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Negotiating Scholarships

ChiChi55ChiChi55 Alum Member

Any tips on negotiating scholarships? Can you do it earlier then is recommended on this site?
I’ve received many 100% scholarships from lower ranked (50 and under schools) and just heard back from a top 20 school and received $30,000 total. This is my top school choice. I was below their lsat median and above 75% GPA. I haven’t applied to many other higher ranked schools, only 3 others which I am waiting to hear from.
What would be a reasonable starting point for negotiations?


  • UnicornFartsUnicornFarts Alum Member
    222 karma

    You're really early in the process, did the T20 tell you to get back to them with a decision at a certain date? If not, I would maybe wait and see what you get from the other schools that are closer in rank. Last year, I was able to negotiate a FA raise from Columbia using a higher amount from a slightly lower school, and they're SUPER stingy...Hope this helps a little! Congrats on the admissions by the way!

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