Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Help - 7Sage Forum


I feel so defeated. Someone please help me with RC. I cannot improve no matter what I do. Its holding me back from getting a good score and I am losing hope. Any tips are greatly appreciated


  • kelly_9876kelly_9876 Core Member
    144 karma

    following.. same boat

  • WouldRatherBeEatingWouldRatherBeEating Alum Member
    456 karma

    What kind of score are you trying to get on RC? I usually get around -3 or -4, so I might not be a great help but I'm willing to assist where I can, if you can give a little more detail. Have you noticed specific question types to be more problematic than others? Do you find time to be the biggest problem (i.e. are you doing ok during the Blind review when you have more time?) How long have you been studying for and how long have you been specifically trying to improve RC?

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