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Regressing and Test Date in Janurary

matiecena83matiecena83 Member
in General 62 karma

I started studying for the LSAT in August and back then I scored around 155. Since then I've kept studying in the time I have left over from grad school. I just took a PT in the same controlled enviornment and received a 150. I'm equally weak in all questions (I missed around 12 questions from each section) and found that I am still presssed for time and unable to complete the last page for each section. It feels like all the time I spent practicing amounted to nothing and I'm at a loss.

It's clear I'm not ready and I just found out that I can only cancel my Janurary LSAT for a measly 50 dollars. Any suggestions on what to do? I'm looking to take the LSAT at least around June but I'm not even sure if Seoul, Korea offers a June test. There is one in March, although I'm not sure if I'll be ready by then tbh.


  • kahlen7kahlen7 Alum Member
    3 karma

    I was in the same boat with the October LSAT. I knew i wasn't ready and was going to score low, but I took it anyways. Honestly, im happy I did. Taking the test for the first time makes you feel a kind of nerve that NO practice test can prepare you for, but now that ive taken the real test, I feel a lot more confident. Not only that, but taking the real test gave me an even better idea of what I am weak at. With all the studying ive done, and with 2 more months of prep left until the January LSAT, I feel even more confident that I will do well on it.

    Also you never know. You could just happen to have an extremely good/lucky test day in January and score really well. You've already paid for it so might as well give it a shot!

  • matiecena83matiecena83 Member
    62 karma

    Did you keep your score for your October LSAT? I wish you luck on January!!

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