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KyleM511KyleM511 Member
edited December 2020 in General 34 karma



  • Granger DangerGranger Danger Alum Member
    717 karma

    Hey! Don't give up! I've taken the LSAT twice and cancelled twice as well! The test isn't easy, but don't ever let yourself believe that it reflects on your intelligence or who you are as a person. I delayed a cycle last year and I am seriously considering delaying a cycle again to get a 170s score. Take a few days or a week off and get your mind off of the LSAT. You can do this.

  • masimasi Alum Member
    170 karma


    I've written the test twice. The last time I wrote it was in Nov/2019.

    Here is what I learned.

    I knew I was going to take the test again. So I decided after the Nov/2019 exam to take a month off relax and reassess my situation. Big mistake!

    One of the hardest thing to do when studying for LSAT is actually getting the motivation to start studying again. After a disappointing score in Nov I felt discouraged and didn't want to hit the books right away.

    Looking back this was my mistake. Taking that month off derailed my momentum. By the time I actually started studying again and getting into the rhythm I was well into March/2020.

    My Advice!

    Don't worry about your 155 and do not take time off as I am assuming you already have the momentum to keep studying. Take at most 2 or 3 days off, if your feeling burned.

    If you feel like you have solid understanding of the material you should do the following:

    Take a flexPt twice a week. One on Monday, taking Tuesday to review it and another one on Wednesday taking Thursday to review it. Friday should be used for drilling. It could be to drill whatever is your weakest section/question/etc...

    IF you feel like you have a lot of weak sections. You should take only one flexPT on Monday, reviewing it on Tuesday. Taking the rest of the week to drill your weakest sections. Make sure your taking a timed practice of LG at least 4 times a week. The timed sections don not have to be new games you can use old sections. As long as they are old enough that you don not remember the answers to.

    I've realised that when I am not consistently taking LG my mark in that section tends to drop.

    Good luck! This test is very difficult and the difficulty is in persistent.

  • 2567ZRdt2567ZRdt Alum Member
    82 karma

    Hi, I feel for you. LSAT's language is unnatural, especially some or most of the LR questions. Each test is a surprise. Don't give up. Take it with a stride and you will succeed, like many of the forerunners. Good luck.

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