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Taking LSAT twice

tmj5tmj5 Member
in General 16 karma

Can it be harmful to take the LSAT twice? I took the flex in July and received a score I am content with. However, I know I can score up to 5-6 points higher but, sometimes I score lower than what i got on my PT as well. My question is if I scored say 3 points lower could this sabotage the score I have already have and do most schools evaluate both scores. I come here because I have seen mixed answers elsewhere.


  • DaddyChillDaddyChill Member
    32 karma

    Hi, I think that's a great question. From my understanding, it used to be that they either averaged or take the higher the two. I'm not quite sure if many schools are averaging scores now. Since schools are ranking-focused, they would want to choose the highest score. But I'm wandering if the second take (let's say you score lower) will diminish your chances even though you had a better score the first time around. It feels like a gamble.

  • DefenderDefender Alum Member
    348 karma

    My favorite question. To me, its simple: law schools are incentivized to take your highest LSAT score---not your average, not your lowest. Because of this, I would encourage anyone to take the test again, if they have consistently practiced higher scores. Now, should you take it 7 times? Probably not. But I heard of a student who took this thing 4 times, and on the fourth, they finally got their minimum goal score. What happened? Full-ride plus stipend.

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