Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Retaking a 174? - 7Sage Forum

Retaking a 174?

Kiva_180Kiva_180 Member
in General 130 karma

The consensus online seems to be that retaking is always a good idea if you can do better, but I've been told by an extremely qualified and experienced admissions consultant (from Spivey) that it will look bad if I retake my 174 from the May flex given my GPA (above the 75ths everywhere).

Is there any data on this? Does anyone that's been in a similar position have thoughts to share?

I'm pretty confident I can do at least 2-3 points better on a second take since I have room to improve RC, especially on a regular test with RC weighted less heavily.



  • 615Kevin615Kevin Member
    edited June 2020 74 karma

    Wanna switch places?

  • danielbrowning208danielbrowning208 Alum Member
    531 karma

    If you can improve then go for it! Just be cognizant of any diminishing returns that may result from applying later in the cycle. We don't know when the next "regular" test will be.

  • ahnendc-1ahnendc-1 Member
    642 karma

    What is your goal school? I've heard some schools are wary of people that are way above their numbers since they know that they will get into better ranked schools and because the matriculation rate is part of what goes into the USNWR rankings.

    If you're shooting for HYS/CCN then I can't imagine it would hurt you. If on the other hand you just want to get the best score you can ('cause like why not?) and are hoping to just get a massive scholarship somewhere local then maybe it would hurt you? But in this instance I think you could probably always right an addendum just emphasizing that this is your #1 choice and if given a fair admissions offer would matriculate.

  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    3190 karma

    lol what a nice problem when you have to think about retaking a 174

    im at 168 and I feel horrible

    In all seriousness though, I would trust your admissions person

  • noonawoonnoonawoon Alum Member
    3481 karma

    Be mindful that some schools say they average LSAT scores in their evaluation (even if they only need to report the highest) and that they consider every score on file in their decision. Sounds like you have a lot more potential for harm than good. If I were you, I would only consider retaking if you already got into a school you liked and thought you could negotiate scholarships with a higher score.

    Also, in the Michigan admissions webinar I went to a couple of weeks ago, the former admissions officer said that schools accept a margin of error of ~3 points with the LSAT. So if you improved your LSAT by 2-3 points I imagine it wouldn't really "boost" your application. Maybe only an improvement to the 178-180 tier would make a difference. Just my speculation though

  • noonawoonnoonawoon Alum Member
    3481 karma


    Here is what different schools say about multiple takes. You can also find this information directly on each school's website.

  • Kiva_180Kiva_180 Member
    edited June 2020 130 karma

    @noonawoon Thanks for the article! That's very helpful given my goals (full ride at CLS or NYU). It looks like both schools consider your entire testing history, so retaking probably isn't the best idea. Adding the 2-3 point margin of error, and you're right that anything less than a 178-180 wouldn't make a difference. Those scores are really hit and miss unless you can consistently PT at 180 and I'd rather not go through the process again anyway lol.

    @ahnendc-1 My goals are CLS or NYU with money. I have good (not great) softs, so that puts me in the right range for money at those schools, but I'm not a shoo in by any means. If I had gotten a 177+ (probably just 2 more questions right), I feel like my chances would be much better for something like the Hamilton. The next cycle being more competitive doesn't help with anything either.

    I guess I won't be retaking except to negotiate a scholarship if I don't get one of those.

    Thank you all for the responses and advice!

  • Kiva_180Kiva_180 Member
    edited June 2020 130 karma

    @lexxx745 I've seen you on here nearly every day. You're really dedicated and getting amazing scores now. Studying in the 170s is much more about having a clear head and good testing environment than it is about practice itself. You already know everything you need to for the test and most people are calmer and more confident the second time around. I'm quite sure you'll score well into the 170s on your retake. The process sucks, but you've got this!

  • jIbookerjIbooker Alum Member
    152 karma

    I would only consider retaking with that high of a score if you are consistently scoring above 174, otherwise, it is not worth it... Good luck and congrats on the already fantastic score! You got this.

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