT B and C, for example) but the trend in recent years has been for pretty standard games without anything too difficult (minus the handful of misc games). Today felt like stuff from the 90s. That’s why I think folks, like myself, were really thrown off.
@tomleary1 said:
Did ANYONE reading this feel like the logic games section was normal? Obviously the people posting in this thread are more inclined to write about how hard it was, so I'm trying to get a better idea.
For my part, I've done all 87 preptests and I've maybe done one AR section that was anywhere near that hard.
Any thoughts on which PT had as difficult of an AR section? I'm not sure I've come across any
@tomleary1 said:
Did ANYONE reading this feel like the logic games section was normal? Obviously the people posting in this thread are more inclined to write about how hard it was, so I'm trying to get a better idea.
For my part, I've done all 87 preptests and I've maybe done one AR section that was anywhere near that hard.
Any thoughts on which PT had as difficult of an AR section? I'm not sure I've come across any
While I found the LG section incredibly difficult and echo what folks on here are saying, I believe there was a key inference that really opened up the flower game and made it more manageable than it appeared on the surface. But, yes, still brutal and it sucked up my time, leaving very little for the last game.
@tomleary1 said:
Did ANYONE reading this feel like the logic games section was normal? Obviously the people posting in this thread are more inclined to write about how hard it was, so I'm trying to get a better idea.
For my part, I've done all 87 preptests and I've maybe done one AR section that was anywhere near that hard.
Any thoughts on which PT had as difficult of an AR section? I'm not sure I've come across any
While I found the LG section incredibly difficult and echo what folks on here are saying, I believe there was a key inference that really opened up the flower game and made it more manageable than it appeared on the surface. But, yes, still brutal and it sucked up my time, leaving very little for the last game.
Same! I would consecutively get 1 wrong on each practice and I left 3 blank because I ran out of time. I had two LG sections and I finished the other one with a min left. I assumed the hard one was the experimental but after reading these comments im shook.
for people with only 1 RC section, did you read about "The Great Zimbabwe"?
So if we all flunked the LG section do we think they'll be generous with the curve?
I had LR LG LR LR RC. Does anyone know which LR was experimental?
Anyone Else Have LG LR LR RC LR? Really wondering which sections were real
Wow that LG was brutal. Usually get -0/-2 on games. I probably missed 12. LR was oddly easy, RC was normal. Hopefully the curve reflects that games section.
That LG section though... felt good about everything else, and I don’t think I’ll cancel, but holy crap!!!
I actually didn't think the flowers was that bad. The circle on the other hand...
For the infamously hard LG section, does anyone remember how many questions there were for each game? I’m thinking 12-13 for games 1 & 2 and 10-11 questions combined for games 3 & 4?
My order went... LR (25), LG (wtf), LR (26), LR (26), RC.....
I can't remember which questions I had in LR, but is anyone who had the same order able to tell me the experimental? I'm hoping the 4th section was experimental, LR (26). Also, Logic games were pathetic. I actually think I did decent in the section except for the flowers game... I am very unsure on how it went. I am sad because I can get perfect in the game section almost every time. I thought the language they used to explain the flower game with the rules were so odd. It seemed like LSAC made a twist to every single game in the section. I actually thought the last game in the section was easier than games 2 and 3. Hoping for a decent curve, but looking at the history of curves on the September test, it does not look like the curves have been generous.
@maxbbarb7 I had the exact same order as you. I also thought the 3rd LR section was the toughest. Unfortunately I don’t really remember the questions too good. The games had me dazzled
I had 3 LR sections. I hope the first one counted! And holy crap the games!
Thank you guys, I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought that was nuts. I was like.. wow I’m screwed. They were so time consuming and it screwed me up.
Also it was freezing as all hell in my testing room lol damnit!
@"tristan.locke1" good question guy. I remember the first had 6 but can’t remember how many the second game had
Did anyone have an LR question about athletic programs being influenced by environmental factors like family life?
@jessicace yes
Did you have three LR or two?
The same thing happened to me! I had the real section first & it felt like trudging through mud to figure out even 15 of the questions. Then the second LG section I had felt just like all the ones I’ve done before, and I finished with time to spare.
I would’ve bet money that my first LG was experimental. I’m shocked
that was the only LG i had so yes
If adapting to the new digital format isn’t intimidating enough, they give us this LG. Literally wtf!
What were they thinking about administering a test with crazy hard LG while they are still figuring out the tablet situation? Wtf was with those games?
By "table" you meant a chart?
For LG beasts out there: I guessed all B’s for a game. Were most of your answers B’s?😭 haha
Yeah it’s legit .
Yep. That LG was the hardest one I’ve ever seen. The rest was pretty normal. I normally miss 0-3 on LG and I only got through 18 questions today. Miffed.
It sounds like they brought some old school logic games back - circle game and a chart? Is that right?
Hi All,
I was seated near a chandelier and the overhead lights produced large, distracting circles of light on my screen. Although I adjusted the screen height several times, the circles of light would not disappear. Any advice on how to avoid this for future exams?
Thank God, I'm not alone. LG is usually my best section, but today, man, the flower question was brutal.
Was the 5 X 3 chart game real?
welp! as others have noted, the LG was ridiculously hard. And unfortunately for me, it came as my second section. It practically demoralized me for RC, which also unfortunately for me, came as my last section. I felt the RC readings themselves were not hard, but because LG screwed me it was tough to concentrate. The LR was not bad.
I'd be surprised if 7sage, or anyone else, rates any of the games as 1-star. They went old-school for these games. LG is consistently my strongest section, but not today.
Was it the flowers game?
Were you able to solve it?
Unfortunately the hard one was real. It was the only LG section I had. The one with the flowers game and the puppies and kittens game.
Ive taken dozens of practice tests in realistic conditions and get typically 1-3 LG questions wrong, sometimes having to guess on maybe 1 or 2. I guessed on about 8 because I ran out of time.
I wishI I had started the last game first, as it was the only easy game - yet by the time I got to it I only had like 3 minutes. Should I cancel my score? My goal was a 170 (I was scoring 170-173 on PTs) but I'm lucky if I got a 164 I think.
Was this because of the flower game? Do you remember how many questions it had by any chance?
I had that question too.
My LSAT experience:
I had two LR sections. Felt extremely confident with both. -2 MAX. Then I had LG (usually -1/-0) and I guessed on about 4 questions and did not even ATTEMPT the flower game. Straight Cs all the way down for that one lol. After break, I came back to another LR section and let out a pretty audible ”fuuuck” exhale. Kittens and puppies was indeed real. And my score will surely suffer for it.
At first, I thought my strong start in LR caused me to overconfidently rush through the games, leading to my struggle. But it’s comforting to see that LG was a struggle for a lot of folks here. RC felt typical, perhaps easier than usual.
Praying to the LSAT gods and all higher powers for a forgiving curve. And hoping that my performance in LR & RC can carry me to at least 165. At this point, I have little hope. Is it too late to register for October?
I had two sections with games . I thought they were fun but the flower one was definitely hard .
Was it like 5 groups and 4 types of flowers?
What type of game was the kittens/puppies question?
Does anyone who had the LR LG LR LR RC test remember which LR section the question about dogs and fairness was in?
There were apparently at least two different LR experimental sections. For example, I had three LRs but didn’t have the dog treat/fairness question. (I would’ve recognized it because it’s from a recent exam).
@"Pride Only Hurts" I’m guessing that means it was part of the experimental section for me. Just to clarify it was about dogs and treats*
If anyone had the same format as me (LR LG LR LR RC) and remembers which section that dog question was in, please let me know.
Did ANYONE reading this feel like the logic games section from today's test was normal? Obviously the people posting in this thread are more inclined to write about how hard it was, so I'm trying to get a better idea where other test takers are at.
For my part, I've done all 87 preptests and I've maybe done one AR section that was anywhere near as hard as the one today.
(edit: clarity)
I honestly wanted to walk out after doing the LG section. I lost all drive or motivation to do the rest of the test because I completely bombed LG. It seemed unusually difficult for the first two games and definitely experimental. Normally I can get three games in, but I barely did the first and by the second game I almost broke down in tears.
A fire alarm went off during Section 3 of our test. We were told to exit the building and went back in about 15 minutes and resumed where we left off. Does anyone know if they offer a retake? Or will they allow us to cancel the score after seeing it?
@tomleary1 are you saying they were no more harder than other tests?
I’ve also done all 90+ games section and there have definitely been harder sections (PT B and C, for example) but the trend in recent years has been for pretty standard games without anything too difficult (minus the handful of misc games). Today felt like stuff from the 90s. That’s why I think folks, like myself, were really thrown off.
Any thoughts on which PT had as difficult of an AR section? I'm not sure I've come across any
While I found the LG section incredibly difficult and echo what folks on here are saying, I believe there was a key inference that really opened up the flower game and made it more manageable than it appeared on the surface. But, yes, still brutal and it sucked up my time, leaving very little for the last game.
What is an AR?