Lesson Answers missing highlighting/circles?

jenifferkjenifferk Member
edited April 2015 in Technical Problems 94 karma
anyone else having trouble with the way the correct answers show up below the LG videos? i can hover my mouse over the choices, and see the % selected, but i can no longer see them highlighted in green... thoughts?


  • visualcreedvisualcreed Member Inactive ⭐
    326 karma
    Yes, I'm experiencing the same. Not too big a deal for me right now but its definitely something that should be fixed.
  • DumbHollywoodActorDumbHollywoodActor Alum Inactive ⭐
    7468 karma
    Me too. @"Dillon A. Wright" , I'm sure though, is on it
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    Thanks! Looking into this.
  • Alan Cheuk-2Alan Cheuk-2 Administrator
    3078 karma
    @jenifferk @visualcreed @DumbHollywoodActor Thanks for letting us know! I made some changes to the way that answer choice percentages are shown, and forgot to update the site's internal cache, so the formatting was out of sync for explanation pages. Instead of bigger circles representing the frequency of a answer choice, a bar is shown behind the answer choice. The bar is taller for more frequent choices, and green for the credited response. It should all be working again!
  • jenifferkjenifferk Member
    94 karma
    yay, thank you for the quick turnaround! xo
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