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International Transcripts

Has anyone recently dealt with a foreign institution (Europe) sending transcripts to LSAC? My university Can create all records necessary and translate them. What they categorically refuse to do us mail them to LSAC.

Anyone mailed the seal envelope themselves?


    13 karma

    I got my degree from the UK and also studied abroad in Denmark so had to get transcripts from both. The British university mailed them no problem and were familiar with the LSAC process. In the case of the Danish institution, although they stated they would not mail them directly I was eventually able to get them to do so by going through their study abroad office as opposed to registry - they seemed to have more of an understanding of the transcript requirements of foreign organizations than their registry department did. What is their objection to mailing them - cost, privacy? I never mailed the sealed envelopes myself but understand that LSAC say they will only accept transcripts direct from the institutions themselves.

  • msupp123msupp123 Core Member
    20 karma

    I had to send transcripts from Japan, the UK, and Hong Kong and it took some convincing with some of them but they agreed to send directly to LSAC. I don't think LSAC will accept anything that didn't come directly from the institution, the international qualifications report includes scans of the envelope showing it came directly from the institution.

  • vinnyowenvinnyowen Member
    edited September 2020 79 karma

    I received my masters degree in the Netherlands. My school was pretty adamant about not sending anything directly to LSAC. How I got around it... I had my school send all necessary documents inside a sealed/stamped official school envelope addressed to LSAC (with my school in return address)... then, they put that inside another envelope addressed to me. They mailed me that, and then I mailed the inner envelope to LSAC. I called LSAC about this and they said that should work, and indeed it did! Yay!

    PS: For all international transcript people, make sure the school sends the transcript in the country's official language, and not just an English one, if it's not from an English-speaking country. My school only sent an English one, since my program was an international program in English and all official transcripts/documents/courses were already in English. However, LSAC had a fit about not having an official Dutch transcript for some annoying reason, so I had to apologize to my school and make them do extra work to translate my official documents into Dutch, and repeat the whole complicated mailing process above. Yes, I'm bitter about this :)

  • GRGrant20GRGrant20 Member
    20 karma

    Thank you so much everyone!
    The reason why they don't want to send is that they simply do not do it. Frustrating.

  • hellsat..hellsat.. Core Member
    24 karma

    LSAC accepts transcripts via Digitary Core from foreign institutions!

  • GRGrant20GRGrant20 Member
    20 karma

    Just wanted to let everyone know that my uni mailed the transcripts, they were delivered in a week, and they took 1 week to process after delivery. 😊

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