Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). CAS fee waiver timeframe? - 7Sage Forum

CAS fee waiver timeframe?

VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
in General 2054 karma

So I am super late to the game but just recently figured out that CAS is not 45 dollars total but 195 dollars plus 45 for each school. I definitely can't afford that for every school on my list. I indicated that I did not need assistance paying for the LSAT and could afford it but dropping more than a grand on applications between their fees and CAS is something I cannot afford to do. I am worried that applying for a fee waiver will take longer than I can afford to wait to apply though. For those of you that have done it, how long did a decision take?


  • LogicianLogician Alum Member Sage
    2464 karma

    I can’t speak to having applied for a fee waiver, but if I could suggest a strategy for you moving forward: apply for the fee waiver ASAP, then make a reduced list of schools to which you plan on applying. Work under the assumption that the fee waiver won’t get in on time, if it does great, if not you can just apply to your most highly desired (+a safety or two) schools. Then when the fee waiver does come through you can apply to the rest if it’s still a reasonable time to apply. Of course this is not the ideal situation but you have to make the best of the worst situation.

  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    2054 karma

    That would be fair, except my understanding is that you cannot apply anywhere while the fee waiver is pending. I did not plan to apply until Halloween or the first half of November, but I am also not sure how it might put processing transcripts and LoRs or applications on hold. As an extreme super-splitter I am going to be applying to a decent number of schools looking for scholarships, but I can absolutely leave the lower ranked schools for later. However, they do not do refunds. The 200 bucks for the LSAT, the accompanying 200 for CAS reg, and the fees of all the initial schools I may apply to before the fee waiver comes through, even if it is possible to do that, would not be refunded.

    I appreciate the advice though. I am hoping my LSAT results will get me merit waivers for school applications anyway, knock on wood, so hopefully that fee is out and it would just be the money for the CAS reports. I unfortunately looked at that info early on before I really had a plan and it stuck in my head that it was 45 dollars for CAS. The amount of money they are charging for it is insane. Between that and the LSAT you could easily go over a thousand dollars to LSAC in one year, excluding app fees at schools.

  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    2054 karma

    After talking with them, despite the fact that the website claims 2 weeks, it may take 6-8 weeks to process fee waiver requests.

  • LogicianLogician Alum Member Sage
    2464 karma

    Sheesh, that’s a shame. You bring up some points that I was not privy to, which make my strategy pretty much redundant haha. It’s unfortunate that they can’t give refunds or make some exceptions given that everything is backed up. Looks like your best bet might just be applying to a few and not getting the fee waiver. I think the sooner you get your apps in, the better- especially if you’re a super splitter.

    Good luck!

  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    2054 karma

    @Logician yeah, I think that is what I will do. I am Hopeful my LSAT is high enough that I can get merit waivers from T14 on down. The extra 500-1000 dollars will have to come from somewhere though. I appreciate all the effort you put in to your advice and comments by the way.

  • LogicianLogician Alum Member Sage
    edited October 2020 2464 karma

    @VerdantZephyr Well there’s the silver lining, that will save you some $$. But I hear you, the application process is expensive, but just be glad we’re not applying to med school 😂 and thanks right back at ya.

  • yeahniceyeahnice Core Member
    123 karma

    Hey I know this is kind of late in the game - but they process lsat waivers fairly quickly if you're conditionally approved right away. If not, I'm not too sure.
    I got my decision in a day after sending all my documents in through email! I don't really recommend faxing it.

  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    2054 karma

    Thanks, maybe I'll try after all then @yeahnice

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