Study Group - November 2020 Test

CharletteCharlette Core Member
edited August 2020 in Study Groups 21 karma

Hey guys,
I'm looking for a few people who would like to study in a group setting. My main objective for studying in a group is to help each other process answer choices and question stems. Sometimes I get too caught up in my head and overthink things, so this study group would be beneficial to others who do the same. I'm comfortable with setting up study sessions via Skype, Zoom, or Facetime. I personally study every day to prepare for the November sitting so, if you're interested, please reply or message me. I'm looking to start Saturday/Sunday, on a weekly basis. If you're serious about studying also, then you're the person/people I need in my group. Hope to hear from you guys.

I'm located in EST btw.


  • LivinLaVidaLSATLivinLaVidaLSAT Alum Member
    705 karma

    Hey, Charlette! I'm interested if you're still looking. I'm very serious about studying.I'm EST as well.

  • CharletteCharlette Core Member
    21 karma

    Hey, I’m still looking. Let me know what platform your interested in using, your availability, and any ideas you have for us to maximize our scores.

    I was thinking to take practice sets together, focusing on where we might need help, then discuss answers and gain better results.

    If you have any other ways approach, I’m open to anything.

  • LivinLaVidaLSATLivinLaVidaLSAT Alum Member
    705 karma

    I like the idea of focusing on practice sets. Doing them on our own and then blind reviewing together. Also, if you've reviewed a question and the explanation didn't make sense to you, we can discuss those too. My strongest section is LG and my weakest is LR.

    The days you mentioned work best for me as well, Saturday, Sunday, Monday. Until mid-September, any other day will work also.

    I'm thinking of using google hangouts because its free, allows screen sharing, no cap on meeting time, and we can create a calendar. Let me know your thoughts.

  • cpeaks13cpeaks13 Core Member
    496 karma

    I'm studying for November as well and am interested as well, I am PST however. Weekends for best for me

  • CharletteCharlette Core Member
    21 karma

    Send me your email addresses. I'll set up a group on Google Hangout with more details for the study group this week.

  • carlaavilloncarlaavillon Free Trial Member
    2 karma

    Hey My name is Carla and I'm interested in joining a study group. I would like to begin studying and hope to plan on taking the November exam.

  • TuakuHijTuakuHij Alum Member
    39 karma

    Hey, My name is Tuaku and I'm interested in joining a study group. I'm in Cali, but I can be flexible.

  • roshellek-1-1roshellek-1-1 Core Member
    24 karma

    Hello! I’m interested - my email is

  • yshaaban101yshaaban101 Member
    7 karma

    Hi I'm interested! I'm CST so it shouldn't be a problem for me. My email is

  • senaaziz44senaaziz44 Core Member
    52 karma

    Hello I am interested in being in study group for the November LSAT. I'm in EST and I am available weekends; my email is :)

  • tejpat717tejpat717 Core Member
    98 karma

    Hi I'm interested! My email is

  • kwalcottaggreykwalcottaggrey Alum Member
    10 karma

    I am interested. My email is

  • CharletteCharlette Core Member
    21 karma

    When you get a chance, check your emails. I set up a group via google hangout. :smile:

  • lawschoolapplicant2021lawschoolapplicant2021 Free Trial Member
    18 karma

    Hey @Charlette hope its not too late to join! I'm interested! I'm on EST. My email is

  • Yan WangYan Wang Member
    285 karma

    Hi Charlette, I am interested and hope it is not too late. My email is, thank you!

  • ycgarcia8ycgarcia8 Free Trial Member
    2 karma

    Hi Charlotte, similar boat here hoping it’s not too late. I’m on CST and email is Thanks!

  • booksandcoffeebooksandcoffee Core Member
    107 karma

    I am also interested. I am CST and my email is

  • TheQueenTheQueen Member
    87 karma

    Hi all! Count me in please. Here for the weekend, PDT crowd,

  • 769 karma

    I am interested if there is still space. I am EST and my email is

  • gnarlydingusgnarlydingus Core Member
    8 karma

    Hey I am taking the november test and would love to be held accountable!!! my email is Very serious no funny business

  • jesuiscatjesuiscat Member
    8 karma

    Hey! I hope its not too late either but I am also looking to join! If the group is too full, Id be willing to help make a new one. I am EST, planning on taking in November. I study everyday at the moment but would love any groupt o join. My email is

  • NtehjemehNtehjemeh Core Member
    36 karma

    Hi Charlotte, I'm VERY interested. I'm EST, too, and planning on taking the November test. My email is

  • fight onfight on Member
    36 karma

    Hi! Defintely interested in joining. Planning on taking the November exam as well. Need that motivating force to get some weekend grinds in as well. My email is

  • edited August 2020 18 karma PST.
    Seems like there might be enough of us in the PST zone to break off and create our own study group if anyone is into that sort of thing too

  • neolsat17neolsat17 Free Trial Member
    10 karma

    I'd be interested in the PST zone group. My email:

  • justnappingjustnapping Member
    edited August 2020 13 karma

    I'd also be interested in the PST zone group if there's still space!

  • 30yearolddreamer30yearolddreamer Alum Member
    26 karma

    I'm interested. Please email me!

  • ashleyr793-1ashleyr793-1 Alum Member
    16 karma

    Hello, my name is Ashley. I am CST and am VERY interested in joining a study group. Here is my email if you can still add to the hangout.

  • RyanazRRyanazR Member
    208 karma

    Hi there, I am really interested! I am currently scoring between 165-171. Email is

  • Brahim MBrahim M Core Member
    66 karma

    Studying for November too. Best way I can say to go about this is the blind review process.

  • DdeevvyyDdeevvyy Member
    11 karma

    Studying for Nov LSAT and interested - located in PST -

  • nomomnomnomomnom Member
    412 karma

    Hi I'm interested in joining the group and shooting for November or January, my email is

  • nola.bs96nola.bs96 Member
    4 karma

    Hey I'm studying for the November LSAT and interested in joining the group! My email is

    10 karma

    Hi can I join when I'm studying for the October exam? if so, pls add me

  • phiferv514phiferv514 Member
    18 karma

    Hey! I'm also interested in joining the November study group. I'm EST and my email is thanks!

  • Lexiking1999Lexiking1999 Member
    5 karma

    Hey! I want to study better for the November test too I am in PST and my email is

  • yadielsolis2yadielsolis2 Member
    6 karma

    I have been studying daily and im looking to take the LSAT Oct/Nov. I would like to join. My email is

  • AmandaLSATAmandaLSAT Yearly Member
    23 karma

    Hey I'm interested in studying with a group as well! My email is I'm scheduled to write the Nov. LSAT.

  • edited August 2020 4 karma

    Hello! I'm interested in joining a study group for the November test as well; my email is :smiley:

  • Jennifer 2021-1-1Jennifer 2021-1-1 Core Member
    204 karma

    I'm interested in studying with a group. My email is Thank you

  • datanullydatanully Core Member
    19 karma

    Hi, I'm interested in joining. My email is I'm in EST

  • TheNBAgentTheNBAgent Core Member
    11 karma

    Hey Charlette, if you don't mind could I join in on the study group as well? I'm scheduled to test in November as well, so I'd definitely love to be present on this study group! Below I've attached my email and thank you so much!


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