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⚖ Official May 2020 LSAT-Flex Discussion Thread ⚖



  • jcylingjcyling Member
    44 karma

    Aside from my computer issues, the proctor was efficient, requested all the confirmations I expected and was really quiet.

  • noonawoonnoonawoon Alum Member
    edited May 2020 3481 karma

    LSAC predetermines curves unlike some other standardized tests. They won’t adjust it based on complaints. Their response to complaints is a free retake.

  • EddieMEddieM Alum Member
    279 karma

    @ramasobhani said:

    I'm not holding my breath on that. That's not LSAC's style. I felt like they took it easy in the difficulty of the test (though the RC on the one I took was definitely spicier than usual) because of all the uncertainty, so they're not going to throw us any more bones than they already have. I may be wrong, but I guess we'll see.

    Would tend to agree. Also a longshot, but my source of hope is this: maybe, the elevation of RC and LG at LR's expense will necessitate a slightly kinder curve. This is mere speculation, and I know I'm biased bc LR is my least bad section, but you do tend to see way more complaining about LG and RC on these boards, right? If people are generally better at LR than LG/LR, then reducing its weighting would have to produce a gentler curve if percentiles were to remain the same... right?

    (Or not, idk. Just my personal hope haha.)

  • lrobertson521lrobertson521 Alum Member
    edited May 2020 16 karma

    I had a great experience with the LSAT Flex. My biggest issue was the landscapers outside my house. I found the minute between sections to be helpful since you're not rushed into a new section and you have a short amount of time to clear your brain fog of what just happened in the previous section. I think this is a much better way to administer the test. The in-person test gives me EXTREME jitters and the first time I took the test in person I was very distracted by the person next to me.
    My proctor was very nice to me when she first arrived and there was complete silence after she entered the password and the test began. Towards the end I had to use the bathroom REALLY bad so I wasn't sure if I could run to the potty or not with the one minute in between, I just assumed not so I sucked it up. Overall, I feel this is a much better way for testing than the 5 sections with one unscored section and all the other quirks that come a long with the in-person test.
    Also, the test didn't seem super hard, i'm sure because everyone's life circumstances are so different during these times they may be taking it easy.

  • mortgagemortgage Member
    37 karma

    During my Logic Games section I received a message stating that there was a system issue, or a connection issue, and I was kicked out. I logged back into Proctur U and in a couple of minutes the chat screen opened up with the proctor asking me if I was done. I sent them 3 messages letting them know what happened and they said don't worry I will get you back into the test.

    They got me back into the test. I lost approximately 5 minutes. I think I did well on the other 2 sections, but my LG score will be very poor. I will reach out to LSAC but being a Fall 2020 applicant I don't know what I can do.

  • FlashLSATFlashLSAT Alum Member
    293 karma

    @isaacdesanto said:

    This happened to me too. I waited for a proctor for like an hour, then as soon as I was assigned one they disconnected, so I had to re-download the proctor app which put me all the way at the back of the line. Waited over an hour again, all the while unable a hold of anyone on their live support chat or on the phone. Finally got a support person on the chat who was like "Sorry you should receive the next free proctor." All said and done it was basically more than 2 1/2 hours after my appointment that I was finally able to take the test.

    Other than that no technical issues, once I got a proctor I didn't have any problems, I just left them on mute and we communicated through the chat box. Test was definitely challenging.

    Did the LR section seem more difficult then normal?

  • jankleyjankley Member
    73 karma

    @leah8282 that's good you heard back from them, but wtf they want you to cancel your score as well? This whole thing is a huge mess...

  • Jessica B.Jessica B. Alum Member
    56 karma

    Tuesday test takers, let's crush this. Do not let the technical issues distract you from messing with your optimal performance. We've been through worse before. So let's rise to the occasion and show everyone what we're capable of.

  • hcdbsu24hcdbsu24 Alum Member
    103 karma

    RC 27, LG 23, LR 26.

    My experience technology wise was a breeze. In and out in 2 hrs.

    I think the RC was about a 4/5, I didn’t really have an easy gimme passage. I might be hallucinating but I thought there was a typo in one of my questions in my Criminal vs Civil passage. If anyone saw this please let me know, I’m going to email LSAC about it.

    LG was comparable to just a super average 3/5 test. The last two games were a bit challenging and had to guess on 2 answers in the end, but nothing I couldn’t handle.

    LR was probably a 2/5. My section was incredibly easy and I finished with 7 minutes to spare which allowed me to go back and fix some flags.

  • ahnendc-1ahnendc-1 Member
    642 karma

    Just want to share my experience: Thankfully, I had absolutely none of the issues described above. My test was scheduled for 9:50 and I began around 9:52. My proctors were very polite and respectful and I had absolutely no issues with background noise. My proctor did switch during the exam but it was absolutely seamless (I didn't notice until I looked at the chat log at the end, which had recorded that there had been a switch in proctors).

    The only 'issue' I had was submitting my exam; when I was done, nothing really happened so I had to exchange messages with the proctor and that took about 10 minutes or so but it was effortless. When I ended screen-sharing (as my proctor said I could) there was an error message that I had been disconnected from the test early, leading me to think that I maybe didn't submit the test properly..? Anyways, I think it must have just been a lag because about 10 minutes later it had my LSAT-Flex May test listed in the Exam history and it was marked as "fulfilled".

    The one 'tip' I would give folks is that there is a screen-sharing popup box (very small) but it can be moved to a different part of the screen; for whatever reason (I have a Mac) it first appeared in a position where it was partially covering the 'progress bar' (you know, those circles filled in showing what questions are completed, empty and which are flagged at the bottom of the page). Anyways, during RC it was hard to toggle back to earlier questions but then I realized that it could be dragged to a different part of the screen and the issue was resolved.

  • isaacdesantoisaacdesanto Member
    95 karma

    @FlashLSAT said:

    Did the LR section seem more difficult then normal?

    Yes, I thought so. Probably the hardest of the three for me, but I already see someone else thought it was the easiest, so it just really varies.

  • EddieMEddieM Alum Member
    279 karma

    Yes, I thought so. Probably the hardest of the three for me, but I already see someone else thought it was the easiest, so it just really varies.

    Also could have been a different test. There were definitely multiple tests yesterday, judging by the multitude of RC passage subjects people named.

  • MyNameIsKateMyNameIsKate Alum Member
    14 karma

    I had zero problems and my proctor did not even verbally speak to me. She only spoke through a messaging app. Just wanted to put this out there for those who have not taken their test yet! Your experience does not have to be bad, it probably won’t be bad, and if it is LSAC will most definitely make it up! Positive vibes and good luck!!!

  • Kiva_180Kiva_180 Member
    130 karma

    @hcdbsu24 I think we had the same test. I didn't see any typo, but also thought LG was pretty straightforward. I thought some of the LR questions were worded poorly (i.e. 3300 BC is before 3200 BC...), but had no problems finishing with time to spare while going slowly. RC was definitely a little challenging, but nothing crazy.

  • oneday0201oneday0201 Alum Member
    edited May 2020 11 karma

    I just finished my exam and I had a great experience with my proctors. I asked a few questions before the exam started, such as possibly muting my computer audio once the exam started, and she let me know that she would mute herself and connect with me if she had any issues to address. She shifted out and another person took over towards the end, but I didn't even notice.

    My only criticism was that I was given zero instruction after I finished my exam. I waited for about 10 minutes before sending a few messages to the chat box asking if I could just close out the tabs, to which I got a response. The second proctor did not ask me to rip up or shred my scratch papers, and it totally slipped my mind. I did that off camera, after all was said and done.

    Otherwise, my issues were mostly relative to outside factors - its garbage day today, my brother had to come into my room to grab a few belongings, and my neighbors are landscaping their yard.

    LG- 23q
    LR- 25q

    The minute between sections really helped with getting into the right headspace for the next part of the exam. Overall, it was interesting experience.

  • HatishaMHatishaM Alum Member
    100 karma

    I am so sorry for those who had a bad experience. I had a great experience with this exam. I had no technical problems and the proctor was very sweet. She did not check my desk area or scratch paper. The overall exam seemed a lot easier than the practice tests I had been doing. I had RC-LR-LG so it worked well for me. TC is the most draining so I got it out of the way first. Taking at home definitely reduced 75% of my test anxiety. At one point I forgot that someone was even watching me. Good luck to everyone!

  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    3190 karma

    @Kiva_180 said:
    @hcdbsu24 I think we had the same test. I didn't see any typo, but also thought LG was pretty straightforward. I thought some of the LR questions were worded poorly (i.e. 3300 BC is before 3200 BC...), but had no problems finishing with time to spare while going slowly. RC was definitely a little challenging, but nothing crazy.

    I had same RC and LG as you but not same LR. My LR was also ok, slightly easier than normal. I thought RC was easier than normal. But for me i had to guess on 3 games questions which is p abnormal for me. Could be nerves? I definitley thought the games seemed easier than normal but on second thought I think they were harder than average

    Im actually p sure i missed the most on LG if anything lol and im usually -0 to -1 -2 if something goes really wrong

  • arbarcia97arbarcia97 Core Member
    29 karma

    Not sure if there are still many ppl waiting to take the exam but here goes my experience:

    • Tech:
      I was worried after reading so many horror stories yesterday, but I (thankfully) had none. Proctor logged in on time, was super quick to check everything and very polite. My exam was scheduled at 1:30 and I started by 1:45

    • Actual Test:
      I thought LG was on the easier side of the spectrum. I did run out of time on one question I had skipped and wanted to go back to, but didnt think jt was unfairly challenging and def didnt see anything “new”

    LR has pretty straightforward as well. Definitely a few challenging questions, but I‘d say pretty fair overall

    RC was a bit of a challenge for me (usually is) so i can never really gauge how i did, but also didnt think it was anything overly challenging or unfair.

    Hope this helps appease any future flex test takers!! feel free to ask me any questions :)

    84 karma

    I just finished my LSAT Flex. I had no technical issues at all and really enjoyed taking it at home.

    Similar to what others have said, LR seemed totally normal, LG on the easier side, RC on the harder side (really just quite long). Looking forward to June 5!

    Congratulations to everyone who completed the test.

  • liz08080liz08080 Alum Member
    46 karma

    LR seemed normal-ish tending on hard for me, LG seemed easy, and I think I really messed up on RC. I'm honestly so upset because I've been regularly scoring in the high 160s and this test really didn't feel like that. I felt like I was guessing on so many RC questions and I honestly could see myself getting a score in the 150s, and I feel just so heartbroken by this test right now.

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Core Member Sage
    edited May 2020 8491 karma

    Heres my review:

    Took at a hotel using their ethernet. Fucking room service interrupted me twice during RC despite having the door tag on.

    No proctoring issues. I mentioned the issues that have been coming up, and the proctor (who was in the Philippines) said, "thats because they're newbies... they've been hiring a lot" . Never heard from him after the test started. Had to show all sides of paper, thorough area check, made me move my phone out of reach. Tore up paper in front of camera after then was prompted to close.

    *note - I was able to use larger sheets from a lined legal pad which I definitely will be doing again next month.

    No issues with the software or running a mac.

    LR RC LG

    LR - felt easier than normal which makes me suspish. Finished with 6 minutes left. Didn't change anything during the extra time.

    RC - waste disposal, picaresque, history of plagiarism, corporate law. Last two were harder reads, but also got interrupted at the start of the third passage.

    LG - ?, crops, performances, work shifts. Last two were sleeper hard games for me... seemed simple enough starting off.

    I'm not where I need to be on games yet, and the interruption halfway through the test threw me off. Predicting an optimistic 163-5. Sucks because it felt like material I should have done better on.

    More as I recall, but feel free to AMA.

  • The JudgesThe Judges Free Trial Member
    364 karma

    What do we think the curve is y'all?

  • jmarmaduke96jmarmaduke96 Member Sage
    2891 karma

    I just finished mine. The test itself seemed easy/normal. The proctoring was a disaster though. I was told that there were issues with the Proctor U connection so a screen came up and I wasn't able to see the test while this was worked out (during RC, of all sections). I was later disconnected from Proctor U and when I was let back in my screen was locked scrolled all the way down. So I was on the A/B passage but couldnt even see passage A (i didnt even know it was the comparative passage at first). I'll probably be one of those on the phone with LSAC trying to get something worked out.

  • lawgirl101lawgirl101 Alum Member
    38 karma

    Very curious: can you use control F on Proctor U (may be helpful for RC). Thanks

  • Sivijys-1Sivijys-1 Core Member
    44 karma

    Just finished the LSAT-Flex. Same problems here as others. 1) The connection was lost less than 5 minutes into the LG (session). The page in my browser just went blank and said my connection was lost. I contacted the proctor who resolved the situation in about 12-15 minutes. But he did it by searching for Google Chrome (I was on Firefox), opening the program, going through all the steps to recheck everything, and so on an so forth. By then I was so thrown off I made the decision to cancel this score. 2) The function of some of the platform was questionable, too. More than once I'd try to highlight and couldn't. Underline and couldn't. A few times I tried to select/deselect an answer choice and nothing happened.

    There were just so many issues, this was a practice run for me. Not with the LSAT, but with the ProctorU platform. Maybe some of the problems will be resolved by June.

  • yan_nyclawyan_nyclaw Alum Member
    edited May 2020 42 karma

    When can I write the Writing Sample? Just finished my exam. Can I to it tomorrow or later or it should be done strictly today?

  • thinkorswimthinkorswim Alum Member
    433 karma

    @jmarmaduke96 said:
    I just finished mine. The test itself seemed easy/normal. The proctoring was a disaster though. I was told that there were issues with the Proctor U connection so a screen came up and I wasn't able to see the test while this was worked out (during RC, of all sections). I was later disconnected from Proctor U and when I was let back in my screen was locked scrolled all the way down. So I was on the A/B passage but couldnt even see passage A (i didnt even know it was the comparative passage at first). I'll probably be one of those on the phone with LSAC trying to get something worked out.

    Wow I am so sorry to hear that =(. I'm guessing they also didn't reimburse you for the time lost while your scroll wheel was locked?

  • thomasdg2thomasdg2 Alum Member
    9 karma

    @yan_nyclaw said:
    When can I write the Writing Sample? Just finished my exam. Can I to it tomorrow or later or it should be done strictly today?

    You can do it whenever for the next year - I had to call LSAC due to a technical issue during the writing and I asked this same question.

  • jpaponjpapon Core Member
    7 karma

    LR and LG seemed pretty average on my test. RC though I severely misjudged my time and got to the last passage (programming patents) with only 3 minutes left. So frustrating because I'm a programmer who deals with patents all the time, so it would have been an easy passage for me. I just had to guess based off of a quick skim of the passage. So frustrating... just registered for the July test! Have to remember not to slow down in the middle of RC.

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Core Member Sage
    edited May 2020 8491 karma

    Hey, just saw that the waste disposal, picaresque, history of plagiarism, corporate law RC set was from last October... can anyone else confirm this? That's a pretty quick recycle if so. Edit: Independently confirmed... I'm assuming there will be a discussion about this forthcoming from a well known authority who I'll leave it to.

  • hl2xjhl2xj Alum Member
    edited May 2020 61 karma


  • jmarmaduke96jmarmaduke96 Member Sage
    2891 karma

    @thinkorswim No, unfortunately they were not able to. There wasn't much they were able to do other than offer a discounted retake, which seems to be the general experience most other people are having. Go figure. June, here I come!

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Core Member Sage
    8491 karma

    @hl2xj Oct 19 was undisclosed. Regardless, it was an experimental section so would not appear on a released PT.

  • noonawoonnoonawoon Alum Member
    3481 karma

    Has anyone who has to retake due to technical issues been given the option of a retake within the same of following week?

    I totally understand why someone wouldn’t want to retake that soon after a bad experience - just want to check if LSAC is even giving that options. Like others I’m worried about a dumb proctor pushing back my timeline by months.

  • thinkorswimthinkorswim Alum Member
    433 karma

    @jmarmaduke96 Dam the struggle is real. It seems like one of those situations where you can look at it as a half glass full or a half glass empty. Positively speaking, I'm sure with the extra time you will nail it even harder in June =)

  • CassidysCassidys Alum Member
    13 karma

    It sounds like there were multiple tests given. Do you think the tests will be scored and curved the same or do you think there will be a curve for each test?

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Core Member Sage
    8491 karma

    @Cassidys Dave Killoran has what seems to be the most thought out curve predictions in general. Its on his twitter.

    As for scale predictions, they depend on your LSAT form. We saw these often:

    • Motown RC/Crops LG = -7 scale
    • Drilling RC/Theater LG =-8

    These less so:

    • Motown RC/Theater LG = at least -9
    • Drilling RC/Crops LG = likely -8

    The mix-n-match makes it harder to b accurate!

  • avanavfakavanavfak Alum Member
    28 karma

    Considering all these issues I really feel like the LSAT Flex should be like the first digital test taken where they allowed you to see your score and then cancel. It is unfair they're not treating this like the big change it is.

  • Pi031415Pi031415 Alum Member
    248 karma

    TLDR: if you have a MacBook, make alternate plans and use another computer/laptop for flex.

    I had my flex exam today. I have a MacBook Air. I logged in and could not get the system to register. I did all the necessary prechecks and everything worked fine. I waited for an tech for over an hour. I was told that proctor u does not interface correctly OS software. I had to install something on the system preferences and close out of proctor u. When I logged back in my exam wasn’t active. The tech told me I had to reschedule and in order to reschedule I had to pay $12. I went full on Karen at that point and said I wasn’t paying to reschedule since it wasn’t my fault I had to wait for assistance. I got transferred to someone else who rescheduled my test for, 3 hours after the original start time. So I had to wait for my new time. During that time I decided to use my surface instead of my MacBook and when it came time to log in I did without any issues.

  • yan_nyclawyan_nyclaw Alum Member
    42 karma

    @Pi031415 said:
    TLDR: if you have a MacBook, make alternate plans and use another computer/laptop for flex.

    I had my flex exam today. I have a MacBook Air. I logged in and could not get the system to register. I did all the necessary prechecks and everything worked fine. I waited for an tech for over an hour. I was told that proctor u does not interface correctly OS software. I had to install something on the system preferences and close out of proctor u. When I logged back in my exam wasn’t active. The tech told me I had to reschedule and in order to reschedule I had to pay $12. I went full on Karen at that point and said I wasn’t paying to reschedule since it wasn’t my fault I had to wait for assistance. I got transferred to someone else who rescheduled my test for, 3 hours after the original start time. So I had to wait for my new time. During that time I decided to use my surface instead of my MacBook and when it came time to log in I did without any issues.

    Sorry to hear this. Took the test on MacBook Air and everything was fine.

  • legallyconfusedlegallyconfused Alum Member
    350 karma

    @Pi031415 do you remember what you had to install on system preferences?

  • Pi031415Pi031415 Alum Member
    248 karma

    @legallyconfused i can’t remember exactly but it was something so that proctor u could view my screen. It wasn’t hard to install, it was just a click of a button but it just took forever to get someone on the line to troubleshoot and then it took that person a while to figure out what the issue actually was. I don’t even know if it works because when I signed in for my test at a later time I used a window laptop

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Core Member Sage
    8491 karma

    @yan_nyclaw said:

    Sorry to hear this. Took the test on MacBook Air and everything was fine.

    Same here. 2015 air.

  • kkckkck13kkckkck13 Member
    edited May 2020 37 karma

    There's actually a petition going around requesting that the LSAC allows May LSAT Flexers to view their scores before cancelling. Not sure how effective it'll be but maybe worth a try

    @zobidaalali said:
    Considering all these issues I really feel like the LSAT Flex should be like the first digital test taken where they allowed you to see your score and then cancel. It is unfair they're not treating this like the big change it is.

  • mlhinklemlhinkle Member
    292 karma

    was the LG section with calls and players of a game the theatre or crops LG section? For some reason I dont remember crops or theatre....

  • john1234-1john1234-1 Alum Member
    426 karma

    In the same boat here and signed the petition. I also sent an email to LSAC explaining my situation and asking if they'd consider doing that for this administration. I'd encourage others to do so too if you think it might help.

    @kkckkck13 said:

    There's actually a petition going around requesting that the LSAC allows May LSAT Flexers to view their scores before cancelling. Not sure how effective it'll be but maybe worth a try

  • mlhinklemlhinkle Member
    292 karma

    Anyone know why the cancel option has been removed from LSAT FLEX?

  • john1234-1john1234-1 Alum Member
    426 karma

    FWIW I'm not seeing it either actually

    @mlhinkle said:
    Anyone know why the cancel option has been removed from LSAT FLEX?

  • s.grant81s.grant81 Free Trial Member
    edited May 2020 72 karma

    I was researching resolutions for these situations. I did see that as a result of difficult of questions OR testing irregularities, a curve may be invoked. Granted, it wasn’t LSAC but an article that discusses the origin of the LSAT curve.

    I think this may be unlikely but in certain situations maybe? I’m glad to hear most people didn’t have problems, but this was a horrific experience. For me, LG was my first section, halfway through I’m smoking through the games, one to go, the proctor intimates that I’m doing something wrong by asking abruptly what I’m doing with my scratch paper. After explaining I was allowed to use it, he went to ask his manager, all while the clock was running. I asked him to stop it and he said he couldn’t. By the time he came back and confirmed I could use scratch paper, 10 minutes was lost, as you all know a critical amount of time. I had only minutes to complete the last but most difficult game. They refused to add the lost time. They said I can cancel or finish as is. This jacked me up the rest of the test. Lost all confidence in RC and LR, all because I couldn’t stop thinking about what happened.

    I was PTing in the low 160s, would be surprised if I broke 150. Unsatisfactory to the max

  • kkckkck13kkckkck13 Member
    37 karma

    I think you have to contact them directly to cancel.

    @mlhinkle said:
    Anyone know why the cancel option has been removed from LSAT FLEX?

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