Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Any 17x scorers who took the computer-based test? - 7Sage Forum

Any 17x scorers who took the computer-based test?

lsat2016lsat2016 Free Trial Member
edited June 2020 in General 488 karma

Looking for those who scored 17x on actual/real LSAT, could you describe your prep specifically for computer-based test? did you practice on paper-test sometime or on computer-test all the time?

Planning to retake a low 17x score from a paper-administration.


  • danielbrowning208danielbrowning208 Alum Member
    531 karma

    I did all my prep digitally. I think this is extremely important for being comfortable and prepared on test day. However, if you already have mastered the material, as it seems you have, it may not take you too long to adjust.

  • lsat2016lsat2016 Free Trial Member
    488 karma

    @danielbrowning208 said:
    I did all my prep digitally. I think this is extremely important for being comfortable and prepared on test day. However, if you already have mastered the material, as it seems you have, it may not take you too long to adjust.

    what was your official lsat score, scores in different sections, how many PTs did you do, how long you prepped?

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