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mtn1103421mtn1103421 Free Trial Member
edited August 2020 in Law School Admissions 6 karma



  • AllSmiles4AllSmiles4 Member
    edited July 2020 40 karma

    Could you reach out to your wailist schools with a LOCI?

  • mtn1103421mtn1103421 Free Trial Member
    6 karma

    @AllSmiles4 I have reached out to schools I'm waitlisted at, but it's pretty late in the waitlist process so I'm not optimistic. Many schools also don't have merit aid available anymore.

  • producer4producer4 Member
    37 karma

    For the money part alone, perhaps consider asking your chosen school to raise the funding offer in light of your higher LSAT. I'd just be honest by sharing your concerns. This is assuming you want to go to this school notwithstanding your debt concern (which is valid). Good luck! In the grand scheme of things, you have a lot of great options to choose from -- more than many.

  • AllSmiles4AllSmiles4 Member
    40 karma

    Hmm perhaps you try to transfer? It's really about what youre comfortable with. As you know, lots of people skip out if they have a bad cycle and apply the next with much better luck.

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