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Hi 7sagers!
Happy to announce session number 3 of these free tutoring series! We will be covering LR flaw question strategy. It will be Sunday November 1st at 7pm EST.
I have gone through the 7sage CC twice, taken over 90% of the PTs out there, and am currently scoring in the low 170s. My diagnostic was a 138. I've struggled immensely with this test, and I can show you how I overcame these obstacles.
In this session, we'll cover topics on:
-How to approach flaw questions under timed conditions
-How to actively read and engage with flaw questions
-Why anticipating what the correct answer choice could be is helpful, but why you still need to be careful when doing so.
-How you can still get these questions correct even when you don't anticipate what the flaw is.
We will be using questions from the free diagnostic LSAT test provided on the LSAC website. This session will be helpful for students that recently completed the flaw CC, or are in the PT phase of their studies and is struggling with Flaw Questions.
If this session goes well, I'd be open to hosting more free sessions! Please let me know what topics you'd like to discuss at a future session in the poll below. See you there!
A few additional things I want to mention so we can all get the most out of the session:
1) Please refrain from looking at the correct answer choices when we are going through problems. It is to your benefit to be unaware so you can learn!
2) Please make sure your microphone is on mute during the session, unless you are the person volunteering to help answer a question.
3) I will be asking for volunteers throughout the session. If you would like to volunteer, please type it in the chat box.
4) The session will last around two hours, questions unrelated to the topic at hand should be saved until the end.
5) If you learned something helpful, all I ask for payment is that you share the knowledge with others that could be struggling. After all, we rise by lifting others up.
Let me know if ya'll have any questions. Hope to see you there!
Chris Nguyen is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Free Tutoring, Flaw Questions
Time: Nov 1, 2020 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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Hi there,
Would love to join this session. How do I opt in?
thought the last one was helpful & will be testing some things out on my PT today!
I am also interested!
Very interested!
Hi Chris, I'm interested!
Interested! Last session was super helpful, went -4 on recent RC section (was getting -8 or more!).
Interested! Please let me know how to join.
Definitely interested
Hey! I am super interested. How can I join?
Hi, Awesome! thank you for organizing another amazing session! Please let us know how to join in. thank you!
Yes, wondering how to join
Sign me up please!!!
interested !
Sorry everyone! I forgot to post the zoom meeting link. I’ll do that soon! Looking forward to seeing everyone on Sunday!
@"kimmel.sara" thats AWESOME! So glad you got something out of it!
im interested
Hello! I'm interested, how do I join? thank you
Hi! thank you so much for doing this!! How can we join this session or find the zoom link?
Very interested! How can I join?
Interested and marking my calendar! Thank you for offering your knowledge and experiences.
I would love to join
Yes....., please....., and thank you so very much.....!!!!!!!!. I would love to join too. How do we sign up? I have difficulty/disagreement in choosing the correct flaw for answer choices "Fails to Consider/Takes for granted" and "vulnerable to criticism", especially when one answer choice is possibly too strong or too weak. This is great.........!!!!!!!! This would be helpful. I am financially challenged and LSAT prep is outrageously expensive. Amen, Hallelujah and God our creator bless you. Forgive me to the non-believers.
Im interested
I would love to join this as well!! My email is!
I am interested!
Im very interested! This is very generous and will be super helpful. How do we attend? My email is thanks in advance!
Following so I can cop that sweet sweet zoom link
I am interested in this also.
Thank you so much for doing another one of these Chris, I know a lot of people are going to benefit!
Looking forward to this session!
Very interested! How can I join in?
Interested, thank you for doing this!
Interested! So is there a zoom link or what ~ look forward to it
im interested!
Interested, thanks!
i am interested
I am interested:)
Interested! How do I join?
how do we sign up for the session?
Good afternoon,
Thanks for offering your assistance here. I'm interested. I'll stay posted here for the Zoom link.