@alinnazarian You're good. It's actually surprisingly similar. I mean the interface looks slightly different. But the countdown clock and mark out AC are very close. Same thing with passage scrolling for RC. So I think you practicing on the digital PT's on here would prepare you well for the digital LSAT. The main difference would be that the PT's on here don't have an extra fifth experimental section. So you don't get the full experience without that. I'm not even sure how JY could replicate that best. But that'd be the only thing he could add to be exactly like the LSAT. Let me know if you have any other questions I can help with.
@alinnazarian said:
I apologize if this question doesn't really belong in here, but I was wondering if someone could give me insight on how similar 7sage's digital PT's are to the actual LSAT. Any insight will be much appreciated!
I'd say it's very similar! All of the screen functions (highlighter, underline, arrows, ruling out answers, time display, etc.) are located in the same vicinity on the real test. The highlight function is a bit annoying to use at times on the tablet though. The only major difference was the font of everything (you can adjust the size). The 7sage font is a bit easier on the eyes in my opinion, probably because I'm used to it.
Aw shoot! I def did better on the experimental RC than the real, was really hoping that was flipped. I had it as my last and just could't get my brain around it. I also thought one of the LR sections was way harder than the other, anyone else feel that?
Games felt breezy but I guess we'll see when I get my scored. Ugh so bummed about RC. It a rough section for me and despite my efforts so hard to consistently improve
I took internationally.
I had 1 RC and I believe it involve tribal wagwam Indians and fur trading. Anyone know if international tests are different than the states?
Also Does anybody remember an LR with a q about yeast?
@erinmcgrath1621 I agree, I've never encountered RC that difficult in a practice test. In my opinion, each passage was a struggle to fully understand. I had two RC sections and the fifth section (2nd RC) was my graded RC. I'm not confident about that section at all, my experimental was definitely better.
@lilsquish My test experience sounds like it was so similar to yours. I had logic games first maybe have missed something but wasn’t that bad. Then what turned out to be the experimental reading comp which I felt good about. Then came the first LR section and it was the harder one. Thank flagged question one and then question three and went uh oh. LR is typically my best section and I felt like o flagged half that section and not doing well. Second LR section which was after the break felt much better. Last section was reading comp and I don’t feel good about it at all. I feel like I didn’t get the forgery art passage at all.
@FindingSage said: @lilsquish My test experience sounds like it was so similar to yours. I had logic games first maybe have missed something but wasn’t that bad. Then what turned out to be the experimental reading comp which I felt good about. Then came the first LR section and it was the harder one. Thank flagged question one and then question three and went uh oh. LR is typically my best section and I felt like o flagged half that section and not doing well. Second LR section which was after the break felt much better. Last section was reading comp and I don’t feel good about it at all. I feel like I didn’t get the forgery art passage at all.
I had the same structure for my exam; however, I was so relieved by seeing the second RC section, as I completely blanked on the first and guessed more times than ever before. I think the relief washing over me allowed me to focus on the second RC and answer ~90% of the questions with confidence.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one that found the first LR rough.
@alinnazarian said:
I apologize if this question doesn't really belong in here, but I was wondering if someone could give me insight on how similar 7sage's digital PT's are to the actual LSAT. Any insight will be much appreciated!
Hey @alinnazarian, the digital PTs on 7Sage are quite similar to the real ones. You can collapse answer choices, eliminate them or restore them by taping on the answer choices beside it, and you can highlight, make the font bigger or smaller, adjust the brightness, see the timer, and erase highlights. I would practice on digital PTs on 7Sage as a simulation for the real thing.
@meganyoung78 said: @erinmcgrath1621 I agree, I've never encountered RC that difficult in a practice test. In my opinion, each passage was a struggle to fully understand. I had two RC sections and the fifth section (2nd RC) was my graded RC. I'm not confident about that section at all, my experimental was definitely better.
Booo! I felt the same way! I was feeling so solid with everything up until the break, and then that last RC whooped me. I don't even know how to prep for sections like that because I just felt like every passage was a ball buster - but maybe I was just toast after the four sections before it.
@chloe222 yes I didn’t even have time to look at the questions. I circled the same letter for all the six questions LOL. If I’m lucky I can get 2/6 lmao. I think I spent a good 9 mins just trying to figure out what kind of board I’d need for this game. If I remember correctly I had 11-12 mins left when I got to the last game.
First game was easy, second game was alright, third game was long as hell.
After that section I took a solid minute to pray to the lsat lords. :(:(:( man I even considered walking out cause I got whooped so bad by the first section
Seeing how everyone found the real RC section hard I’m really starting to question my understanding of the passages. I think I just got an overall understanding of the passages and just answered the questions from there. RC is a weird and inconsistent section for me. Anywhere between -4 and -13 LOL
for those who had 3 LR passages, did you find the experimental LR more difficult? I honestly can't remember which one question appeared where cause it's all a blur now but I remember one section being more difficult than the other 2. Happened to be my first section too so I'm not sure if it's because I hadn't warmed up sufficiently yet.
I feel like the questions identified as experimental were ones I had trouble with so I'm praying I didn't mess up a real LR section.
@lilsquish my brain was definitely done toward the end. I could deal with LR as the 4th section. But having RC as the 5th section buried me, especially with the difficulty level. I’m just hoping RC doesn’t destroy my score. I’m really not feeling a retake 😂
@"duncan chiu" said:
for those who had 3 LR passages, did you find the experimental LR more difficult? I honestly can't remember which one question appeared where cause it's all a blur now but I remember one section being more difficult than the other 2. Happened to be my first section too so I'm not sure if it's because I hadn't warmed up sufficiently yet.
I feel like the questions identified as experimental were ones I had trouble with so I'm praying I didn't mess up a real LR section.
Felt the same way as you. I had 3 LR’s, first one being my second section after LG. I felt like it was harder than the other 2 LR’s. I also don’t remember any questions on it but I don’t recognize any of the “real” questions being posted here as part of that first one. So I’m hoping it was the experimental.
I had LR, LG, LR, RC, LR...I think the first LR was experimental. The arguments seemed weird and kind of messed me up a bit until I saw the other 2 LR sections and think the first can't be real. The last game threw me a bit...I should have known better because I've done that style of game before
I do remember one much harder LR, but I thought my third LR was experimental because I found it way too easy to be true. I always expect it to get rough once I hit question like 15, yet I just kind of breezed through 15-21 and was like "huh? that's it?". Turns out that LR was real, so one of my first 2 wasn't (maybe the harder one).
@"Sim Simma" said:
I do remember one much harder LR, but I thought my third LR was experimental because I found it way too easy to be true. I always expect it to get rough once I hit question like 15, yet I just kind of breezed through 15-21 and was like "huh? that's it?". Turns out that LR was real, so one of my first 2 wasn't (maybe the harder one).
@"Sim Simma" said:
I do remember one much harder LR, but I thought my third LR was experimental because I found it way too easy to be true. I always expect it to get rough once I hit question like 15, yet I just kind of breezed through 15-21 and was like "huh? that's it?". Turns out that LR was real, so one of my first 2 wasn't (maybe the harder one).
Which question subjects were on here?
on the "easy" one? hard to say, i don't remember much, but I know there was a question involving rattlesnakes and squirrels, and I believe there was one about monkeys yawning, one about either high/low blood pressure or h/l cholesterol. the rest is a blur.
on the "easy" one? hard to say, i don't remember much, but I know there was a question involving rattlesnakes and squirrels, and I believe there was one about monkeys yawning, one about either high/low blood pressure or h/l cholesterol. the rest is a blur.
I remember those, I think that was my first LR. It also had one about side dishes. Do you remember an LR question about cars/buses parking or driving after 7PM?
on the "easy" one? hard to say, i don't remember much, but I know there was a question involving rattlesnakes and squirrels, and I believe there was one about monkeys yawning, one about either high/low blood pressure or h/l cholesterol. the rest is a blur.
I remember those, I think that was my first LR. It also had one about side dishes. Do you remember an LR question about cars/buses parking or driving after 7PM?
yeah something like along the lines of "parking isn't allowed at X time or on X day, and you can park only when...", i do remember something like that
If you do remember the game or find something similar do you mind tagging me in it please. The next time I see this type of game I want to ready to know how to do it. @"Pardeep.Parhar"
@"Pardeep.Parhar" said:
For the beer LG game, is there an analog question for it in past PrepTests (I am sure there are, but I can't find any off the top of my head).
I took practice test #60 today and realized that one of the RC passages was on the January 2020 LSAT I sat for. Does anyone else remember this? It was a passage about art forgery. Is it common for LSAC to repeat passages or questions from prior test?
yo tf was that last game? was it EDIT I could not even deduce.
oh well.
@alinnazarian You're good. It's actually surprisingly similar. I mean the interface looks slightly different. But the countdown clock and mark out AC are very close. Same thing with passage scrolling for RC. So I think you practicing on the digital PT's on here would prepare you well for the digital LSAT. The main difference would be that the PT's on here don't have an extra fifth experimental section. So you don't get the full experience without that. I'm not even sure how JY could replicate that best. But that'd be the only thing he could add to be exactly like the LSAT. Let me know if you have any other questions I can help with.
I only had two LR sections and one of them had the rattle snake and squirrel question, so that must be real!
Same here! I had no idea what kind of game board i needed to start with!
According to my calculations there was 101 questions. Please correct me if i'm wrong.
You clearly didn't read the instructions for the thread. Do NOT mention the game type.
I'd say it's very similar! All of the screen functions (highlighter, underline, arrows, ruling out answers, time display, etc.) are located in the same vicinity on the real test. The highlight function is a bit annoying to use at times on the tablet though. The only major difference was the font of everything (you can adjust the size). The 7sage font is a bit easier on the eyes in my opinion, probably because I'm used to it.
6 for the brewery game
Aw shoot! I def did better on the experimental RC than the real, was really hoping that was flipped. I had it as my last and just could't get my brain around it. I also thought one of the LR sections was way harder than the other, anyone else feel that?
Games felt breezy but I guess we'll see when I get my scored. Ugh so bummed about RC. It a rough section for me and despite my efforts so hard to consistently improve
Hope ya'll did well!
I took internationally.
I had 1 RC and I believe it involve tribal wagwam Indians and fur trading. Anyone know if international tests are different than the states?
Also Does anybody remember an LR with a q about yeast?
Anyone else thinking the RC was very difficult? Probably some of the hardest passages I have ever read. Even the main point questions were difficult.
@erinmcgrath1621 I agree, I've never encountered RC that difficult in a practice test. In my opinion, each passage was a struggle to fully understand. I had two RC sections and the fifth section (2nd RC) was my graded RC. I'm not confident about that section at all, my experimental was definitely better.
@lilsquish My test experience sounds like it was so similar to yours. I had logic games first maybe have missed something but wasn’t that bad. Then what turned out to be the experimental reading comp which I felt good about. Then came the first LR section and it was the harder one. Thank flagged question one and then question three and went uh oh. LR is typically my best section and I felt like o flagged half that section and not doing well. Second LR section which was after the break felt much better. Last section was reading comp and I don’t feel good about it at all. I feel like I didn’t get the forgery art passage at all.
I had the same structure for my exam; however, I was so relieved by seeing the second RC section, as I completely blanked on the first and guessed more times than ever before. I think the relief washing over me allowed me to focus on the second RC and answer ~90% of the questions with confidence.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one that found the first LR rough.
The 4th game on my only LG - the brewery one - was insanely hard. Anyone else think so?
Hey @alinnazarian, the digital PTs on 7Sage are quite similar to the real ones. You can collapse answer choices, eliminate them or restore them by taping on the answer choices beside it, and you can highlight, make the font bigger or smaller, adjust the brightness, see the timer, and erase highlights. I would practice on digital PTs on 7Sage as a simulation for the real thing.
Booo! I felt the same way! I was feeling so solid with everything up until the break, and then that last RC whooped me. I don't even know how to prep for sections like that because I just felt like every passage was a ball buster - but maybe I was just toast after the four sections before it.
@chloe222 yes I didn’t even have time to look at the questions. I circled the same letter for all the six questions LOL. If I’m lucky I can get 2/6 lmao. I think I spent a good 9 mins just trying to figure out what kind of board I’d need for this game. If I remember correctly I had 11-12 mins left when I got to the last game.
:(:(:( man I even considered walking out cause I got whooped so bad by the first section
First game was easy, second game was alright, third game was long as hell.
After that section I took a solid minute to pray to the lsat lords.
Seeing how everyone found the real RC section hard I’m really starting to question my understanding of the passages. I think I just got an overall understanding of the passages and just answered the questions from there. RC is a weird and inconsistent section for me. Anywhere between -4 and -13 LOL
for those who had 3 LR passages, did you find the experimental LR more difficult? I honestly can't remember which one question appeared where cause it's all a blur now but I remember one section being more difficult than the other 2. Happened to be my first section too so I'm not sure if it's because I hadn't warmed up sufficiently yet.
I feel like the questions identified as experimental were ones I had trouble with so I'm praying I didn't mess up a real LR section.
@lilsquish my brain was definitely done toward the end. I could deal with LR as the 4th section. But having RC as the 5th section buried me, especially with the difficulty level. I’m just hoping RC doesn’t destroy my score. I’m really not feeling a retake 😂
Felt the same way as you. I had 3 LR’s, first one being my second section after LG. I felt like it was harder than the other 2 LR’s. I also don’t remember any questions on it but I don’t recognize any of the “real” questions being posted here as part of that first one. So I’m hoping it was the experimental.
I had LR, LG, LR, RC, LR...I think the first LR was experimental. The arguments seemed weird and kind of messed me up a bit until I saw the other 2 LR sections and think the first can't be real. The last game threw me a bit...I should have known better because I've done that style of game before
I do remember one much harder LR, but I thought my third LR was experimental because I found it way too easy to be true. I always expect it to get rough once I hit question like 15, yet I just kind of breezed through 15-21 and was like "huh? that's it?". Turns out that LR was real, so one of my first 2 wasn't (maybe the harder one).
Hi does anyone with 2 LRs remember a Romeo and Juliet fill-in-the-blank question? Was that experimental?
Which question subjects were on here?
Only 2 LR, I remember that question so it was real.
on the "easy" one? hard to say, i don't remember much, but I know there was a question involving rattlesnakes and squirrels, and I believe there was one about monkeys yawning, one about either high/low blood pressure or h/l cholesterol. the rest is a blur.
I remember those, I think that was my first LR. It also had one about side dishes. Do you remember an LR question about cars/buses parking or driving after 7PM?
Unfortunately the question about parking after 7 pm was real. It was a parallel flaw question which I think I missed.
10000 different types of beer
@Itwasntme Thanks!
yeah something like along the lines of "parking isn't allowed at X time or on X day, and you can park only when...", i do remember something like that
I had 2 LR's and I remember this question
Did anyone else have LG (23), LR (25), LR (25), LR (26), RC? If so, do you know which LR of the 25 LRs was the real one?
For the beer LG game, is there an analog question for it in past PrepTests (I am sure there are, but I can't find any off the top of my head).
If you do remember the game or find something similar do you mind tagging me in it please. The next time I see this type of game I want to ready to know how to do it. @"Pardeep.Parhar"
You guys any tips for us that are taking the exam in March! 😢
I took practice test #60 today and realized that one of the RC passages was on the January 2020 LSAT I sat for. Does anyone else remember this? It was a passage about art forgery. Is it common for LSAC to repeat passages or questions from prior test?