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Quarantine and Burnout

ahnendc-1ahnendc-1 Member
in General 642 karma

Venting here a little bit but does anyone else feel like quarantine is accelerating the pace of burnout?? Not that anyone can change anything but I feel like I might be able to study more and more effectively without all this.. Apologies for the negativity.

On the positive side, I scored my highest PT (41) ever last week (172 - 176 BR) which was pretty awesome but its just doing all of the drills, full-proofing and review in preparation for the next PT that just seems so much slower while at home with minimal routine.


  • Did I StutterDid I Stutter Member
    384 karma

    I definitely feel you on the burning out during quarantine. I found that sticking to a routine has really helped. Make sure to take frequent breaks to relax and do things you enjoy. I also like to change the scenery of where I study like if its a nice day, ill study in the park or something. Try little things like that...it might make a difference!

    Also congrats on your score! That's something to celebrate :)

  • 410 karma

    I feel you on burnout too man. One thing that's helped is breaking things up with other activities (I've been slowly becoming a much better chef... did you know it's actually pretty easy to make sushi rice?)

    One of the most helpful parts of prep for me recently has been finding a good study buddy. We do two PTs a week and BR the LR the day after, often for at least 2 hours. We keep each other accountable, and help each other see new perspectives on different questions that we're having trouble with. Together, we're better able to see patterns and traps. Sometimes they miss something, sometimes I do, etc. I highly recommend seeking out a good study buddy.

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