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Leaving unique job I wrote about in personal statement bc COVID stress--how do I tell schools?

msudul20msudul20 Core Member

I decided to put in my two weeks with my very interesting government/political job. Because it is so unique, I am leaning heavily into sharing this experience in my applications, and I wrote about it in my personal statement. My work has been really critical to me realizing I want to go to law school but I have anxiety about being safe while continuing in the role through the next year (hopefully not) of the pandemic.

I'm finishing up applications to my safety schools using my current LSAT and will submit applications to my reach schools after I take the January test. How do I tell schools that I am leaving this really special job without it negatively impacting my applications?


  • edited November 2020 1952 karma

    i think this is a fair reason for leaving, because i'd want to prioritize my health over all others.
    i think some apps have an "employment" section where you can write your reason for leaving, but i do remember that some don't.
    if this worries you too much, i think i'd consider putting a little note on my résumé, but i don't think it'll be that necessary. alternatively, you can consider writing a short addendum, which i think is fair because people have used this space before to explain their gaps in employment. but because you'd be leaving your unique role which helps connect to your desire to go to law school, you'd need to make a compelling case for why you left - and i think you can (i.e. health).
    take care and stay safe!

  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    2054 karma

    I think it is fine to write your PS about it. You won't have the job when you go to law school anyway. I would say though that if you submit your applications after quitting and write your PS about the job make sure it is clear that you left it and why you left it. Also, I am presuming you have held this job for more than a few months. It might be a more delicate situation if you left this amazing job you wrote about after only a few months because graduate programs want an assurance you will finish what you start. That doesn't mean you can't still write about it, your health is a valid reason for that, but you will want that to be clear.

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