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Hi 7sagers!
For this session, we are having a guest speaker! @DINOSAUR is a 7sager with PTs averaging in the 170s. English was her foreign language. We have been study buddies for a few months now, and her strategies and approach has helped me immensely in understanding the LSAT - she's amazing! We are going to discuss her struggles, strategies, and advice to approach this test as a student who grew up speaking a foreign language. Although this webinar is geared more towards ESL students, I think it will be helpful for all students to attend (the LSAT is a foreign language to everyone, let's be real).
We'll be going over a passage from the June 2007 PT to see how she approaches the passage and how she learned to read complex grammar and hard sentences. It will be Friday, November 20th at 7pm EST. Please comment below if you're interested!
Let me know if ya'll have any questions. Hope to see you there!
Chris Nguyen is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Approaching RC as an ESL Student
Time: Nov 20, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 817 1598 5241
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Thank you for doing this boss! Looking forward to joining!
interested! thank you so much for this again!!
I'll be there!
Amazing opportunity!
Will be there. Thanks Chris.
Interested! Thank you!
Interested Ill be there
Interested! Sounds super helpful!!
I'm in! Thanks
Interested! Thank you
Started my Prep Yesterday with a 152 on the June 2007 Cold, Waiting for this !
Thank you once again for organizing this! it is very helpful!
I'm interested!
Interested!! Thank You
This is really cool. I don't think I will be able to drop in, but love that you are doing this @Christopherr and @DINOSAUR
Yes, I am interesting.
I'm interested!
Looking forward to seeing everyone soon!
Thanks, Chris and Cindy! Tremendously appreciated this session. Best of luck to everyone!
thanks again Chris!!
Hei, do you have a recording! I need it! Missed this chat(((((
I'm really sorry @Karlygash but these sessions aren't recorded
We'll have more in the coming weeks!
When and what time?