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Proctor U errors

AwokenNovaAwokenNova Alum Member
in General 176 karma

Has anyone else had errors with proctor u? This is my second LSAT via proctor u and this time they keep getting glitches that kicked me out and couldn’t launch the test... my computer met all the requirements but the staff was just so unhelpful. I can’t reschedule and I’m just sobbing idk what to do. I felt so ready this morning


  • AwokenNovaAwokenNova Alum Member
    176 karma

    Apparently there are internet shortages and technical errors on LSAC and Proctor U end... Trying to call LSAC now.. I hope I can reschedule the test at this point. I'm so distraught.

    LSAC: "Due to a widespread Internet incident that is affecting many organizations across the world, we are experiencing phone outages, and LSAC accounts are temporarily unavailable. We thank you for being patient while we work with authorities to get services back online as soon as possible. If you are scheduled to take the LSAT-Flex today and your testing session is affected by this Internet incident, we will work with you to ensure you are able to test as soon as possible."

    Proctor U: "There is an intermittent global internet disruption that may affect connecting with ProctorU. We are monitoring the situation by the minute. Please be patient as you wait to enter the exam."

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