Hey guys!

I'm still pretty new to the LSAT community but I was wondering if you guys could help me out here. I just became a mom 8 months ago, graduated undergrad a year ago with intentions of being in law school by now and I now work 12 hr night shifts as a respiratory therapist! Annnnd needless to say like the rest of u lovely people, I too still want to go to law school. Lol BUT I am having the hardest time. I do study But the only time I seem to be able to do that is inbetween my rounds at work around 2-4 am! I don't get a whole lot of studying done during the week but I do retain and practice the little bit that I do. Before my son was born I was a zen at studying. I would stop at nothing until the job was done no matter what! But now I can't put the same amount of effort in. I find it impossible to play with my baby during the day, work nights, wake up every 4 hours at night to feed my son on my days off with few or no naps, and still have the energy to study LSAT. By the time I get to it on my days off I am exhausted and I recap the same concept 300 times before I'm able to move on. I guess I just need encouragement...sometimes it feels like I'm moving so slow that I will never get there. I am saving up for my 7sage course (things keep getting in the way of me actually purchasing it smh) so right now I am using the kaplan premier book. Hopefully once I get my 7sage course I can save time and energy by not having to read such dry prose at 4 am. I guess I would like to know how you all do it? How can you lead normal lives and still devote time to the LSAT in an effective and time efficient manner?
I'll be 31 when I start law school. Since you're fresh out of undergrad I'll assumed you're <25. Law school can happen any time. Your child's most critical developmental years happen only once, and the care you provide during those years will do much to shape his life *for the rest of his life.*
Please consider putting law school on the shelf for a few years. It will still be there and the legal market will likely be healthier if you graduate after 2020 or 2021. I remember thinking that delays of any kind would be fatal to my career when I was <25. Wow, I was really wrong. In fact I'm very glad I had no idea of wanting to go to law school until I was 28. What you will gain in maturity and perspective in raising a little boy and being in the real world for a few years will radically set you apart for admissions when the time is right.
Anyway, don't give up, and don't postpone your career goal, either! If this is something you want to do, then you'll do it! It's just a few hours on a single day. Don't let that stand between you and law school. You've already done the hardest part - completed undergrad. You can find the time to prepare... even if it's a 20 minute sesh here and there, on your way to work, etc. Definitely watch JY's videos, too. They're quick, to the point, and very effective.
Good luck!
I just wanted to highlight something that's already been said here. Only you can decide whether now is the right time for you to pursue law school or not BUT... if you decide to continue studying, ditch that Kaplan book fast. Best case scenario- it's a waste of your time, worst case- it's actually going to end up being detrimental to your performance.
I totally understand not being able to afford the 7Sage course at the moment but please consider getting something like the LSAT Trainer (even Manhattan Prep). Especially since free time is at a premium for you at the moment, you need something that uses authentic questions. I can't stress this enough- find the nearest trashcan and chunk that Kaplan book in it (maybe a little dramatic but you get my point haha).
Either way, I wish you tons of luck!
Definitely ditch Kaplan. I would recommend the LSAT trainer for you over Manhattan (even though I prefer Manhattan for LR over LSAT Trainer) because I believe that the set up of the book is really conducive to your needs. Make it a point to read a chapter or two a day. The progression of the book really helps you understand what the test is actually testing and forces you to start with the broader concepts first (like flaws), before getting into the nitty gritty. I would then recommend getting Manhattan LR and RC to really hone in on specific question types.
I'd say ditch the Kaplan book immediately and as soon as you can get the 7Sage starter pack, just opt for that, you shouldn't need more as you'll need to buy PTs and the like now. As others have mentioned, you can get started on some LG stuff now if you want using the free explanations. If you can't afford the LSAT Trainer yet just go to the website and read all the free stuff you can. In fact, I'd read all the free tips on there and here (including everything in the free curriculum) that you can find until you can get the 7Sage starter program. Once you can do that just make a realistic schedule for yourself, bust your ass and remember you're doing this not just for yourself, but for your family, so it makes any up front sacrifices more than worth it. If you need any help or have any questions feel free to PM me anytime and I'll be more than happy to help. If you really want this, now is the time to do it because life will carry you away with lots of other things and it can be hard to go back, especially once you're a parent. Good luck and hang in there!
For me, I'm in the military, I also have a freelance programming and web development clients to deal with along with helping a non-profit organization. My goal is to get into the local law school because I plan on living here after school and thats the best way to get into the local industry. They aren't looking for a 170+, heck they're not even looking for a 160+ probably. I want to do the best that I can but I know its more important to bring home money for the mortgage and pay my bills. I'm lucky enough that I've been able to understand a bit of this LSAT stuff so even though I continue to push for a higher score I'm not worried about it, LSAT studying is not my primary focus. That's my take on it and I encourage you to figure out your priorities and go from there.
Also the support is out there, you can search TLS and other places and find countless stories and people who took their course/used their materials/whatever and still scored a desperately low score. Not the case with 7Sage.