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Free Tutoring Session, Sufficient Assumption and PSA, Saturday, March 6th, 7:00pm EST

Chris NguyenChris Nguyen Alum Member Administrator Sage 7Sage Tutor
edited March 2021 in Study Groups 4599 karma

NOTE: This thread will be constantly edited to contain upcoming tutoring sessions.

Hello 7sagers!

During this session, we'll be going over how to approach SA and PSA questions using the J07 PT. Hope to see you there!

A few additional things I want to mention so we can all get the most out of the session:

1) Please refrain from looking at the correct answer choices when we are going through problems. It is to your benefit to be unaware so you can learn about the process!

2) Please make sure your microphone is on mute during the session, unless you are the person volunteering to help answer a question.

3) I will be asking for volunteers throughout the session. If you would like to volunteer, please type it in the chat box. Please volunteer! I promise I don't bite, and you can only come out of it with learning something new.

4) The session will last around two hours, questions unrelated to the topic at hand should be saved until the end.

5) If you learned something helpful, all I ask for payment is that you share the knowledge with others that could be struggling. After all, we rise by lifting others up. :smile:

Let me know if ya'll have any questions. Hope to see you there!

Chris Nguyen is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Free Tutoring Sessions
Time: Saturday, March 6th, 7:00pm EST
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