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Course Strategy Suggestions

xjoellemaexjoellemae Alum Member
in General 26 karma

Hello amazing 7Sage community! I would appreciate some feedback concerning my study strategy.

I sat November and got a 158 after going through the Powerscore Bibles and the Loophole. I’m trying to score in the 170s, so I upgraded to Ultimate after receiving my score. I’m plugging through the core curriculum, but am wondering if it would be beneficial to start taking PTs as I go through the curriculum. I was originally planning on taking the LSAT again this fall, but the LSAT Flex is becoming increasingly attractive to me as I hit major fatigue during sections 4 & 5 during a full PT.

Would I be doing myself a disservice by “wasting” PTs if I’m not done with the full core curriculum? I know this process takes time, and I’ve been studying for a year now. I’m just trying to see if anyone else is feeling the fire to try to take the Flex option.

Thank you so much!


  • LogicianLogician Alum Member Sage
    2464 karma

    I think you’d be the most suited to answering this question. Generally PT’s serve as a snapshot that show you where you are in your journey. Most if not all of the point increases come in BR- which means going through everything you didn’t understand with a fine tooth comb, taking a step back and really analyzing and pinpointing what you need to work on. I would advise against rushing through PT’s for the sole purpose of taking the flex. Yes it’s a great opportunity but what good will taking it be if you’re not where you should be. If I was in your situation I would take a PT once you are done with the CC and then plan accordingly. If your BR score is not at or above your target score, then you’re probably not ready to be taking PT’s, which would mean going back and improving your fundamentals and then drilling.

    Hope this helps and good luck!

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