Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). My experience with admissions consulting - 7Sage Forum

My experience with admissions consulting

raevco25raevco25 Alum Member

A few months ago I asked if anyone would provide some advice on whether or not admissions consulting was worth it. There were so many great comments (thank you to anyone who was willing to share their experience!!) and I was completely convinced. I ended up doing the unlimited editing for one essay through 7Sage (personal statement) and just finished up the final draft. I cannot explain how incredible it feels to have finished this huge part of the application processes rather than finishing it last minute.

If you are considering admissions consulting, I HIGHLY recommend Sarah Cohen - she is an incredible person to have in your corner and I absolutely would not have put together an essay that I am so proud of without her. She was able to capture a single experience I had that I never would have considered writing about and helped me make it into an exciting 2-page story. I seriously cannot thank her enough, so it feels like the least that I could do is to give her a quick plug here :)

Let me know if you have any questions about my experience, I am happy to help.


  • is Sarah Cohen an editor that works with 7sage or an independent consultant?

  • raevco25raevco25 Alum Member
    139 karma

    @siroccccccccccc said:
    is Sarah Cohen an editor that works with 7sage or an independent consultant?

    She is with 7Sage! When I signed up for consulting I received an email, so I just replied to that and requested her by name.

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