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⚖ Official September 2019 LSAT Discussion Thread ⚖



  • tomleary1tomleary1 Free Trial Member
    edited September 2019 17 karma

    @elias7291 said:
    @tomleary1 are you saying they were no more harder than other tests?

    I’ve also done all 90+ games section and there have definitely been harder sections (PT B and C, for example) but the trend in recent years has been for pretty standard games without anything too difficult (minus the handful of misc games). Today felt like stuff from the 90s. That’s why I think folks, like myself, were really thrown off.

    I'm saying this set of logic games from today is the hardest I've ever played and I've played all of them (though I don't think I've done PT B and C). I was just curious if anyone here actually had an easy time. I don't think I've ever seen a single LSAT section so heavily derided as this one.

    @hannahjasicki said:

    Any thoughts on which PT had as difficult of an AR section? I'm not sure I've come across any

    From a quick look at my notes, the AR sections from preptests 41 and 34 were quite challenging, though both of those were taken before my AR skills improved dramatically.

  • hannahjasickihannahjasicki Free Trial Member
    10 karma

    @tomleary1 said:

    I'm saying this set of logic games from today is the hardest I've ever played and I've played all of them (though I don't think I've done PT B and C). I was just curious if anyone here actually had an easy time. I don't think I've ever seen a single LSAT section so heavily derided as this one.

    From a quick look at my notes, the AR sections from preptests 41 and 34 were quite challenging, though both of those were taken before my AR skills improved dramatically.

    Thanks! I found PT 62 to be relatively difficult (and possibly applicable to today's games), but same in that it was prior to developing my skills more

  • elias7291elias7291 Alum Member
    269 karma

    @TheLSATDr said:

    What is an AR?

    Analytical Reasoning aka logic games.

  • elias7291elias7291 Alum Member
    269 karma

    @tomleary1 said:

    I'm saying this set of logic games from today is the hardest I've ever played and I've played all of them (though I don't think I've done PT B and C). I was just curious if anyone here actually had an easy time. I don't think I've ever seen a single LSAT section so heavily derided as this one.

    From a quick look at my notes, the AR sections from preptests 41 and 34 were quite challenging, though both of those were taken before my AR skills improved dramatically.

    Ah got you. This wasn’t the most difficult, but it’s definetly up there. As I said a really difficult AR like this one hasn’t been seen in recent years. Thus why people were caught off guard.

  • tanika.stanika.s Alum Member
    185 karma

    @TheLSATDr yea it was

  • tomleary1tomleary1 Free Trial Member
    17 karma

    Apparently this was the same AR section used for the Shabbat observers test from September of last year. It makes me wonder if we should look back into discussion threads about previous Shabbat and make-up dates to see if anything unsavory might be lurking for the next test date.

  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    @kkblessing said

    While I found the LG section incredibly difficult and echo what folks on here are saying, I believe there was a key inference that really opened up the flower game and made it more manageable than it appeared on the surface. But, yes, still brutal and it sucked up my time, leaving very little for the last game.

    This is 100% right. The game was awful for me but only because I completely missed a very limiting rule. Once I saw the mistake (too late) the game made sense. Still didn’t make it easy but definitely manageable.

  • iamcardibriiamcardibri Alum Member
    edited September 2019 314 karma

    Gosh, 12 hours later and I still want to cry.

    I’ve been studying for two years... worked my ass off while working full time to improve significantly in RC and LR, only for all those improvements to be masked by a completely shit LG section. I feel like all my grind was for nothing...

    LG, you were supposed to stick with me through it all. It was love at first sight for us— we always had that chemistry. UNTIL TODAY :neutral: You were supposed to be my ride or die. But you abandoned me when I needed you most. I feel so betrayed. How could this happen?!

    Yes, it’s 9pm and I’m three glasses of wine deep, but I can’t be the only one who feels so heartbroken by this LSAT </3

  • Anonymouse-1Anonymouse-1 Alum Member
    189 karma

    @iamcardibri said:
    Gosh, 12 hours later and I still want to cry.

    I’ve been studying for two years... worked my ass off while working full time to improve significantly in RC and LR, only for all those improvements to be masked by a completely shit LG section. I feel like all my grind was for nothing...

    LG, you were supposed to stick with me through it all. It was love at first sight for us— we always had that chemistry. UNTIL TODAY :neutral: You were supposed to be my ride or die. But you abandoned me when I needed you most. I feel so betrayed. How could this happen?!

    Yes, it’s 9pm and I’m three glasses of wine deep, but I can’t be the only one who feels so heartbroken by this LSAT </3

    Posted 30 mins ago. It's 9pm? I live in NY and it's 3am which means it's midnight on West coast. OP are you not from the states?

  • Anonymouse-1Anonymouse-1 Alum Member
    189 karma

    @"Anonymouse-1" said:

    Posted 30 mins ago. It's 9pm? I live in NY and it's 3am which means it's midnight on West coast. OP are you not from the states?

    By the way. This is a better logic game than anything we witnessed yesterday. RIP

  • iamcardibriiamcardibri Alum Member
    314 karma


    Ah... you must be law school bound because your analytical reasoning is on point, haha! First of all, why are you up at 3am? Are you suffering from late night LSAT blues like me?!

    I’m in Hawaii :) so technically “in the states” but arguably not in the states. If I had more energy this would be my segway into an argument for the independence of the Kingdom of Hawaii but I’ll have to save that for another night LOL.

  • Anonymouse-1Anonymouse-1 Alum Member
    189 karma

    @iamcardibri said:

    Ah... you must be law school bound because your analytical reasoning is on point, haha! First of all, why are you up at 3am? Are you suffering from late night LSAT blues like me?!

    I’m in Hawaii :) so technically “in the states” but arguably not in the states. If I had more energy this would be my segway into an argument for the independence of the Kingdom of Hawaii but I’ll have to save that for another night LOL.

    ... And now it's 5am. Yes-- sadly the LSAT blues have kept me up thinking about my next plan of attack. This experience heightened the stakes as I try to apply before year's-end.

  • Granger DangerGranger Danger Alum Member
    717 karma

    Is there anyway the curve could be higher for September because of that curve ball LG section?

  • piercewriter96piercewriter96 Free Trial Member
    115 karma

    Correct if I’m wrong but If the average score for this test is below the 50th percentile, would they have to move the majority of people score up into the 150’s because 150 is “average”?

  • KatasticKatastic Alum Member
    190 karma

    @"Atticus Kingsfield" said:
    To those who take the test today, I wanted to ask if the tools for highlighting and underlining were easy to use for the RC. Were you provide scratch paper to make the lo res summaries for the reading comp? How easy was it the diagram to the arguments for LR?

    Following 😊

  • jmang123jmang123 Member
    26 karma

    I had three LRs! Does anyone know if the third LR section with the fish (?) getting eye infections due to high levels of cobalt in their system is real?

  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    @jmang123 said:
    I had three LRs! Does anyone know if the third LR section with the fish (?) getting eye infections due to high levels of cobalt in their system is real?

    I haven’t been able to figure this out either. That was definitely a harder section than the other two. Not hard overall but not easy.

  • RealLaw612RealLaw612 Member
    1094 karma

    @jmang123 said:
    I had three LRs! Does anyone know if the third LR section with the fish (?) getting eye infections due to high levels of cobalt in their system is real?

    I only had 2 LRs and do not remember this question.

  • maevecobmaevecob Member
    9 karma

    I had 3 LR. For those with two, did you have a question about the weather in a city being cloudier on weekends?

  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    @jmang123 said:
    I had three LRs! Does anyone know if the third LR section with the fish (?) getting eye infections due to high levels of cobalt in their system is real?

    Was your order LR, LG, LR, LR, RC?

  • jmang123jmang123 Member
    26 karma

    @"Pride Only Hurts" said:

    Was your order LR, LG, LR, LR, RC?

    Yes it was! I thought the first two LR sections were easier than usual, but the third was a little bit harder.

  • Cydney LCydney L Alum Member
    44 karma

    @maevecob said:
    I had 3 LR. For those with two, did you have a question about the weather in a city being cloudier on weekends?

    Yes! I had 2 LR & had that question.

  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    @jmang123 I thought the same thing.

    Hopefully @99thPercentileOrDieTryin is right and that was our experimental section.

  • GoldDiamondGoldDiamond Alum Member
    53 karma

    @"Pride Only Hurts" Do you remember how many questions your LR sections had? I don't remember how many my second one had... my order was LR(25) LG LR(x) LR(26) RC

  • katiehoffeckerkatiehoffecker Alum Member
    60 karma

    A day later and I still feel completely unsure of how I did. I did not feel particularly thrown by any section (LG were rough, but I only guessed on a few questions), and I think I flagged about the same amount of questions as I usually do on practice tests. I'll admit I have never been able to trust my gut on my score (on my highest practice test I did, I thought I bombed!) Anyone else just feel like they have no idea?

  • axjxmarvelaxjxmarvel Alum Member
    158 karma

    @iamcardibri said:
    Gosh, 12 hours later and I still want to cry.

    I’ve been studying for two years... worked my ass off while working full time to improve significantly in RC and LR, only for all those improvements to be masked by a completely shit LG section. I feel like all my grind was for nothing...

    LG, you were supposed to stick with me through it all. It was love at first sight for us— we always had that chemistry. UNTIL TODAY :neutral: You were supposed to be my ride or die. But you abandoned me when I needed you most. I feel so betrayed. How could this happen?!

    Yes, it’s 9pm and I’m three glasses of wine deep, but I can’t be the only one who feels so heartbroken by this LSAT </3

    I feel this so hard. I have also been in this for 2+ years. Scored 165 in Sept 2017, hit it hard studying earlier this year, PTing comfortably and regularly in the low to mid-170s, all destroyed by an effing LG section. It was my first section, to top it off. At best I probably scored a few points higher than my 2017 take. My gpa is not strong so I really needed to apply in October with a 17x score. I’m just so irrationally angry and bummed about it. Having such a hard time getting in the mindset of studying for the November take. #solidarity

  • AudaciousRedAudaciousRed Alum Member
    2689 karma

    @piercewriter96 said:
    Correct if I’m wrong but If the average score for this test is below the 50th percentile, would they have to move the majority of people score up into the 150’s because 150 is “average”?

    The curve is set when they make the test. It isn't curved afterwards, unfortunately. If everyone bombed it, it would just mean everyone had a low score.

  • CharlieHuCharlieHu Alum Member
    129 karma

    @AudaciousRed said:

    The curve is set when they make the test. It isn't curved afterwards, unfortunately. If everyone bombed it, it would just mean everyone had a low score.

    This is my understanding. If everyone bombed it, most likely test-takers who experimented on these questions bombed it too, thus these questions will be deemed "difficult" and give a more lenient "curve". You are absolutely right that it isn't "curved" afterwards. The difficulty is already calculated for test takers in each score band. So if everyone bombed it, it would not affect your score as much as if you were the only one out of 15,000 test takers who bombed it.

  • allyryryallyryry Alum Member
    edited September 2019 9 karma

    So did I. I noticed that it didn’t really work when I used my finger and the stylus didn’t work much better. Probably had to try three times to highlight something every single time. Such a waste of time. > @sbnewman98 said:

    I had a really hard time using the highlighter on RC

  • mpl16empl16e Alum Member
    8 karma

    LG was BRUTAL

  • IgnatiusIgnatius Alum Member
    382 karma

    As others have mentioned, that LG section was brutal and totally caught me off guard. That first game was especially time consuming and a bit hard for a typical first game. Second game seemed more manageable but still tricky. That flowers game... definitely one of the hardest grouping/misc. games I've ever encountered, and I've done almost every single LSAT logic game that exists. Maybe a second look would reveal that it actually wasn't that difficult, but dios mio, man, what the fuck.

    LR and RC seemed normal and manageable. I did think the RC section was on the easier side compared to other recent RC sections. Did anyone else think so as well?

  • RealLaw612RealLaw612 Member
    1094 karma

    A few days later and I’m putting things in better perspective. Sure, that LG was tough but I feel confident that I did very well on the other 3 sections. Was it a perfect run? No. Do my chances of 170+ remain? Yes.
    I’ve done PTs where I’ve aced LR and RC sections. If I only missed 5 - 10 on the LG, there is still hope. Anywho, here’s hoping everyone else out there has had a chance to breath a little and de-stress! You all are the best.

  • mwgramignamwgramigna Member
    15 karma

    Did anyone have LG LR RC RC LR - if so, which RC was experimental? I can't remember which of the sections had which passages.

  • IgnatiusIgnatius Alum Member
    382 karma

    @iamcardibri, I feel your pain. I too have been studying for about 2 years and have relied on LG as my saving grace. I had to guess on way too many for this LG section. I'm gonna wait for my score then consider retaking, but I'm not quite sure if I have the energy at this point. The past two days have been pretty rough for me emotionally. I try to remind myself that overcoming failure and setbacks in a positive and healthy way is important in one's journey in becoming an attorney and for one's well-being in general. But it's been fucking hard. Best of luck.

  • samantha-3samantha-3 Alum Member
    10 karma

    wow was really hoping the LG section everyone is talking about was the non-marked one but I guess not :( going to drop my mark so much these next few weeks are going to be hell waiting

  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    @99thPercentileOrDieTryin said:
    A few days later and I’m putting things in better perspective. Sure, that LG was tough but I feel confident that I did very well on the other 3 sections. Was it a perfect run? No. Do my chances of 170+ remain? Yes.
    I’ve done PTs where I’ve aced LR and RC sections. If I only missed 5 - 10 on the LG, there is still hope. Anywho, here’s hoping everyone else out there has had a chance to breath a little and de-stress! You all are the best.

    Same same! I've had perfect -0 on both LRs. Obviously can't assume I did that well but I'm not going to cancel because you never know!

  • 43 karma

    Does anyone think we will get our scores released earlier like it happened for the July folks? or do we have to wait and suffer until the 14th?

  • nashj2798nashj2798 Free Trial Member
    7 karma

    How many total questions?

  • _aisling__aisling_ Alum Member
    289 karma

    @mwgramigna said:
    Did anyone have LG LR RC RC LR - if so, which RC was experimental? I can't remember which of the sections had which passages.

    I only had one RC. My passages were about truth in historical fiction/autobiography, the economic system of the Great Zimbabwe, the bacteria that causes cholera . . .I don't remember the fourth one. But that section was the real one.

  • RealLaw612RealLaw612 Member
    edited September 2019 1094 karma

    @aisling said:

    I only had one RC. My passages were about truth in historical fiction/autobiography, the economic system of the Great Zimbabwe, the bacteria that causes cholera . . .I don't remember the fourth one. But that section was the real one.

    I seem to recall a comparative passage about software patents but I honestly don’t recall much from RC other than feeling like I crushed it.

  • AudaciousRedAudaciousRed Alum Member
    edited September 2019 2689 karma

    @CharlieHu said:

    This is my understanding. If everyone bombed it, most likely test-takers who experimented on these questions bombed it too, thus these questions will be deemed "difficult" and give a more lenient "curve". You are absolutely right that it isn't "curved" afterwards. The difficulty is already calculated for test takers in each score band. So if everyone bombed it, it would not affect your score as much as if you were the only one out of 15,000 test takers who bombed it.

    I don't think you have it quite right. (Edited for redundancy because it's super late and I totally repeated the curve system loL)
    There is an assumption that everyone bombed the experimental sections, maybe influencing the overall curve. Maybe they didn't. Or maybe they got them in pieces rather than all four at once. There are a number of variables to consider there.
    If the rest of the September test was relatively easy, as many have said online, the overall curve won't be too far from the norm, which would be somewhere around -10, -11.
    It totally sucks, but it's their dumb system.

  • kstiffler09kstiffler09 Alum Member
    53 karma

    Hi all. I took the LSAT at Binghamton University in NY. We were divided into three lecture halls and the hall I was in lost the wifi connection to the tablets after we completed section 4. Our proctor called LSAC and they said they didn't know what to do. We ended up turning in our tablets and those of us in that lecture hall have to retake the entire test. It's unclear to me why LSAC didn't have a contingency plan given that this was the first time everyone was taking the digital test. I called LSAC yesterday, as we were instructed, and they said to expect an email sometime soon about the rescheduled test but that otherwise they didn't have any more information. Has anyone had this happen before, and if so what was LSAC's resolution?

  • beezmoofbeezmoof Alum Member
    555 karma

    Do you guys remember which game had the substitution question? First, second, third, or fourth?

  • tristan.locke1tristan.locke1 Alum Member
    100 karma

    @"Pride Only Hurts" said:

    This is 100% right. The game was awful for me but only because I completely missed a very limiting rule. Once I saw the mistake (too late) the game made sense. Still didn’t make it easy but definitely manageable.

    Ok yes! Super relieving to read this! I moved through flowers relatively quickly and panicked after reading comments that maybe I made an inference that wasn’t actually there. Still a really hard section, but hoping for a reasonable score!

  • Dave FisherDave Fisher Alum Member
    31 karma

    Thank you 7sage. Now I know I'm not crazy for thinking that LG section was INSANE

  • ConquerLSATboiConquerLSATboi Alum Member
    81 karma

    Hi 7Sagers! Can anyone who had RC experimental or LG experimental comment with the topics (no answers)? I noticed no one has talked about this yet

  • CharlieHuCharlieHu Alum Member
    edited September 2019 129 karma

    @ConquerLSATboi said:
    Hi 7Sagers! Can anyone who had RC experimental or LG experimental comment with the topics (no answers)? I noticed no one has talked about this yet

    Are you asking about the topics on the experimental sections?

    I had LG. I remember two games:

    Operating machine/Directing traffic
    Jazz Trio

  • piercewriter96piercewriter96 Free Trial Member
    115 karma

    is there anyone that did bad on the LG and is still not going to cancel their score? Who's with me?

  • cooljon525-1-1cooljon525-1-1 Alum Member
    edited September 2019 917 karma

    -ice caps melting with global warming
    -Rubbish being thrown near people's homes
    -Something about a doctor reducing inflammation on someone's leg nerve
    -Farmed/Wild fish(I think that was in this section)

    Methane 127 or something
    Cortisol and PTSD
    Commercial fishing boat weight (i believe this was in this section)
    e.e. cumming- heroic/criminal act. it was #2 i believe

    Just to verify, these 2 LR sections are real right?

  • pklhlbay23pklhlbay23 Free Trial Member
    edited September 2019 21 karma

    I've scored -0 for LG the last 5 PT's I took before Saturday. But I was completely stumped on test day. I onIy had 2 minutes left when I came back to game 3 and barely had time to set up the game board and pretty much had to guess all of them.

    Has anyone decided how to prepare for future LG sections? If future LG sections are going to be of similar difficulty, I'm not sure what the right way to prepare for it is. I felt very confident about LG going into the exam but it felt like an absolute nightmare like as if I was doing the LG section for the first time.

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