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Advice Needed/ Appreciated

mmanjarrmmanjarr Core Member


I bombed my October LSAT and I thought I did so well. I planned on submitting my applications as soon as I received that score and was so discouraged when I saw me score. I am going to take the January exam and hope for the best.

I've talked to admissions counselors and they said that it's okay to apply with the January score but I don't know if they're just saying that. Is it better to wait to submit during the next cycle or take a leap of faith and submit as soon as I get my January score?

(I have really great softs and a good GPA (also URM))


  • LogicianLogician Alum Member Sage
    2464 karma

    Hey there,

    Personally, I'd wait until the next cycle. With that being said, it also depends on what your goals are. If you're aiming for scholarship, then your chances would be quite diminished. If you're simply trying to get admitted, then by all means go for it. Either way if the outcome is not favorable you can always wait until the next cycle.

  • 1952 karma

    technically, you can apply after january but it is true that your chances of acceptance and scholarship would be lower. if you're okay with applying in the next cycle, the outcome might turn out better. 1-year difference isn't too bad when you look at the grand scheme of life. but i'm no fortune-teller. i'd focus on getting a killer score in january then decide after seeing your january score. good luck!

  • brookegojazzbrookegojazz Core Member
    360 karma


    I'm so sorry to hear your October LSAT didn't go well. I bombed my September and November LSAT last year and it was super frustrating. However, after delaying a cycle (and I'm actually delaying again partly because of Covid and because my LSAT just keeps improving), I have to say that it has been worth it! I found myself trying to settle last year/even earlier this year because the LSAT wasn't coming as fast as I would have liked. Turns out for me that I'm not a natural at the LSAT, but it truly is learnable! I have improved 18 points since I started studying the LSAT and 12 points since my take last November and am starting to hit in the 170 range. The reason I say this is, don't give up and don't settle. If you have different goals than what your LSAT score currently reflects, from my real life experience, it's worth the wait! I had to shift my expectations of when I'd go to law school but it's opened up so many more doors of the type of education I can get and the lawyer I can be (not to mention the cost/scholarships).

    A few ways I made real improvement were all from 7sage and being patient with the process/advice given on here. I found a group on here to study with that really helped and eventually found a 7sage tutor. Because of delaying a cycle I have actually upped my goals of where I want to attend and scholarships and it is more motivating than had I just settled last year for a low score/not my dream school or education.

    You've got this, and you're not alone! I've been studying for 17 months now! I work full time and have a kid so mine might be a bit of a unique situation for how long it has taken me. But, all this is to say progress is possible and to me, the wait and work is worth it. You can do it!

  • memphman2004memphman2004 Core Member
    21 karma

    Look at it like this. If you don't apply you won't get a chance to see the offers or non offers that are out there. with all the fee waivers it doesn't hurt to apply after January test.

  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    2054 karma

    Definitely do not automatically default to next cycle. If you are a URM with a great GPA someone may take a chance on you this year even if your LSAT is poor. Partially this will depend on how poor and how good your GPA is. Depending on that it may be better to apply now or wait till January, but I would not give up completely. See if you can get fee waivers and apply to the schools you are interested in. If you miss you miss, there is always next year where you can apply super early and have that LSAT you wanted. Good luck, you are more than your test score. Reverse splitters get in all the time.

  • mmanjarrmmanjarr Core Member
    43 karma

    Thank you so much for all of your input and support.!!

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