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⚖ Official July 2020 LSAT-Flex Discussion Thread ⚖

Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
in July 2020 LSAT 5740 karma

Hey 7Sagers,

Here's the official July 2020 LSAT-Flex Discussion Thread.

Please keep all discussions of the July 2020 LSAT-Flex here!


You can't discuss specific questions. 🙅‍♂️
You CANNOT say things such as the following:

  • Hey, the 3rd LG was sequencing and the last one was In/Out, right? (Don't mention the game type)
  • The last question in the LR section was a lawgic heavy MBT! Was the answer (B)? (Don't mention the question type or ask what the answer was)
  • What was the answer for the last question of RC? I think it was an inference question? Was the answer (C)? (Don't mention the question type or ask what the answer was)


  • larissa-xolarissa-xo Alum Member
    edited July 2020 70 karma

    Just finished. Eeek. My brain is jello. Order was LR-RC-LG

    I found the LR pretty difficult :( Cannot remember any of the questions off the top of my head lmao.

    RC was pretty average. Had a passage about planes flying through volcanic plumes?? And something about women's rights in regards to marriage

    My LG seemed fairly standard. One was about taking classes in two terms. Another was about security levels.

  • miambodellmiambodell Alum Member
    30 karma

    @larissa-xo thank you for sharing! I'm taking the test on tuesday, does anyone know if they're going to have a different test for that day or will it be the same? if it's the same, will it be in the same order?

  • larissa-xolarissa-xo Alum Member
    70 karma

    @miambodell said:
    @larissa-xo thank you for sharing! I'm taking the test on tuesday, does anyone know if they're going to have a different test for that day or will it be the same? if it's the same, will it be in the same order?

    I believe the tests will likely be different. Just from looking at the LSAT Reddit, it appears as different people had different tests today (some said they had a very hard jazz RC which I definitely did not have).

  • Mak.C.97Mak.C.97 Alum Member
    11 karma

    Does anyone know if we are allowed to use Command+F (Find) during the test? I've heard other test takers say the proctors are not disabling it but I haven't seen LSAC comment on it directly.

  • morning_forestmorning_forest Alum Member
    68 karma

    @"Mak.C.97" said:
    Does anyone know if we are allowed to use Command+F (Find) during the test? I've heard other test takers say the proctors are not disabling it but I haven't seen LSAC comment on it directly.

    Yes we can. I emailed LSAC and they confirmed it.

  • tangerinestangerines Member
    30 karma

    For this administration of the LSAT Flex, will we be able to get our scores on the 30th even if we do not have an LSAT Writing on file? Thanks

  • moreilly19moreilly19 Alum Member
    27 karma

    When can we do the LSAT writing for this test?? I take it tomorrow afternoon

  • Lime Green DotLime Green Dot Member
    1384 karma

    For those who have taken it--did the highlighting/underline tool work well for you?

  • 4 karma

    Also looking for an answer about whether we can take the Writing tomorrow as part of this Flex test.

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8491 karma

    Anyone else have any RC topics?

  • amara_majeedamara_majeed Member
    36 karma

    @larissa-xo I also found LR very tough :( Usually I finish LR with a fair amount of time to spare. Plus, I usually don't skip questions. But on this LR I skipped many questions and didn't have sufficient time in the end to devote to them. LG I thought went well, and RC was OK though I found the last two passages a little tough.

  • larissa-xolarissa-xo Alum Member
    edited July 2020 70 karma

    @"Lime Green Dot" said:
    For those who have taken it--did the highlighting/underline tool work well for you?

    It is exactly the same format as the LSAT prep tests on law hub (literally used law hub to do the flex)! I'd recommend doing some of those if you have not already. I had no issues with the highlight feature

    @"Mak.C.97" said:

    Does anyone know if we are allowed to use Command+F (Find) during the test? I've heard other test takers say the proctors are not disabling it but I haven't seen LSAC comment on it directly.

    I did use control f for one RC passage

    @briantillinger said:
    Also looking for an answer about whether we can take the Writing tomorrow as part of this Flex test.

    Hmmm. I am not exactly sure of this, but for me I already had a writing sample online. There certainly was not an option to do the writing. Once you finished the third section, you were basically booted out of the test on law hub and told to shred your scrap paper by the proctor

  • ElichunksElichunks Member
    69 karma

    Guys, I found a link to "LSAT Writing" on LSAC's page? And even though I'm supposed to take LSAT-flex, the date here says July 11? Can anyone please help? I'm trying to call them but no one's picking up yet.

  • khk47khk47 Member
    17 karma

    @"Lime Green Dot" said:
    For those who have taken it--did the highlighting/underline tool work well for you?

    From my experience it was ok for the most part but buggy/laggy here and there. Could just be my WiFi connection or tablet though.

  • My sections ended when I had filled in all the answers, but what felt like prior to the allotted 35 minutes. I should've written down the times on my scrap paper (I know). It was within 5 minutes of the section ending, but it felt like it happened on LR and RC. Did anyone else have a similar experience?

  • benjaminwood33benjaminwood33 Alum Member
    44 karma

    Felt like LG with games about security levels and taking classes in two terms was pretty straight forward. RC was about Jazz, extraterrestrial beings, and formalism. RC was pretty straight forward. Time went by quick. LR started easy and escalated towards the end. Definitely ran out of time with LR.

    Proctor U was super intuitive and friendly! Had 0 issues and people were interactive and nice. Started testing within 20 minutes of scheduled time.

  • Member
    edited July 2020 15 karma


  • FlashLSATFlashLSAT Alum Member
    293 karma

    does anyone know if the proctor tells you if you are at teh 5minute mark?

  • halllilly98halllilly98 Alum Member
    20 karma

    @FlashLSAT said:
    does anyone know if the proctor tells you if you are at teh 5minute mark?

    It will pop on on the screen telling you 5 minutes remaining!

  • ReachingFor180ReachingFor180 Alum Member
    53 karma

    Just took it this morning. Order was LR-RC-LG for me. Generally LR seemed average, RC was slightly more difficult (which is usually my best section), and LG was okay, but some of games were tricky/time consuming. I recall contemporary literary theory and volcanic ash plumes as two of the subjects covered in RC. For games, I vaguely remember something about inspections and another one about tv and print media.

  • Chicago_HornChicago_Horn Alum Member
    68 karma

    LR: electric bacteria, crying babies, British soldiers and their armor
    LG: inspections, Product development, officer departments
    RC: Volcanic ash, native tribes, contemporary literature, and British marriage

    Contemporary literature was the hardest RC imo. LR and the rest of RC seemed pretty fair. LG felt fair for the first three games, but the last one about inspections was hard. However, that could have been because I only had a few min left to finish it.

    Overall fair test, and the flex experience is much better than sitting at a testing center for 4 to 5 hours.

  • jackmmmmjackmmmm Yearly Member
    103 karma

    Did anyone else think that the LR was like really really difficult? My section had something about electric bacteria.

  • Brian12693Brian12693 Core Member
    88 karma

    Easily the most difficult LR section I’ve ever taken....and I’m fairly good at LR. Average about -3/4.

    Had to flag about 10 questions and eventually ran out of time.....which has never happened before.

  • parso341parso341 Member
    93 karma

    @jackmmmm said:
    Did anyone else think that the LR was like really really difficult? My section had something about electric bacteria.

    I had the same LR section as you. I also thought it was pretty tough in spots, but it was my first section so I may have just been a bit nervous.

    My RC section included the one with volcanic ash, and I thought it was average. The comparative passage was the hardest for me.

    LG was average - the last game with inspections was hard, and I usually go -0.

  • Point_blank12Point_blank12 Alum Member
    57 karma

    @parso341 I also usually go -0 and really struggled with the inspections game, I felt like I was missing a huge inference but couldn't see it no matter how many times I went back to the rules

  • seabec5310seabec5310 Core Member
    346 karma

    @tangerines said:
    For this administration of the LSAT Flex, will we be able to get our scores on the 30th even if we do not have an LSAT Writing on file? Thanks

    I called them yesterday to ask this and two people gave me two different answers. One said you need to submit it in order to get your score, the other (who seemed more informed to me) said it has nothing to do with getting your score and that you'll get your score on the 30th regardless.

  • 410 karma

    I had LR->LG->RC. LR and LG were fairly straight forward (LR had a few tricky questions, I remember something about electric bacteria, and another question about mulch and soil). LG had no curveballs that I noticed.

    RC I had volcanos, native tribes, along with contemporary lit theory and Marriage Laws. This was the hardest section, I normally do solid in RC too and don't feel super confident about it.

  • open earsopen ears Member
    122 karma

    I had LG-LR-RC
    LG: Product development, Inspections, and don't remember the other two. Fairly standard, inspections was hard for me

    LR: Electric Bacteria, British Soldiers. Also found it fairly challenging compared to many LR sections I've done but certainly not abnormally difficulty

    RC: Rent Control, Assemblage art, Docks in courts, Invasive Plants. Thought it was average, but Rent Control was unusually difficult for a first passge imo

  • shiyuanwang8shiyuanwang8 Alum Member
    34 karma

    My system keeps crashing, and I was supposed to start half an hour ago. Did anyone else experience these issues? I'm worried I won't be able to take it today anymore because of all the technical issues.

  • 410 karma

    @shiyuanwang8 said:
    My system keeps crashing, and I was supposed to start half an hour ago. Did anyone else experience these issues? I'm worried I won't be able to take it today anymore because of all the technical issues.

    Are you using a MAC? If so there's been lots of issues for MAC users from what I've seen

  • intellectualplasticintellectualplastic Alum Member
    243 karma


    I was so nervous during logic games that I barely finished!
    I had TV v. print media, 7 semesters + classes, product development, officer departments, and inspections. Inspections was the most difficult for me, and I didn't have time to check over my answers there.

    For LR, I couldn't for the life of me figure out one about bats and echolocation - the rest were manageable, though I flagged more than usual and only had time to double check a few (I avg 0-2).

    RC is normally my worst section, but I felt very confident on it this time. I had incentives in housing markets, assemblages, bailiff boxes, and invasive species.

  • 124 karma

    @Brian12693 said:
    Easily the most difficult LR section I’ve ever taken....and I’m fairly good at LR. Average about -3/4.

    Had to flag about 10 questions and eventually ran out of time.....which has never happened before.

    Can you follow up on what your LR score is - just curious to see how things translate out?

  • FlashLSATFlashLSAT Alum Member
    293 karma

    RC was brutal I tend to do better when it’s earlier in the test. Good luck guys

  • Mister PopoMister Popo Alum Member
    38 karma

    I had LG-LR-RC. The first LG section was pretty easy and got through it quick. LR was extremely difficult - but its not usually my strong suit. When I hit RC my computer froze before I got to start the section and so did the ProctorU chat box but time wasn't elapsing fortunately. About 30 minutes later they managed to fix the issue but when the test started again 10 minutes had elapsed into RC and I hadn't even looked at the first passage yet. They said they can't reset the time and I need to re-schedule through LSAC. Soooo basically I just finished balling my eyes out...

    The End.

    PS I realized later the ProcturU was still accessing my screen and my mic was on so my new buddy Mark heard me cry too. Pro-tip - don't cry until after you close the chat box.

  • jankleyjankley Member
    73 karma

    I had LR-LG-RC. I found LR to be a bit easier, but my background is science-heavy. LG was okay. I found RC to be hard but this could have been due to a technical issue my proctor had to fix that kind of threw me off for the rest of it.

    My proctor fixed the problem very quickly and was able to somehow pause my test... She closed it out completely then when we found it again, I had to press the "start test" button where the terms and conditions are. 50s countdown, then back to where I left off.

  • moreilly19moreilly19 Alum Member
    27 karma

    Just took the exam.
    This was my order and what I can remember.
    RC: paranormal phenomenon comparison passages, jazz passage (SO. HARD.) can't remember the rest
    LG: print v. tv media, 7 courses, warehouses, a double layer sequencing game.
    I thought that these were particularly difficult LGs so if anyone else had the same LG section pls lmk how you thought it was
    LR: the main thing i remember is the amount of weakening questions. Way more than any PT I've taken, and they are my weakest point

  • keepcalmandneuronkeepcalmandneuron Alum Member
    edited July 2020 470 karma

    Hi all!

    I just took the exam. My order was RC-LG-LR.

    RC: two approaches of formal/substantive law (really hard to understand), paranormal (passage and questions were okay I guess) , Jazz, some polymer thing originally from oyster shells (ran out of time...)
    LR: I normally highlight 5-6 questions but this time I circled close to 10...A LOT of weakening questions and I was shook
    LG: Pretty standard games, breezed through first three, had 15 minutes left to do the last game

    Overall had NO issues with ProctorU and it went really smoothly! I even drafted an email to LSAC in case I ran into technical issues (I was READY for any curveball they threw me) but I was pleasantly surprised.

    Proctor was very nice! She was very chill about my camera checks and most importantly, I asked her if she knew that she wasn't supposed to interrupt during the test and she said that she won't so that was a huge relief from the get-go.

    Edit: deleted some details about the passage/question in order to abide by the rules

  • RaphaelPRaphaelP Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    1121 karma

    Hi! My order was RC-LG-LR.
    RC: Formalism, paranormal events, jazz, and plastics. I thought this was definitely the hardest section of the test, and one of the harder RCs I've done - jazz and plastics were particularly dense.
    LG: TV/Print, class schedules, building groups, and factory scheduling. I thought this was the easiest section - finished with some time left over, although the factory game involved a decent bit of brute forcing
    LR: 25 questions, did not have the ones about bats, bacteria, or British soldiers that were mentioned above. I don't remember much here except having one about Neanderthals, and one about the fathers of chimpanzees. It felt average to slightly easier than average.
    Minor tech issues - during RC, my cursor started moving all over for around 2 minutes, making it impossible to highlight/distracting me a bit. During LR, I got messages that my connection was breaking, and then was booted/had to reconnect, which was unnerving but ultimately okay since I had finished and was just checking my work (and I got the time back).

  • matt_brendanmatt_brendan Alum Member
    5 karma

    Does flex allow accommodations?

  • philliusmoosifurphilliusmoosifur Free Trial Member
    13 karma

    Order was RC-LG-LR. Seems similar to people who've taken it in the front-half of the day, so that's probably the same.
    RC: Formalism, Paranormal, Jazz, Oysters. Seemed like an average RC, although Jazz/Plastics was more tricky than the first two in terms of questions. Formalism and Jazz may be above average in terms of passage complexity. I probably scored on the lower end of my RC expectations (~ -3 -- -5). This RC might be harder than the other RC (volcano plumes, women's marriage rights), so it might loosen the curve.
    LG: TV/Print, Schedule, Buildings, Factories. Usually my best section, but this time seemed particularly easy. Had to reconnect to ProctorU in the middle and lost a bit of flow, but still had 5ish minutes to spare and double check work. This will likely greatly tighten the curve.
    LR: 25 Qs on Neanderthals, chimp dads. Flagged more questions than I would've normally, but I also had technical issues that were distracting. Seems to be about average, slightly above or below depending on individual strengths/weaknesses, but probably will not greatly loosen or tighten the curve either way.

    This set might have one of the tighter curves; maybe a -7? Curious as to what others think.

  • mma23a-1mma23a-1 Core Member
    45 karma

    Well just wanted to help alleviate any concerns as I had a positive test experience with the interface. I used a MacBook with Google Chrome and I ran the equipment check before. I had no problems connecting with the proctor, however as I clicked to enter my session it prompted me to install a few things and give some permissions to my computer. I'm sure most of us are more than capable of doing these things as the instructions direct very precisely I do see how it may cause some frustration. Throughout the test I did not have any problems either or any disconnections and the proctor spoke to me only in the beginning and made the process extremely easy. As far as the test I had the RC: Jazz, LG: TV/Print, LR: Neanderthals, the RC passages although rather dense seemed to have pretty concise questions which was a relief. I hope the mistake I made here can help people not make the same, 2 games were an absolute breeze for me, unfortunately for me I was running out of time on the other and in an attempt to finish the question I was working on I didn't leave enough time to fill out the ones I had skipped. When the clock got to about twenty five seconds I tried to click through the questions and fill out the answers quickly but the problem is you are screen sharing with the proctor so the mouse is a little laggy and does not keep up with your real time movement not very noticeable taking the exam at a regular pace but when trying to make a last effort to fill in the answers the interface definitely was not quick enough causing me to have some unanswered questions which really was upsetting when I would have preferred to make an educated guess based on the eliminations I had made.
    (If anyone can suggest what helps them improve the most in timing for LG I'm all ears!) The LR wasn't as bad as I thought it would be however I want to say about 4 questions are an absolute toss up in the answer choices, all in all I did enjoy the comfort of the LSAT Flex over the hustle and nerves that come with going to a testing center. With the future being uncertain after August whether the administrations will be continued in this same format I most definitely will be taking the exam again in August.

  • NerfThisNerfThis Alum Member
    173 karma

    @matt_brendan said:
    Does flex allow accommodations?


  • mlhauckmlhauck Member
    21 karma

    @moreilly19 said:
    Just took the exam.
    This was my order and what I can remember.
    RC: paranormal phenomenon comparison passages, jazz passage (SO. HARD.) can't remember the rest
    LG: print v. tv media, 7 courses, warehouses, a double layer sequencing game.
    I thought that these were particularly difficult LGs so if anyone else had the same LG section pls lmk how you thought it was
    LR: the main thing i remember is the amount of weakening questions. Way more than any PT I've taken, and they are my weakest point

    I thought the first two passages were average (I normally get 1-2 wrong per passage) and the last two were BRUTAL. Jazz I felt as though I got half right, the plastics maybe 50% as well. First two LG were on the easier end, and the last two were really challenging for me. And the LR I normally feel super confident in 1-14 but found myself questioning a lot. Debating cancelling my score— I find it really unfair we don’t get test preview but August test takers do. 😞

  • samanthagracebrownsamanthagracebrown Core Member
    73 karma

    Hey! Just took the LSAT Flex today... it was my second time taking the test and I am honestly worried. I didn't get to the 4th game or the 4th passage, but I think I did decent on everything else. I guessed on 15-20 questions throughout the entire test. My PT was around 155-165. I'm just wondering if it's frowned upon to take the LSAT a 3rd time?

  • avanavfakavanavfak Alum Member
    28 karma

    I had RC (27) -LR (25) -LG (23) was the order.

    RC was definitely hardest in my opinion, the comparative literary passage was tough. LR was pretty straight forward, there were a few tricky ones but not too bad. I usually get -0 in LG and I found the last game tricky. I think it is the one everyone is talking about. Overall I don't feel good because I was unsure on quite a few RC questions, so it all depends if those are right. But it wasn't brutal!

    I had NO problems with proctorU is the good part! I had to wait about 20 minutes to get started but besides that everything went smoothly.

  • AKWW2020AKWW2020 Member
    23 karma

    Anyone have issues highlighting?

  • 410 karma

    @AKWW2020 said:
    Anyone have issues highlighting?

    I did some tests on the lawhub interface beforehand. Highlighting/Underlining is a crapshoot on it, never seems to highlight what you want and you run the risk of randomly highlighting half the passage. No idea how to make it consistent. Thankfully I recognized this early on in my prep and made sure my strategy for RC didn't need highlighting.

  • knitterstitcherknitterstitcher Alum Member
    43 karma

    I didn't find the LR to be particularly difficult as others have stated; I usually aim to skip/guess on four or fewer, and that was the case with this one, too. Skipped/guessed on four total. RC was not particularly difficult either, just average; finished with about 12 seconds to spare, which is about right for me. No passages that I thought, "I have no idea what this is talking about" so that's a plus. LG was straight forward, no crazy "what the hell??" type games. I typically complete three games and nearly finish the fourth one, and that was the case here as well. Had to guess on the last two. So all in all I'd say it was a best case scenario really. No curve balls. Biggest battle was settling down my nerves in the beginning of the test. That definitely slowed me down in the first five minutes. Bummer, but to be expected. And all the Proctor U stuff worked like it was supposed to, proctors were all polite, no problems.

  • w.klemtw.klemt Alum Member
    67 karma

    @"jeff.wongkachi" said:

    @shiyuanwang8 said:
    My system keeps crashing, and I was supposed to start half an hour ago. Did anyone else experience these issues? I'm worried I won't be able to take it today anymore because of all the technical issues.

    Are you using a MAC? If so there's been lots of issues for MAC users from what I've seen

    I had a lot of issues getting started with my Mac. Took almost an hour and a half to sort out the technical difficulties until I could finally get started, so you're not alone! Luckily the tech ppl at proctor U were very helpful and overall I didn't lose any time on my test. Did you manage to sort it out?

  • diegobueno_32diegobueno_32 Member
    28 karma

    Hey everyone, I took the test yesterday at 10:50, and the format was LR26 (electric bacteria) - LG (tv or print) - RC (volcanic ash plumes, Algonquin tribe, Literary theory and science, Women’s marriage law reform in England). I did very well in LR and thought it was pretty easy as it had short prompts. LG was same as usual but you had to be on your toes. RC killed my perfect test tho, as I thought the algonquin passage was brutal and the comparative passage was hard too. If you had this format or any of the sections mentioned, What did you all think about it?

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