PT1-S4-Q24- "Although all contemporary....."

miriaml7miriaml7 Live Member
edited October 2020 in Logical Reasoning 1025 karma

I really struggled to correctly diagram the stimulus, specifically the second premise. The second premise tells us that "only a small portion of CA can be considered MR." I was looking at PowerScore's explanation and they diagramed this premise as:

CA -----some-----MR

When I read "small" it didn't register that it implied a "some" relationship between these two ideas. I guess I can see how "small" can imply some, since "small" can imply that at least 1% of contemporary advertisements can be considered MR. However, this was not instinctive for me. I think after going through all the CC lessons, I tend to focus on a more mechanical approach. I look for words key words like "some"/"most"/"few" to determine the presence of an existential or universal relationship.

Any tips on how to not get so stuck on mechanical approach for these types of scenarios?

Honestly, I might just be overthinking this:/


  • Granger DangerGranger Danger Alum Member
    717 karma

    Well, firstly take this question with a hefty grain of salt. This is an old test and this question is weird with its usage of small=some as you pointed out.

    I missed the some relationship when I did this section a few months ago, returned to it this week randomly, and got it on the second time around without remembering much from the previous attempt.

    Bottom line: keep doing more questions. Keep writing down what you missed and key inferences for each question. That is what has helped me the most.

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8491 karma

    Old question, kind of old post, but I wanted to add that while the stem might be dated, the question and strategy are not. You'll encounter words like usually, small amount, nearly all, several, etc. on modern tests, and will have to translate them. I don't think it's a matter of not taking a mechanical approach - this question clearly lends itself to mapping the conditional logic - but just learning to recognize those word as indicators the same way you do for words like if, then, unless, only....

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