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A nice lil realization

EddieMEddieM Alum Member
in Logic Games 279 karma

So I've been struggling with logic games, and this doesn't change that, BUT I think things are slightly less bad than I'd thought:

I've been stressing about my performance on LG sections given a three-star difficulty rating by 7sage. I've been thinking, "ugh, this is just on the average LG section, which, given that tests have been getting harder, will likely be easier than whatever's on my actual test." But when I checked this out, I realized that of the PTs since #80, only ONE has gotten a rating higher than three stars! (#88, a 5-star section)

So obviously, this doesn't mean that my test's LG section is gonna be easy, or even that it won't be the hardest I've ever taken. But it does mean that 3-star LG sections are around as hard as they generally have been, of late.


  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    3190 karma

    Thats the large consensus. In fact, people say LG has only gotten easier. But RC has gotten harder in response

  • JDream2025JDream2025 Alum Member
    996 karma

    I echo your analysis. LG actually weren't that bad on Feb 2020 test date which I took. I could had used more practice but they didn't make my head spin.

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