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Hi guys i created this forum to try and get some reverse splitters connected! I myself and pretty much a super reverse splitter with a very high GPA and much lower GPA. I wanted to talk admissions and success rates with everyone! I have been accepted to a top choice but waitlisted at a "safe" school. Welcome to being a reverse splitter lol
I'm a reverse splitter! Would love to hear where you got in and what your stats are. I've started some applications but my LSAT score is preventing me from applying to more cuz idk how much of a chance I have. Definitely following this thread !
I’ve applied to 10 schools, and gotten into Toledo! I actually heard back from them about a week from applying. Being close to home and very affordable, it’s one of my top choices, so I’m happy to have that relief of getting in somewhere that I would go gone! I am an Ohio resident so I have pretty much applied to most of the law schools in the Ohio area including Indiana, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania schools. How about you?
I don’t really talk about my numbers but my GPA is about 3.85 while my LSAT is around average. I’ve always been horrible at standardized tests
Congrats on getting into a top choice so quickly. That's got to be a stress relief knowing that whatever else happens you have that one down. Great job
Thank you so much! Keep me updated about your progress as well !
@TimeIsMoney I fully understand what you mean. I've never been good at standardized exams so the LSAT has been a monster to tackle. Congrats on getting into a top school though!! I'm in California so I'm mostly trying for schools in CA since this is where I plan to practice. I have thought about schools in other states, but haven't really committed yet. My GPA is pretty much a 3.78 stem major and my LSAT is probably considered average too. I am re-taking in November since I scored lower than my PTs the first time around so hopefully I can bump my score up to at least my PT scores. I haven't sent in any applications yet as I'm not sure if I should wait for my November score or send some now with my current score. What do you think ? Either way, congrats and looking forward to hear where else you get into! Best of luck
Come on reverse splitters! I'm waiting on my October score and it's killing me haha. Honestly, I've started applications, but if I haven't reached my goal with the October LSAT I'm probably going to take a short break try again next year. I know I can improve if I devote more time to studying and I don't want my GPA to go to waste
Thank you!! Good luck with your applications as well! If I were you, I would apply now and not send an LSAT score yet. Wait for November, I am sure you will improve. But getting your application in now with a high GPA will put you towards the top of the schools list. When you get your November score (which I know will be higher!!) send it in. That way they know you are making it a priority to apply but getting them your best score. To be honest with you, I took the LSAT flex in July and did a little worse than my practice tests which I expected. For now I’m rolling with it with no retake. If I don’t get the results, I will re apply next cycle. Keep me updated on your progress and good luck in November!!
I hope you did great on your October score!! To be honest with you I think the LSAT is a money sham and does nothing but hurt your academic record (if you are like me and suck at standardized tests). I mean spend thousands of hours and dollars on a 2 hour test is crazy to me. Don’t think it accurately represents law success-end of my rent lol. I’m taking the stance of getting in a respectable school making as many connections as I can. I don’t think rank is everything, if you can connect with people and build relationships you will be successful. Don’t beat yourself up about a score, but I am sure you kicked a** on it. Keep me updated on your progress!!
@TimeIsMoney I absolutely agree that LSAC's money-grabbing tactics are just shameful. Having said that, if a few thousand up front saves me hundreds of thousands later, I'll take the up-front investment. I'm not overly concerned with rank, but I'm still holding out hope for a substantial scholarship somewhere, even at the cost of postponing law school a year. And I didn't put all this effort into studying just to be taken out by test anxiety (the reason I'm a reverse splitter lol). So now it's personal haha
You guys can both make it, whether this year or next, and don't get me started on LSAC's money grabbing scheme. When I first looked into things I was planning to ED somewhere, probably Wash U. I guess only planning to apply to one school I did not pay attention to how CAS fees worked. When I went to sign up the other day I got the nasty shock that I will need to pay hundreds of dollars to them just to send my application materials to schools for me. Like I couldn't do that myself. 195 up front and 45 a school. As an extreme splitter I am planning to blanket 8-10 schools and that is, including the LSAT test fee, is 755 to 845 dollars just to LSAC. What kind of nonsense is that? It does not cost you 500 dollars to compile my application materials and send them on to schools. I waited too long to request a fee waiver, they are backed up 6 plus weeks, so this is probably going on the credit card for now. Hopefully I can get a lot of school fee waivers at least.
@"christina.parchem" @VerdantZephyr
Yep i am on that train. Already paid all those fees and applied. I would consider myself extreme as well so I applied to 10 schools. I did all the compiling of paperwork and stuff in the summer because I knew they would not be able to keep up in the fall. I applied first day at all my schools.
I definitely agree that postponing a year could save you a ton of money. I am just so ready to start law school and get paid that I am looking too far in the future lol. test anxiety is real, especially when so much is on the line. But don't let that control your mind or who you are!
@TimeIsMoney thank you! I hope to score better in November. Crossing my fingers ! As for applications, how do you send the application without the LSAT score ? My impression is that once you have a score on record and you send in your application, the schools will automatically get the score too? But they also know if you're registered for another exam (which I am). I heard some schools will wait to see what your second score is and others will consider it complete and judge based off what is sent in initially even if you do get another score later. So that's the only reason I've put off applying for now. I am just conflicted as to what the best course of action is in my case 🤔 Also, do you know if the résumé portion is a huge part of the application ? I'm non traditional in the sense of I did not consider law til my senior year of college since I was pre med initially... So I don't have really any legal experience and so far, I am one year out of college. No legal experience or work experience since college due to me focusing on the LSAT 😭I'm wondering if I need to write an addendum now
I think when you apply you can attach an LSAT addendum and tell them another score is coming, or just email the admissions team at the schools. They will wait to review it until your new score is ready. I think the Resume can be a big part of the application process if you are borderline in terms of LSAT score and GPA. Even if you have no law related experience, put it on there. Law schools often look for diversity in majors and experiences! I personally know a guy who was a practicing doctor for 15 years and went back to get his law degree! You should be proud to have a diverse background honestly. You can add that info to your LSAT addendum if you decide to add one!!
Update: I got into one of my safe schools and got a great scholarship!!!
I am also a reverse splitter. I had a 3.92 in undergrad, and am scoring in the 150’s (waiting for October score today, but i have a feeling i wont score up to my PT’s, so im signed up for November as well). I an a URM, with a lot of great work experience and currently on my year off before law school. I really want to go to a T-14, but the LSAT is the only thing holding me back. I know I need roughly a 165 to have a solid shot, but I will still apply with the score I have and see how it goes. If i dont get into any of my top choices, I will either attend a safety school and try and transfer a year in, or take another year off to study (even though I really want to be done with this test and start law school). We will see.
Another update: I have got into 3 schools. 2 safety, 1 target. I got waitlisted at 2 schools, 1 target 1 reach. Waiting on 4 other applications. Anybody getting any decisions?
@TimeIsMoney huge congratulations on all those acceptances! That's incredible! Do you mind sharing which school you applied in Indiana, was it Bloomington? Did you get in? Bloomington is on my list too, I'll be applying after Nov test as a reverse splitter too.
Yes, I am in same spot. I was a chemistry major in college and got a 3.77 GPA. But, I am a bad standardized test taker, and am hoping I can get between 155 and 157 on January test.
@avoro002 thank you so much!! I actually applied to IU in Indianapolis. My brother lives in Indy and that would be a great fit for me! Plus I have a much better chance to get good scholarship money there. I got in IU- Indy and waiting on scholarship stuff. I still may apply to Bloomington! I'm an ohio resident so i'm trying to avoid as much out of state tuition as I can... how about you?
@x1amp9898 sounds like a similar situation to me...155-157 with you high GPA is good. Don't let a lower LSAT score bring you down or determine your future. I will be the first to tell you I got lower than that and am having success applying. If a school doesn't want you, then why would you want them! Good luck on the test, and understand that a single test score doesn't determine who you are!
@TimeIsMoney Thanks so much for the words of wisdom! Much appreciated.
I got into another one of my top choices... maybe this is the year for reverse splitters everyone!!!
@TimeIsMoney Congratulations on all your acceptances!! So glad you got into some of your top choices. You give me hope as a potential reverse splitter :')
@karko2525 thank you!! I think there's hope this year for sure!! right place right time you might just get accepted to a school you thought you had no chance at!