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Letter of Recommendations with work experience

Hi all,

I have roughly 2 years of work experience and I am torn choosing only 3 letters. I have secured 2 letters from professors (one professor worked with me for a year and the other professor is from a class that I got an A) and the other 2 letters from my colleagues. In this case, would it be better to have 2 professors and just one colleague? I'm not sure how much the other professor knows about me just from a class even though I attended his office hours quite often.



  • noonawoonnoonawoon Alum Member
    3481 karma

    If by colleague you mean non-manager, you should leave these LORs out. I have heard from admissions deans that this is akin to having a friend write you a LOR. If the employee wasn't your supervisor, just go with 2 prof LORs only.

  • AllyM_123AllyM_123 Alum Member
    139 karma

    I agree with what @noonawoon said. But if they are supervisors/managers, then you could always get LORs from them and assign them to certain schools. With CAS you can receive multiple LOR and then assign them wherever you want depending on that schools' LOR limits. For example you could submit the 2 academic and 1 professional if there's a 3 LOR limit or 1 each if there's a 2 LOR limit.
    When I asked my professors, I sent them my resume, an explanation of my interest in law school, and different papers I wrote for their classes. If you send material like that, or anything to jog the professor's memory, I bet it would help your professor write a good LOR about you!

  • elena-levelena-lev Member
    93 karma

    Some schools will let you submit four letters!! If you need to or want to choose just three, maybe try to gauge how much schools will get out of each letter. Will the professor provide them with information that will let them know you will succeed? Or is it just a generic letter on your behalf? How will your colleague's letter compare?

    It's great that you have four to choose from! Good luck!

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