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iOS App

Christian RipleyChristian Ripley Free Trial Member
edited December 2013 in Technical Problems 25 karma
Does the app require a separate account from my 7sage account? I've tried to log in multiple times yesterday and today with the correct email address or username and password only to see "wrong password" or "try later".


  • Alan Cheuk-2Alan Cheuk-2 Administrator
    3128 karma
    Strange, you should be able to use the same email and password. The "Try later" message appears when there are too many failed login attempts in a row.

    I just tested it with a new account and it worked for me. Perhaps one of the characters doesn't work so well with the iOS keyboard? Please try changing your password and trying again with the new password. Sorry for the trouble!
  • DaisyyyyyDaisyyyyy Free Trial Member
    53 karma
    Hi Alan, i also got a problem…the app doesn't have a " start" button after i installed, although it is indicated at the top of the app that " press start to begin"...
  • Litian.ChenLitian.Chen Free Trial Member
    136 karma

    i think they modeled it according to iphone 5 or iphone 5s...for guys like you and me who are left behind by latest technology, we have to suck it up...i've been using my ipad....
  • DaisyyyyyDaisyyyyy Free Trial Member
    53 karma
    Hi Litian, thanks for the information.
  • Alan Cheuk-2Alan Cheuk-2 Administrator
    edited December 2013 3128 karma
    Yeah that one was totally my fault. I cleaned up the UI a few hours before sending the latest update to Apple and totally forgot to test it on an iPhone 4/4S. Sorry!

    I sent in the fix on Tuesday night and it is currently under review by Apple. I hope that it will be up within a few days, but Apple has taken up to 10 days to approve our apps before.
  • Christian RipleyChristian Ripley Free Trial Member
    25 karma

    I changed my password but the results are the same. I've been extremely careful to ensure the correct input of my email and password so I do not think that is the issue. No worries though, in the meantime I can make an account specifically for use with the app.
  • Alan Cheuk-2Alan Cheuk-2 Administrator
    3128 karma
    Good news: the fix for the hidden "Start" button on iPhone 4/4S is now in the App Store! If your phone didn't autoupdate the app already, you can do it by going to the "App Store" app, then tap "Updates" at the bottom, and click "UPDATE" next to the 7Sage LSAT app.

    I hope this helps, CrackLSAT and Litian.

    Christian, thanks for following up after my suggestion didn't work. After I saw your message I dug into the system and think I found the problem - if you have certain characters in your email or password the login system wouldn't work.

    I made a fix for this and submitted it to Apple just a couple minutes ago. They can take up to a couple of weeks to approve, but I hope it will be done within a week.
  • DaisyyyyyDaisyyyyy Free Trial Member
    53 karma
    Thanks Alan!
  • Alan Cheuk-2Alan Cheuk-2 Administrator
    3128 karma
    Update: The fix for logging in with emails or passwords that have certain characters is now in the App Store. Sorry for the mishap, and thanks for letting me know about it!
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